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{Thread renamed by moderator}
I was trying to render an object, but every time creates a random reflection of the main image on it, with poor dimensions.
I tryed to change light, all aspects of the object, like matalness, but keeps rendering this reflection.
Anyone could help me?
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Hi there,
That does not look right, could you please let us know the version of Photoshop you're working with?
Also, what operating system are you using?
Does it happen with every file or just this specific file?
Have you tried re-creating the Logo layer again and see if it works?
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Hello, thanks for your help
I'm using the last version of Ps20
Windows 10 last build
It happens with a lot of files, specific adobe logos (quad)
yes, I rasterize it, Smart object...
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Was this ever resolved? I'm having the same issue.
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Hi, I'm having the same issue, too.
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I can replicate this and have posted a bug report below which you may wish to add a comment to:
The workaround is to :
a. Select the front material and Edit UV Properties to set scaling to 100% and offset to 0
b. Edit Texture and use transform to adjust the image to match the rescaled UV map