Photoshop CS5 autosave feature?
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Hi. Is there a way to set up Photoshop CS5 to periodically save my work? Thanks.
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Nope. Just have to keep hitting save every once in a while so work is not lost.
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Thanks. Can we add the Save button to the menu at the top so we can hit it easily every few minutes?
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No, not built-in anyway. The very fact that you're asking for such a feature is a sad testment to a new and unfortunately lower level of reliability that Photoshop has been exhibiting since CS4.
Perhaps with the complexity of the recent performance enhancements comes more problems; I've certainly noticed a difference. I used to be able to edit for hours upon hours, on image after image, with CS3 and earlier versions. Editing astroimagery is especially demanding, with sessions on one image running to hours.
Starting with CS4 I pretty much had to start Photoshop afresh for each new image I worked on. I'm holding final judgement on CS5 until I use it a bit longer, but I've already seen enough failures (with OpenGL off as well) resulting in lost work to be redone to start to think that it's not as robust as it was a few versions ago. Some may wonder whether my computer is at fault, but this workstation runs for weeks (essentially as long as it takes between Microsoft Updates that require reboots) without faults (and I use it heavily). I'm a career software engineer and Windows sysadmin and I seriously doubt there's a Windows system that's set up or maintained better than this one.
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I will say that this is something we are looking into for future releases of the software. The problem with autosave is as the image gets bigger and bigger an autosave could severly hurt PS performance because we have to write the file to disk during a save. So you would be working in PS and then with out warning PS would write 500MB to disk and PS's overall performance would suffer during the save. I am not saying it is not a good request it is just a little more tricky than just auto save.
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David Dobish wrote:
I will say that this is something we are looking into for future releases of the software. The problem with autosave is as the image gets bigger and bigger an autosave could severly hurt PS performance because we have to write the file to disk during a save. So you would be working in PS and then with out warning PS would write 500MB to disk and PS's overall performance would suffer during the save. I am not saying it is not a good request it is just a little more tricky than just auto save.
Yes, but there are many ways to accomplish what we're asking for here. Simply saving the entire file every X minutes (user-specified) and notifying the user that Photoshop is saving their file in the background would really eliminate most of the headaches associated with the temporary slowdown. The same way you're asking us to save the file every so often, we're simply asking Photoshop to do it for us. It's NOT complicated. Even 15 minutes of work between crashes can be annoying (and costly) if it's happening 2-3 times a week.
electriciris wrote:
I have developed a PsdAutoSave plugin which is available at
You can set the frequency of how often it should save, the number of backups, etc. Here is peek at the settings of the plugin:
I'm pretty sure it will do the trick
THANK YOU. David, this is what I'm talking about. Would it have killed someone on your development team to do something like this? Again, we're showed that the real value of the exorbitant price of Photoshop is the community support, not Adobe itself.
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I think AutoSave would be a necessary feature of any future Photoshop version. Creative work is different than anything else -- you can't just go back and redo it. And when we're in the midst of creating stuff, we tend to forget to go to File > Save. By the way, any chance we could have a standard toolbar at the top so we can easily save a file. I know Ctrl (Cmd)-S will do it, but a save button would be wonderful.
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saving their file in the background
Go to moon, pick up rock, how hard can that be?
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Very rude comment. Seems to be the standard from the employees here after what I've seen the past few days of viewing the forums. Comparing an autosave feature to going to the moon is just wrong. Also, obviously if there's multiple plugins from different people out there, it can't be that hard and is doable. Just another example of Adobe being more concerned about things like piracy and useless features no one will ever use, just to add them to the feature list, rather than providing basic features that should have been there from the beginning. Heck, even Microsoft includes autosave in their programs, if they can do it anyone can. Oh, and can we say OS X case-sensitive file system support? What a joke, that is something that any decent company should be able to pull off, guess the anti-piracy measures trump the useful features though! Here's a tip, anti-piracy crap doesn't work, they will always win. Make it useful and full of features, and have good support and we'll keep coming back for every upgrade.
After having Photoshop CS5(.5?) crash on me four times tonight, not even doing anything intensive, but ZOOMING IN and OUT on a 1920x1080 black and white, single layer image, I am returning this piece of garbage software today. So much for being the 'best out there.' Oh and if anyone from Adobe even cares, I am returning it NOT because of the software being buggy, the Third-Party autosave plugins at least made that manageable. I am returning it because of the crap support I get over the phone, as well as the condesending, rude employees who post here. Say goodbye to another CS5.5 Master Collection purchaser.
Oh, and ironically every time I have run across rude, condesending employees, Chris Cox is involved. Adobe, do yourselves a favor and stop allowing him to post.
Rant over, TLDR: You lost another customer due to crappy support, rude employees and the inability to add simple features that would improve the usefulness of your software.
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simmonsjeffrey wrote:
After having Photoshop CS5(.5?) crash on me four times tonight, not even doing anything intensive, but ZOOMING IN and OUT
You might want to update your display driver. What video card do you have? That Photoshop uses the GPU through OpenGL does mean that the display driver needs to be rock solid, and unfortunately many aren't.
Usually the best thing to do is to go to the web site of the maker of the video card, download the latest driver for your hardware, and install it.
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Thank you for the tip, however I am on OS X. We don't really have to mess around with drivers, whatever comes with the latest update is what we use. Ever since getting CS5, I have had odd issues like this. It will be fine for hours, then all of a sudden will crash repeatedly for no reason. It's extremely frustrating, but goes away after a few times. Regardless, it's unacceptable, and Adobe phone support is extremely unhelpful, so I'm just going to return it and go back to Gimp which did everything I needed, I just wanted the "name brand" stuff . Once again, thank you for the suggestion.
Edit: Oh, and in case there IS some sort of problem with my specific video card (unlikely, otherwise it'd be reported much more on these forums I'm sure), I have the Nvidia GeForce 9400M in my Mid-2009 MacBook Pro, running Snow Leopard with latest update.

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simmonsjeffrey wrote:
...Comparing an autosave feature to going to the moon is just wrong...
I seriously doubt that you are saying this from the perspective of a software engineer that has intimate knowledge of the program.
simmonsjeffrey wrote:
...I am returning this piece of garbage software today. ...Say goodbye to another CS5.5 Master Collection purchaser.
There are trials that one can freely download to test the software prior to spending money. Perhaps you would not be so grumbly if you had not paid yet.
simmonsjeffrey wrote:
Thank you for the tip, however I am on OS X. We don't really have to mess around with drivers, whatever comes with the latest update is what we use.
You are in a Windows forum. There is a forum dedicated to Photoshop for Mac here. That forum may help you better understand your platform and the obstacles Adobe has had to deal with to keep up with Apple's schizophrenic development roadmap.
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Compared to all of the features they have in this program, are you seriously trying to say that an auto-save is going to be That difficult? Don't believe it for a second. While I'm not a "software engineer," I am 5 years into a masters in electrical engineer, specializing in microprocessors and know how to code proficiently in Java, C, C++, Assembly, and machine code. So I do have a bit of an understanding in these matters.
And yes, you are right, if I had not paid, I wouldn't be complaining, I would just not buy it. Unfortunately, to download that demo, it would take me about 2-3 weeks due to severe internet issues at my home. Suppose I could have gone to a library or something, but they frown upon huge downloads, etc. Figured I'd just go for it, being big name software I just figured it would work. I won't be giving up on it though, I will most likely be exchanging it for a Windows copy since I have a nice gaming rig that can easily handle PS. One thing came to mind though, do the keys work cross-platform? If so, I'll keep this copy and ask a friend to borrow his Windows install discs. Luckily, I didn't pay $2,300 or whatever crazy price it is, and only had to pay the Education discount price, so while I'm annoyed, at least I'm not fuming angry

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simmonsjeffrey wrote:
Compared to all of the features they have in this program, are you seriously trying to say that an auto-save is going to be That difficult?
Based on many discussions on this same topic, yes. Photoshop would be better engineered as a node or object based image editor to successfully implement partial or incremental saves. That is a huge turn in how Photoshop runs.
Chris has been clear in explaining the issues in other discussions on this topic. He's probably worn out describing them and that is why he resorted to a quick quip here. We already received an answer from another Adobe employee earlier in the dicsussion. Chris apparently added his note after the original employee was ignored or not believed.
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Do you have the option to disable OpenGL entirely via Edit - Preferences - Performance? It might be interesting to see whether that stabilizes your installation.
It's interesting that on the Mac the display driver updates are coordinated tightly through Apple. You may not see as many faulty driver releases, but then I'm thinking you probably don't see updates quite as quickly either.
I really suspect that if you're seeing basic failures just while zooming in and out in a document, that your particular OpenGL implementation for your particular video card is likely at fault (with a second possibility being an intermittent hardware issue). Perhaps there are new nVidia drivers in the works that will ultimately stabilize it for you. I have no idea how long Apple tests those things before releasing them.
I don't see how the video card driver developers, who are responsible for implementing the complex OpenGL standard on their particular GPU, could be much better at making perfect Apple drivers than PC drivers - though I could be wrong.
As an OpenGL application developer myself I have come to realize that, while the video game market has spurred-on the development of more and more powerful GPUs, it's been done at a breakneck pace, with buggy drivers reaching end users simply because of market pressures. Those of us trying to use computers for serious work have had to understand that this is an area of computer development that is driven by an entirely different mindset. Go look at the release notes for any particular driver release... Photoshop barely ever rates even a mention next to Crysis this, Call of Duty that...
I think it's good that Adobe chose to embrace GPU operations through OpenGL, and I'm sure that singlehandedly they've done a lot to get the driver writers to think outside the gamer box, which is good for us all. But not everything's perfect yet, and the individual video card companies do have their internal problems. In my opinion in order of quality, best to worst today, I'd rank the video card makers ATI, nVidia, Intel. My chief engineer - an amazing guy because he's a guru with both Mac and PC architectures - prefers an ATI card in his Mac Pro.
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I have developed a PsdAutoSave plugin which is available at
You can set the frequency of how often it should save, the number of backups, etc. Here is peek at the settings of the plugin:
I'm pretty sure it will do the trick
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I can limit work of your plugin depends of editing file size?
I mean.. I don't wanna autosave when I'm editing 500MB file, but I wish, when I'm editing 10MB file.
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No , but that is a REALLY GOOD suggestion! I will add that feature as soon as possible and let you know!
Update: Feature added. Try the new download
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OK I have it in CS3 x86.
Unfortunately I work in CS5 x64.
But.. I don't have any crashes of PS anyway.
Btw, when I'm choosing destinaton folder for history files, can I explore my windows by that kind of window? instead this tree:
Ps: I don't have this new option, which I can see on a video. I have 1.1 version of plugin, from here:
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Hi Pussik,
Please use the forums on for questions relating to psdautosaver. I don't want to abuse the Adobe forums
I've posted the answers to your questions there. Thank you!
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Looks good but apperently not for CS5?
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Just a quick note to say, PSDAutoSaver for CS5 & CS4 (32 and 64 bit) has just been released:
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just to say a quick hello and thanx on your great effort. you guys helped me a lot. jerry
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Hi all,
The advantage of third party plugins such as psdAutoSave is that they (usually) work with more than just the latest version of Photoshop. PsdAutoSaver works with Photoshop 7 on up, all the way to CS5.
PsdAutoSaver is Windows-only for now, but a Mac version is in the works, and will be released hopefully end of September. It would be sooner, but I'm taking a badly needed vacation
Also, just to help anyone still on the fence, the price of PsdAutoSaver (and SliceMaster) have been dropped to $10 each.
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I don't mean to be a pain, but is it okay to peddle commercial software here?