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My high school is thinking of removing my desktop computers and providing docking stations for student Chromebooks. IT department insists that since Photoshop is cloud based this will work efficiently. It will also allow students to share their edited files with me for grading. I question whether Chromebooks have the processing necessary to run Photoshop. Any thoughts, ideas or anyone with experience in this type of set up? Please and thank you!
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Photoshop proper will not run on a Chromebook and Photoshop proper is not cloud based, the name Creative Cloud can be a bit confusing. Photoshop proper needs to be installed and will only run on Windows and MAC PC's/Laptops
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Thank you! This is what I thought but the IT department insists otherwise.
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I think you need a new IT Department 😁
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Photoshop does work with cloud based assets, but in fact is NOT cloud based as your IT dept. said, that is just not true.
Please have your school rep that deals with the Adobe Sales rep or CSM talk to them about options for moving forward so that at least you have clear information on what is or is not possible if your IT depts. moves in this direction.
Good luck,
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In addition to what Ged said, Photoshop is not called "Photoshop CC" anymore. It's just Photoshop.
System requirements here:
You are spot on with your thinking, @Jennfier15A9 !
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IT still insists that it will be "cloud-based". Is it possible that it is installed onto our school network and students can access through there via their Chromebooks?
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It could be that they are confused with this..
For optimal performance with Creative Cloud apps, we recommend you keep the operating system of your computer or mobile device up to date. For desktop apps, use no earlier than two versions back of Windows or macOS. For mobile apps, use no earlier than the previous version of iOS or two versions back of Android."
As you can see, Android is listed for mobile apps, but NOT desktop. For desktop apps, i.e. Photoshop, the only two OS are Mac and Windows.
If they have further questions, here are the system requirements for Photoshop and again, no where is Chrome OS listed.
One thing to clarrify, are you talking about Photoshop or Photoshop EXPRESS? If you/they are talking about Photoshop Express, then YES, it does run on Android:
Please confirm exactly what we are talking about and hopefully this is what your IT dept. meant.
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I am talking about full Photoshop. I am wondering if they are looking at apps or Express. In the past, they have made changes that have had a negative impact on my lab, but I did not know about it ahead of time and it took months for the issues to be fixed. Certainly the IT department knows far more about the network management than I do, but when students come back to school and things do not work, I have to deal with the consequnces.
Thank you all for your help. I keep working on it.
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Sounds like the IT department is sorely mistaken. My condolences for the trouble that is going to come from their misguided decision
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Please let us know if you have any other issues or questions, we are here to help.
Thank you,
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@Jennfier15A9 wrote:
It will also allow students to share their edited files with me for grading.
This part of your question has not been addressed. Photoshop allows you to save documents to your desktop or to the Cloud (if IT does not block access to the Cloud). If the files are stored on the Cloud, they can be shared.
As has been said (and as you already knew), Photoshop itself is installed on a Mac or PC.
~ Jane