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Hallo ich verwende Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop in der aktuellsten Version.
Bei "für Web speichern" erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung:
"Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden."
Gibt es dazu eine Lösung?
Gruß Dirk Mathienz
{Title edited by Moderator}
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?Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Sorry to hear about the trouble while trying to save for web in Photoshop. We're here to help.
Which version of Photoshop and Windows are you using? What type of file are you trying to export?
Did you try any troubleshooting steps so far?
You can try to reset the preferences of Photoshop using the steps mentioned here:
Please backup your settings prior to resetting the preferences.
You can check:
It can be a problem with Windows Defender. Please, go to Windows Security/Virus & Threat Protection/Virus & Threat Protection Settings/Controlled Folder Access. Click on Manage Controlled Folder Access. You can add the application you want to allow through or just turn off the controlled access.
Try these steps and let us know if it helps.
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Thank you very much.
Windows Security/Virus & Threat Protection/Virus was the Problem.
Now I solved it.
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Unless this is for animated GIF, use File > Export > Export As. For modern web images, you get better results with Export than you do with Legacy Save for Web.
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Hello I'm having a similar error with the "save as web" option but I'm on a Mac (OS Big Sur Version 11.4).
Phhotoshop updates are all done, I reset the preferences, disabled the use of graphics processor, gave full disc acess to Photoshop, changed the size various times, checked that canvas size and image size are the same, reduced the timeline to 13 frames, tried export as (also no chance) and tried save as (gif option does not show). I'm in RGB mode which should work fine, so I'm running out of options, or at least those I could find online.
Thank you!