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P: Photoshop 3D features are being removed

Adobe Employee ,
Aug 17, 2021 Aug 17, 2021

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As of Photoshop 22.5, released in August 2021, Photoshop’s 3D features will be discontinued. 3D features have enjoyed long success within Photoshop over the course of  10+ years, however the personal computing industry has recently been transitioning away from use of OpenGL  (having to do specifically with the use of GPUs, which is critical for 3D) toward native GPU APIs, which ultimately began the slow deterioration of Photoshop’s 3D features, all of which needed OpenGL. As difficult of a decision as removing 3D features from Photoshop is, the silver lining is that the next generation of 3D content creation tools from Adobe is already here. Check out the Substance line of 3D products.


For more details, please visit Photoshop discontinued 3D Q&A.

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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2021 Oct 08, 2021

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Are you using a student account by any chance


2021-10-08 17_08_42-Update apps to the latest release of Adobe Creative Cloud — Mozilla Firefox.png





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New Here ,
Oct 11, 2021 Oct 11, 2021

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Question regarding depth mapping, retro red/blue lense anaglyph image creation, and the rest. 


I've been trying for a few days to find a good way of replicating the effect seen in the below tutorial:


This tutorial relies heavily on the "new mesh from layer" and "postcard" features to create a depth mapped anaglyph, and I have had no luck finding other ways to recreate this effect. 


Any reccomendations on ways to recreate this effect, or which one of the new 3D programs would be able to do so? Finished design is for print, not 3D rendering.


Before you ask I have already attempted rolling back to version 22.2 (3D options are still greyed out except for the link to buy the new programs) and deactivating the native canvas. Neither have had any effect and our IT is sumped as well. Quite frustrated.




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Mentor ,
Oct 11, 2021 Oct 11, 2021

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This is easily achieved in Blender. A couple of addons do simplify setting up a scene for printed anaglyph image creation, however.

  1. download Blender from Blender.org.
  2. In the Preferences (Edit-->Preferences-->Addons) activate the Import-Export: Import Images as Planes addon.
  3. To simplify the camera to print setup, download and install this Render to Print addon:
  4. Next, select the camera in your scene and reset the rotation (Object-->Clear-->Rotation, Alt-R). This points the camera downwards. It is also a good idea to clear the position (Location) at this point. The camera will point down to the center of the scene.
  5. Now import all the images. File-->Import--> Images As Planes. Select all the images that you would like to import in the scene.
    Set the Material settings to Emit. Choose Camera in the plane dimensions. Face to the camera and activate Track Camera as well.
    Play around and experiment with the various settings.
  6. Switch to the rendered view (fourth small ball icon at the top right  of the viewport). The images should now be displayed.
  7. Switch to the camera view: press numpad 0.
  8. to change the camera to a print setup, open the Output Properties (small icon of a printer in the properties panel). If you activated the print addon, there should be a Render To Print area where various print presets may be selected. After picking one, hit the Apply Print to Render button. The camera changes size accordingly.
  9. reposition the camera and the image planes.
  10. In the Output properties (small camera icon/tab in the properties panel) activate the Stereoscopy option.
  11. Select the camera, and new stereoscopy options become available in the camera properties. Play with these settings until you are happy. The 3d effect is viewable in the viewport. Put on a set of anaglyphic red-green glasses to test.
    It is possible of course to include real 3d objects in your scene as well, instead of mere flat planes.
  12. To render the final image, hit the F12 key. If you render with Eevee (the default) it should take a second, or so, to produce the final image.


Let me know if you have questions. You will have to learn the basics of Blender and navigating a 3d scene to be able to follow along here.




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New Here ,
Oct 24, 2021 Oct 24, 2021

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that's pretty sad, 3d was a very handy thing





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Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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Looking for some guidance due to the reshuffle of photoshops 3D features.

As part of our work we use Photoshop to manipulate photography with 3D elements shaped as signage. This way we can create an indication of how the new signage element(logo) would look like in the current situation. These 3d elements are either provided by the client or made by us in Photoshop. 


What would be the propossed new way of working when i would like to manipulate a picture using a 3d shaped element?

We could create the elements in substance or blender for example but since we also need to remove all the old elements in the picture we would need a program to bring the cleaned up picture (photoshop file) and the 3d element (blender or substance) together as the new visual. This is what we used to in photoshop.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

Robin Mentink




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Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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if you want to stay with Adobe you could use Stagger... worth the extra $ depends who you ask?


ref = https://community.adobe.com/t5/dimension-discussions/introducing-adobe-substance-3d-stager-and-dimen...


I'd move on to Blender or Iclone but one takes a long time to learn and the other is Windows only




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New Here ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Thank you! Started playing around with dimensions since i dont need all the features of substance.

Will transition once we've got the know of dimensions though




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Participant ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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When comping 3D and 2D imagery I use the following workflow. I don't use Blender but the steps should work well there as well... 


I'll model the 3d element first in my 3d program. Out of the 2 you mentioned I'd pick Blender as it's a modelling program and afaik, Substance is more of a texturing package.


If the model needs textures for surface appearance, I'll set these up in Photoshop and then import and apply them to the model in the 3D app.


I import the backplate image into the 3d software as a background image and match the models postion, camera viewpoint and lens etc to the reference image. I'll light the object to match the reference image.


Once done I'll render the 3D model without the backdrop image and save as a 32bit .exr format with transparency for opening in Photoshop. 


In Photoshop I'll then open the saved render and comp it with the 2d image. Invariably the 3d image needs fine tuning for colour, contrast etc along the way and if I need to retouch and adjust the 2d image I'd do that as well, using the 3d element as a guide. Any changes to the model, camera etc are done back in the 3d program and the image is re-rendered.


A good workflow is to placed smart objects as you can update the placed 3d render if you update the render image, though I find it doesn't work great with .exr format, so If  I  think I might need this, i usually save the render as a .hdr format instead. Shouldn't be a problem if the render is saved in any 8 or 16 bit formats however.


There's a bit of a learning curve if you haven't used 3d software before, but if you stick with it, there's loads of great benefits to using 3d programs in conjunction with Photoshop. Blender's looking really good these days and it's free. The realism you can create is great and the creative options available are really quite limitless.







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New Here ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Thank you for sharing your workflow. This helps understanding how to add 3D to our workflow in a proper way.


We will be playing around with the adobe suite to manage our creation process and are looking to create the 3D elements in blender for now.


Yesterday i've imported the 3d file of a signage element in Dimensions and put the picture behind it as s background. Workes for now and is also not that hard to create. The output is .psd which allows us to do some retouching after the render. But the extra size of the files is a pain though..




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2021 Oct 25, 2021

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WOW thats horrid, well kinda glad i never got into this as part of my workflows for anything... tried once or twice but was too slow what could have been done in after effects. sounded like a nice thought to have a 3D layer you can adjust the angle of but I guess its too late now. Also Agree with some now I have to spend more to get Substance side package.. I was forcing myself to get used to Dimensions being back YAY but ugh its now gone to Substance (Thank you Adobe...) that app did need a bit more control features but still got the wrk odne if you figured out a workaround patch... I am not upgrading to substance at all thanks for the thought i'' force myself to re-learn Cinema4D again wish i had never stopped. no longeer wasting my time learning any other adobe 3d app in fear it might be removed or later converted to charge. On Adobe staff that worked effortlessly to get the 3D feature in PhotoShop thank you for breaking the norm.


Oh My other issue anyone else having transform handles dissapearing on them or not showing up when command + T keys are hit? then you move the layer content and the content visual on screen not the layer panel dissapear and you have to zoom out and in or zoom out and move the layer to see where the layer contents are at? I just removed 25.xxxx going back to 24 never had that issue with transform handles or layer content dissapearing. annoying to have to move, zoom out in to reveal your layer contents back. I had an Adobe tech go in my mac last time previous incriment update and turn off something that fixed it now its back with current update to this date of post and i turned off performance and all 3 new scale up feature detials and the other two items in that and still wont fix it.




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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adobe basically blames innovation for it.

they used OpenGL.. OpenGL now sucks (adobes words in the FAQ why they removed 3D from PS) and they have no intention to use a "better" API.


that is basically what they give as explanation for removing 3D from photoshop.

subscription rocks!


you can buy another subscription for the recently aquired substance 3D apps.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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I am now focusing on Unreal Engine for all my 3D renders and what ever else Unreal Engine can handle video effects you name it. Plus its free! Sorry adobe. I was excited to see the resurection of a long time name Dimensions but it def lacked a bit more control. if the force to use Substance with subscription is the new direction... eeek sorry to say i'll invest my learning of Unreal Engine moving forward. Blender/Cinema4D.




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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i guess all the actions coder who sell actions will be very happy that their actions will not work anymore when using removed features.

and the customers who bought these actions will also be extremely happy.


type 3D and displacement functionality is removed too right?


it´s always nice to see that adobe creates an utter mess for their users with each new update.


but we have the youtube clowns who praise every new version and barely cover the negative parts.....





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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I am watching the keynote right now and your comment is funny. plus the 1:22 into the keynote reminds me of Quixel Bridge free to use on Unreal Engine. Yeah Adobe, I am looking at other options and heavily focusing on Unreal Engine now. Substance creation is free by adobe but needs a 3D plan now? 




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New Here ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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Dear Adobe Employee,
show me the posibility of *.obj file import into the Substance 3D Designer or any other Substance family app. If cannot, it is not the replacement for removed 3D Photoshop functionality and we are not able to creat our own 3D objects, any more.
If you know some option, share and beat all the Adobe support team, with one good answer to the question asked 12 times.




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New Here ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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show me the 2D to 3D basing on vectors, functionality




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Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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another good option to Blender is Sketchup ... when it comes to actually making models




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Community Expert ,
Oct 26, 2021 Oct 26, 2021

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"show me the posibility of *.obj file import into the Substance 3D Designer or any other Substance family app."


I'm not an Adobe employee, but that would be :

Substance 3D Stager - File > Import > 3D Model

Substance 3D Painter . New > File Select > Open

Substance 3D Designer  Right click on material package and choose Link > 3D Mesh


To create a 3D mesh, use a package like Blender 3D, it is free, much more powerful than anything in any version of Photoshop, and integrates with Substance (Adobe are one of the Corporate Gold contributors to the Blender development fund).
















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Explorer ,
Oct 27, 2021 Oct 27, 2021

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Has anyone been able to install 22.2 now that 23 has been released? I've been trying and trying but the only versions I have available to install are 23.0 and 22.5.2.. really frustrating. I tried reaching out to Adobe support a couple nights ago and the person I spoke to was clueless, I had to copy and paste quotes from the Q&A to them... 




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 27, 2021 Oct 27, 2021

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I've been looking too! How can I rollback to 22.2?




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

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HI everyone. I'm looking into this and will reply back here.






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Explorer ,
Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

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I have the same problem!!!




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

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Because the many responses in this post address comments not specifically related to downloading a particular Photoshop version , we will post responses and details related to the specific issue of downloading Photoshop version 22.2 in the primary thread for the topic located at the link below. This should make the response easier to find for the topic.

I want to install Ps 22.2 for 3D features but it isn't available







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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 01, 2021 Nov 01, 2021

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We are working to restore access to version 22.2. In the meantime, you can enable the  'Deactivate Native Canvas' switch in preferences > Technology Previews and then restart Photoshop.


The primary discussion post for this issue is here: I want to install Ps 22.2 for 3D features but it isn't available




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 10, 2021 Nov 10, 2021

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We are happy to report that Version 22.2 is available again. Thanks for your patience!






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