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Photoshop CS6 icons sometimes do not appear on Macintosh

Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2012 May 21, 2012

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Yes, this is a question.

I've been using my trial of Photoshop CS6 Extended for 10 days now. I have run into a peculiar problem - when saving a file Photoshop does not display any sort of icon. No thumbnail, no generic, nothing. It's not a huge problem, I can always open the image but not by double-clicking on the icon: it's just not there.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if there is a resolution to it - or is it just a bug? I didn't have this problem with the beta version and I've repaired all permissions on my hard drive to see if that was the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

May 25, 2012 May 25, 2012

The thumbnails in the open dialog are provided by the OS (as is most of the open/save dialog).  So there is still a problem with the OS creating or displaying thumbnails.

It's not a matter of blaming Apple without reason, just that Apple has an awful lot of bugs in the OS that don't get fixed very quickly.

Here we know that the OS is responsible for the thumbnails, that clearing the OS cache of thumbnail and metadata fixes it for some people, and that even after that the OS can't always draw the t



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Enthusiast ,
May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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I think Adobe answered is to get sucked into the cloud.




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New Here ,
May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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Not, condidering the headaches involved.

Not to mention the environmental concerns with proper disposal...!

Also, have not had time to closely look at box (if they still exist)/download or cloud version.  Presently on trial version by download and info on the 'old way' (buy it and don't owe them anymore) is getting hard to come by.





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New Here ,
Jun 01, 2013 Jun 01, 2013

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The problem is definitely within Photoshop. I've saved a PSD (coming from PS which has NO thumbnail) out of After Effects and the thumbnail icon is magically showing again from finder.




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Jun 01, 2013 Jun 01, 2013

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Sorry, but ALL the evidence so far indicates that this is an OS bug.




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 01, 2013 Jun 01, 2013

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Oh my God, are we going to start down this road again.

All the evidence so far indicates that this is, if it is an OS bug is only caused by PSCS6 and no other piece of software know to man.

Chris Cox wrote:

Sorry, but ALL the evidence so far indicates that this is an OS bug.




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New Here ,
Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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So there are no problems within AFX while there are problems whitin PS and this is an OS bug? Really?-_-




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Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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Chris may be correct that there is a bug in the OS and not Ps CS6, but what he doesn't tell you is that something being done by Ps CS6 triggers that bug. A solution would be for Ps CS6 not to do that something since Ps CS5 didn't do the something.




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New Here ,
Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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The whole situation looks so weird that it seems coming out from a Philp K. Dick book : )




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Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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Until Apple determines the nature of the OS bug, we don't know why some applications trigger it more often than others.

But we have seen reports of icons failing to show for other applications.

Again, ALL evidence still points to this being an OS bug.




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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So we are going to start this some applications BS again.

You can't name one application besides PS that starts this icon not showing bug so why keep repeating these same old lies.




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Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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We've had reports of many applications having the same problem.

We're not sure if it has to do with resource fork icons (common in many applications), something in the metadata, or just a random bug in OS metadata processing that causes some directories to stop processing icons and metadata correctly.




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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Amazing, we have had probably way over 700 posts (if I include all that you have deleted) in this thread and not one report of any other application starting this bug. In fact in over 8 month or so that I have had Icon creating unchecked in PSCS6 I have not had one incidence of this problem occurring.

And, in all this time you can't or haven't named even one application that will start this bug.

And I will bet you that the first version of PSCC will not have this bug.




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Jun 02, 2013 Jun 02, 2013

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We have attempted to work around all the things that we think might trigger this in the OS code.

But since we can't reproduce the problem, nor can apple, nor can most users -- we don't really know if it will avoid the OS bugs or not.




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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Any news if this has been fixed in Photoshop CC?




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New Here ,
Jun 22, 2013 Jun 22, 2013

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Looks like it has been partly fixed.

Can see them in os 10.4.11 Intel core 2 duo

But not in os 10.4.8 PowerPC




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New Here ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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I just returned from the Philippines for 6 months where I was using my MacBook Air to do all my underwater photography work in CS6 PS.  I had forgot about the PS icon problem I was having problems with back home on my MacPro 3.1.  Both machines running the same OS (now 10.8.4) I can't recall how long this problem has been there, but it drove me crazy with either severly pixelated icons, where you couldn't even recognize the image or a blank white space with the title showing but no photo.

Now that I've returned and transferred all the images back to my main MacPro workstation, much to my dismay, the problem with the missing icon has reappeared.  Ever since upgrading to  10.8.2 through 10.8.4 I haven't noticed the pixelated issue, though I'm not really sure the OS upgrade had anything to do with the pixelation disappearing.

What seems interesting, is the disappearing icons happens quite often on the MacPro and so far can be fixed with a simple restart.  While I was on my MacBook Air, I don't remember having the problem? Maybe it was there, but so seldom I can't recall.  The MacBook Air has considerably less software on it, so that may be part of reason? I really don't know and have no way or desire to find out, given what it would take to isolate the issue. Out of all the threads on this issue we are no where closer to finding the culprit.

I find it interesting that a simple restart fixes the problem. What is it about a restart, where a new reload of all start-up files temporarily fixes the issue? Appears more like a bug in the OS rather than Adobe's software? And why mostly on my MacPro and not the MacBook Air?

The next time it happens, I'll have to see what other icons may be missing, other than my PS files.




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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Apparently this is the new normal, http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1240592?tstart=0

It now appears that PSCC will not even attempt to write icons so as to avoid this problem. CS6 was attempting to write icon which causing all kinds of havoc for some of us.

You probably should disable the icon writing in CS6 and let the OS display icons. This is the only reliable way I have found for at least a year now with CS6.




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Engaged ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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You probably should disable the icon writing in CS6 and let the OS display icons.

Hmm, I wonder if that would work with .psd and .psb files out of CC. Try and force the OS to display some sort of icon when Max Comp is off. If it has no icon embedded in the data fork of the file, the OS might try to build something. And the answer is...

...no, it doesn't make any difference. If you have the PS CC prefs to save an icon on or off, you get no icon on the desktop for any .psb or .psd file regardless of whether the desktop option to show icons is on or off. When Max Comp is off, that is.




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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I thought we have always understood that for the OS to display an icon (OS generated) or preview that Max Comp had to be on.




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Engaged ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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With CS6, we've never had to have Max Comp on to see a desktop icon. And that even with the desktop option to show icons off. The OS sees the resource fork icon and displays it. What you don't get is the Preview image in an Open dialogue box. All .psd and .psb files show as blank white.




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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Kurt Lang wrote:

With CS6, we've never had to have Max Comp on to see a desktop icon. And that even with the desktop option to show icons off. The OS sees the resource fork icon and displays it. What you don't get is the Preview image in an Open dialogue box. All .psd and .psb files show as blank white.

That may have worked for you but as this thread clearly demonstrates that does not work for all of us that use CS6. And, it won't work at all for CC.




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Engaged ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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Yes, I know. As I've mentioned many times though, reinstalling the OS after installing the Adobe apps has fixed that issue for us every time. Don't know why, it just does.




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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But reinstalling the OS after installing the Adobe apps has not always worked as reported by others. That is why I have never tried it. I am okay now without having CS6 saving icons and letting the OS generate them. If I need to reduce size to send/ftp a .psd file I can always resave it as Non Comp. Let the receiver resave it as Comp if they want. If they can't do that then they don't need a .psd file anyhow.

Going forward Apple is going to have to find a way to read image information from a Non Comp .psd and .psb to create an icon or Adobe and Apple are going to have come up with a new standard to embed a icon/thumbnail/preview in the data of a .psd and .psb file. Any chance that is going to happen?




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Engaged ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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But reinstalling the OS after installing the Adobe apps has not always worked as reported by others.

Sorry, I didn't make that clear. I have seen that in this mile long thread. It makes no sense to me that is works every time for us on all stations, but hasn't helped other users who attempt the same thing. Makes it even harder to figure out when the same steps don't produce the same results.

Going forward Apple is going to have to find a way to read image information from a Non Comp .psd and .psb to create an icon or Adobe and Apple are going to have come up with a new standard to embed a icon/thumbnail/preview in the data of a .psd and .psb file. Any chance that is going to happen?

Boy! I can't agree more with that! It simply shouldn't require adding an average of two thirds more data to the size of every .psd and .psb file just for the sake of an icon and preview. A .psd or .psb file obviously is a multiple data file. You have the embedded profile, layers, paths, preview and icon all in a single container. Since every other file type PS CC writes produces a simple and SMALL icon and preview to the data fork which the OS can see and display, why can't it do the same thing for a .psd and .psb file? Why is this huge and almost totally useless embedded composite required for just these two file types to get that same icon and preview?




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Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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>> Since every other file type PS CC writes produces a simple and SMALL icon and preview to the data fork which the OS can see and display, why can't it do the same thing for a .psd and .psb file?

Again, we do, and have been, and will continue to do so.

But just because we embed a thumbnail and preview does not mean that the OS will read them correctly.




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