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Photoshop CS6 icons sometimes do not appear on Macintosh

Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2012 May 21, 2012

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Yes, this is a question.

I've been using my trial of Photoshop CS6 Extended for 10 days now. I have run into a peculiar problem - when saving a file Photoshop does not display any sort of icon. No thumbnail, no generic, nothing. It's not a huge problem, I can always open the image but not by double-clicking on the icon: it's just not there.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if there is a resolution to it - or is it just a bug? I didn't have this problem with the beta version and I've repaired all permissions on my hard drive to see if that was the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

May 25, 2012 May 25, 2012

The thumbnails in the open dialog are provided by the OS (as is most of the open/save dialog).  So there is still a problem with the OS creating or displaying thumbnails.

It's not a matter of blaming Apple without reason, just that Apple has an awful lot of bugs in the OS that don't get fixed very quickly.

Here we know that the OS is responsible for the thumbnails, that clearing the OS cache of thumbnail and metadata fixes it for some people, and that even after that the OS can't always draw the t



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Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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I've never, ever had that box checked, and no Windows user has ever complained about not being able to preview one of my images.

My speculation is that this is a legacy setting from the old days when Macintosh previews were in the Mac-specific "PICT" format.

I cannot imagine why that would be needed today.




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Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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station_two wrote:

... My speculation is that this is a legacy setting from the old days when Macintosh previews were in the Mac-specific "PICT" format...

Why do you imagine that a switch labelled as "Windows Thumbnail" would be for the old Mac PICT files?




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New Here ,
Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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I have been following these forums off and on for years...it seems the majority of responses are aimed at blaming someone else rather than trying to solve the problem...which in this case might oinvolve putting an apple and adobe tech in the same room...I realize this cots money, but the bottome line is...SOLVE the problem....




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Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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We've been in the same room with Apple - and we're doing exactly what they asked us to do.

All the voodoo "solutions" here point to the fact that this is just a bug in Apple's Finder or metadata code.




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New Here ,
Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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I am sorry Chris but I find your responses to be evasive and not constructive...there are many people as you can see, many far more knowledgeable than I, who believe it is an adobe issue. When I suggested get in the same room..I mean NOW...get in the same room now and fix this problem rather than spend so much time trying to convince everyone that you are right and everyone else is wrong...

and to answew rixie's question..yes...if you open CS^ with shift key down you will get a windoe saying it will load without plugins. Do this...work a photo then close it down. Now reopen CS6 and at least for me it resolved the problem.....too bad those far more knowedgeable than me could not have offered this as at least a possible solution




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Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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>> I am sorry Chris but I find your responses to be evasive and not constructive...there are many people as you can see, many far more knowledgeable than I,

And someone far more knowledgable about the situation than everyone else in the thread is telling you that the evidence points to an Apple bug, and all the red herrings being thrown around don't change that at all.




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New Here ,
Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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It would seem to be that adobe, more than anyone else SHOULD want this solved......in order to promote a good product.......which is whey I still find it hard to believe that adobe has not and apparently will not take any initiative to resolve it.




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New Here ,
Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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perhaps a different staff member might help to put this discussion on a direction towards which a solution might be found....tired of being treated as a fool.




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Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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I doubt that any other engineering staff would have stuck with this conversation for this long, since it's obvious that some parties are not listening to the facts or the experts.




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Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012

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>> Try: make a test patch for Photoshop CS6 which will enable the creation of Apple-guideline-compliant icons and let some people who are suffering the problem test the potential solution.

Try: listening when an engineer with firsthand knowledge of the matter tells you that we have talked to Apple directly, and are doing exactly what Apple says we are supposed to be doing.

If it were a bug in Photoshop then every file saved by that version of Photoshop, in every directory, for every user, on every single MacOS system would show the exact same lack of an icon/thumbnail.  Since that is not the case, we can be reasonably sure that the problem lies somewhere in the OS handling of icons/thumbnails.




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Explorer ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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Thank you Captain 1944 It seams a lot has gone onto this thread since yesterday! I tried what you said last night but it didn't appear to work. However, I have opened my computer this morning and the thumbnail is showing. I even checked the test files in my Trash and the thumbnail is showing for them also. The only thing I have done is open Photoshop with the shift key held down, so I don't know if that points to an Apple or Adobe problem.

Someone earlier in this thread mentioned that the problem was occuring (I think) when the bottom layer of their image was blank? For reference, I am not getting this issue if I open a .jpg and process it but, like the other poster mentioned, the problematic file was one where the bottom layer was plain white. I tried flattening and saving as a .jpg and saving as a .psd in layers, but couldn't get the thumbnail to show. Incidently, if I opened the flattened .jpg in Illustrator and saved as an .ai, the thumbnail appeared. I guess Illustrator must save the preview in a different way?

I have a workaround, as I have not yet deleted CS5, so I can open and re-save to solve the issue. However, I am really needing to uninstall CS5 as it is taking up a lot of unnecessary space.

I am not a techy but I thought I would give as much info as I could, in the hopes that Adobe and/or Apple will figure this one out and get it fixed. I have spent in the region of £1000 for this upgrade and thus far, I am not impressed that I can't even get a thumbnail for my file without having to go around the houses. I appreciate that the problem may or may not of Adobe's making but, as plenty of us use Macs, I am surprised that the product was available for sale before full compatability testing had established whether or not there would be any issues.




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Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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As much as I hate to give you bad news in your moments of frustration, be advised that uninstalling CS5 will in all likelihood mess with your CS6 install.  If you absolutely have to recover the space, be prepared to unistall CS6 FIRST, then uninstall CS5 and run the CSClean script, then reinstall CS6 after that and run all the upgrades to bring you up to date.

I know, this is not what you wanted to hear, but it will save you many, many hours of untold grief if you heed my advice.




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Explorer ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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Staition-two, do you know why is causes problems? Another thread told me to make sure CS6 was all up and running and then deactivate and uninstall CS5? I downloaded the CSClean Script and it appears to let you select just the CS5 options?

Any input gratefully receievd




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New Here ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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rixie wrote:

Thank you Captain 1944 It seams a lot has gone onto this thread since yesterday! I tried what you said last night but it didn't appear to work. However, I have opened my computer this morning and the thumbnail is showing. I even checked the test files in my Trash and the thumbnail is showing for them also. The only thing I have done is open Photoshop with the shift key held down, so I don't know if that points to an Apple or Adobe problem.

Seems that the fact that this procedure has now worked for two of us, adobe might try and figure out why???




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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I have been following the thread for awhile because I have this problem intermittently. So I a going through a folder of images, making a a few adjustment and then saving them. Icon were fine until all at once, no icons. Ok I closed PS then opened it with shift key down, closed PS and then opened it normally. Now icon are back. Next time that happens I will just close PS and then open it normally and see if the behavior is the same, as I wonder if it is just closing PS fixes this temporally or if the there really is something to the shift key.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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So, the shift+restart seems to points to a problem with plug-ins. Are affected users running any kind of third party plug-ins? Is there a former plug-ins folder selected in preferences?




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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Okay happened again. But this time starting PS with shift key down does not fix it.




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Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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captain1944 wrote:

what I find so amazing is that adobe seems more concerned with convincing us that it is not their fault rather than resolving the issue for their own good.

The same game is being played in this thread: 101.




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Explorer ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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Antagonising Chris Cox is not a solution either.

I'm frustrated too.

I don't see why it can't be an Apple problem. I wonder what the discussions have been between Adobe and Apple to find a solution.

Or is this a problem effecting a small population of users and therefore it's not a priority. I suspect the latter is true. 

By the way the shift key didn't work for me and I don't see how it could.





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New Here ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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Marc.....that is exactly waht I suggested...get apple and adobe ina room..NOW...and find oiut what the problem is..there seems no interest on adaobe's side to solve this...just blaming it on apple......when, in fact, it should be more of a concern for adobe from a business standpoint




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Explorer ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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Chris said previously in a posting only a few days ago that both companies have been in the same room, that's why I asked what the discussion was. If Adobe wasn't interested in solving this why would Chris Cox respond to so many users here in the forum.




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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When this is happening today I can always get PS to save icons when I put the .DS_Store file in the trash for the folder where the files are being saved to in.




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New Here ,
Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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my understanding was that they HAD been in the same room...all they have to say is " we realize there is an issue and we are working with apple to resolve this".......that is all that it would take.




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Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

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captain1944 wrote:

Marc.....that is exactly waht I suggested...get apple and adobe ina room..NOW...and find oiut what the problem is..there seems no interest on adaobe's side to solve this...just blaming it on apple......when, in fact, it should be more of a concern for adobe from a business standpoint

What incentive does Apple have to fix this?  From their perspective Photoshop's just a single (albeit popular) app having trouble.  Apple's probably comfortable that this issue alone isn't going to drive Apple users to buy PCs, where there's no such problem.

I know nothing of Adobe's inner workings, but what if Chris et. al. really are trying everything they can to get Apple to fix this, and all they do is say "yeah, yeah, soon".





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Enthusiast ,
Sep 03, 2012 Sep 03, 2012

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Well now I can't get PS to write icons no matter what combination I try. Trashing .DS-Store, Starting PS the Shift key down, nothing fixes it. At this point there is no compelling reason to use PSCS6 so I am going back to using PSCS5. If Adobe doesn't want to have PSCS6 create guideline-compliant icons, then to h__l with them.




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