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Hey guys so my pc crashed while Photoshop was open (I save a lot so my progress was ok) But when I opened up the file again all the layers were gone and replaced with one locked dark background layer. See below:
I tried right clicking on the file in my folder and restoring a previous version but no previous versions were there. Tried opening it in GIMP to see if anything would show..same thing.. Not sure what to do.. that was hours worth of work so any help would be appreciated! Oh and I viewed it in a HEX editor and the information is all there just it won't show up in Photoshop.
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear that, please check this forum thread and see if it helps: Restoring a corrupted PSD file
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Hello, to recover your corrupted photoshop files, I think you can use a recovery tool. There are sop many choices, you can select the one you prefer. But as I know, many recovery tolls are expansive and even some are useless, I think you can try Bitwar Data Recovery if you do not have a better choice.
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Hi, maybe you have a backup?
If not, I know the 'horse has bolted' but it's definitely worth having a daily external backup. On disc or maybe a cloud backup, its not expensive now [e.g. Backblaze]. Cloud backupo can be pretty slow, though - with big files.
Also when working on important files perhaps save an occasional copy, just in case.
I hope you've not lost too much important work if this time it proves to be unrecoverable.
Let's hope the recovery suggestions work in this case.
neil barstow, :: adobe forum volunteer
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