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Photoshop on iPad: When Will Functionality Be Improved?

New Here ,
Jan 22, 2022 Jan 22, 2022

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Greetings all,

First post here.


I have looked and have yet to find an answer to this. If someone knows the answer I'd greatly appreciate it.


As someone who enjoys the layout/UI of art apps like Procreate (which I understand was designed for iPad), I'm wondering when Photoshop for the iPad is going to have more friendly iPad touch controls and have Photoshop's full functionality? For example, being able to change the brush size easier on the UI, and being able to choose different brushes for the smudge tool. As of right now, the UI doesn't feel intuitive comparatively, and not being able to choose my own custom smudge brush is affecting my ability to really commit to Photoshop's iPad version.


I've been an avid Photoshop user for many, many years and I love my Wacom and Photoshop computer set up. I was so hoping to go mobile for some of my works with Photoshop on the iPad but it's just not quite there yet. I don't care for the other art programs because Photoshop is just so natural to me at this point.


Anyone have any insight to lend? Perhaps I'm missing information?


Many thanks!





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Community Expert ,
Jan 22, 2022 Jan 22, 2022

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@kileyb72336358 wrote:

I have looked and have yet to find an answer to this. If someone knows the answer I'd greatly appreciate it....Anyone have any insight to lend? Perhaps I'm missing information?


Hi Kiley,

Adobe does not announce things until they are ready to announce them. Anyone with insider information would be under NDA and would not be allowed to answer your question.


That being said, when you click "Home" on PS for iPad, you will see a button for New and Upcoming Features. Click it.



It will take you to "What's New". Click each link to learn the new features, and be sure to click the bottom link to "What's Coming".




To put in a feature request, start a new thread in this forum and tag it as an "Idea" instead of "Discussion" so the developers can see and track it.






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New Here ,
Jan 22, 2022 Jan 22, 2022

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Thank you for your quick response!


I figured that if anyone had "insider" information they wouldn't be handing it out. I apologize if that's the implication I gave unintentionally. I'm certainly aware that protected information by most companies not yet meant to be seen would be guarded by legal means.


I was more hoping someone else had heard or seen something that I had missed - perhaps an article or Adobe video. Maybe a setting in the iPad version that I cluelessly looked over somehow. 

I will do as you advise and make a new thread with the tag "Idea" in the hopes it may be considered down the road for future updates. That's a great idea, thank you!






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Community Expert ,
Jan 23, 2022 Jan 23, 2022

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@kileyb72336358 wrote:

I was more hoping someone else had heard or seen something that I had missed - perhaps an article or Adobe video. Maybe a setting in the iPad version that I cluelessly looked over somehow. 


Hi Kiley,


A couple of thoughts:


You can filter to "Ideas" and "iPadOS" to see what is being discussed. If it's a feature you are interested in, you can add your comments and Upvote it. (Remove the filters later if you want to see all the posts!)




Second, you will also see tags from staff on some posts that say "RELEASED" or "UNDER REVIEW" 



And third, if you click "What's Coming" in the "What's New" link (see my earlier post), you will see what is currently being worked on.




Like you, I have Procreate on my iPad, but rarely use it even though it has some nice features. I like being able to work on my files in both the desktop and iPad versions of Photoshop. 😊


~ Jane





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