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Hi! I'm new with scripting and can't figure out how to make one that works for me.
Inside my psd file i have Groups with layers named *shutterstock*. I need to:
For every layerset:
1. Select *shutterstock* layer and every layer below until selection reach to another *shutterstock* layer
2. Group this selection and give it the name of Parent LayerSet.
3.Move created group from Parent LayerSet.
4. Continue loop with another *shutterstock* layer and so on
I have attached screenshot to visualize my goal.
At that point i figgured out how to select *shutterstock* layers:
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
// the file;
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// get number of layers;
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt"));
var applicationDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var theNumber = applicationDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("numberOfLayers"));
for (var m = 0; m <= theNumber; m++) {
try {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "), m);
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerSet = typeIDToStringID(layerDesc.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("layerSection")));
var isBackground = layerDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID("background"));
// if not layer group collect values;
if (layerSet != "layerSectionEnd" /*&& layerSet != "layerSectionStart"*/ && isBackground != true) {
var theName = layerDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID('name'));
var theColor = layerDesc.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("color"));
var theID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
var visible = layerDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID("visible"));
if ((theName).match(/shutterstock/)) {
var desc = new ActionDescriptor()
var ref = new ActionReference()
ref.putIndex(stringIDToTypeID("layer"), m)
desc.putReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"), ref)
desc.putEnumerated(stringIDToTypeID("selectionModifier"), stringIDToTypeID("addToSelectionContinuous"), stringIDToTypeID("addToSelection"))
//desc.putEnumerated(stringIDToTypeID("selectionModifier"), stringIDToTypeID("selectionModifierType"), stringIDToTypeID("addToSelectionContinuous"))
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID("select"), desc, DialogModes.NO);
catch (e) { };
I can't figure out how to select other layers and group them.
It should be some kind of list or array?
From scripting listener i made some draft but i can't finalize it š
var idselect = stringIDToTypeID( "select" );
var desc386 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref27 = new ActionReference();
var idlayer = stringIDToTypeID( "layer" );
ref27.putName( idlayer, "bow_4" );
desc386.putReference( idnull, ref27 );
var idselectionModifier = stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifier" );
var idselectionModifierType = stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifierType" );
var idaddToSelectionContinuous = stringIDToTypeID( "addToSelectionContinuous" );
desc386.putEnumerated( idselectionModifier, idselectionModifierType, idaddToSelectionContinuous );
var idmakeVisible = stringIDToTypeID( "makeVisible" );
desc386.putBoolean( idmakeVisible, false );
var idlayerID = stringIDToTypeID( "layerID" );
var list23 = new ActionList();
list23.putInteger( 3340 );
list23.putInteger( 3341 );
list23.putInteger( 3342 );
list23.putInteger( 3343 );
desc386.putList( idlayerID, list23 );
executeAction( idselect, desc386, DialogModes.NO );
var desc = new ActionDescriptor()
var ref = new ActionReference()
ref.putIndex(stringIDToTypeID("layer"), m)
desc.putReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"), ref)
desc.putEnumerated(stringIDToTypeID("selectionModifier"), stringIDToTypeID("addToSelectionContinuous"), stringIDToTypeID("addToSelection"))
//desc.putEnumerated(stringIDToTypeID("selectionModifier"), stringIDToTypeID("selectionModifierType"), stringIDToTypeID("addToSelectionContinuous"))
var idmake = stringIDToTypeID("make");
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID("null");
var idlayerSection = stringIDToTypeID("layerSection");
var idfrom = stringIDToTypeID("from");
var idlayer = stringIDToTypeID("layer");
var idordinal = stringIDToTypeID("ordinal");
var idtargetEnum = stringIDToTypeID("targetEnum");
var idcolor = stringIDToTypeID("color");
var idred = stringIDToTypeID("red");
var idlayerSection = stringIDToTypeID("layerSection");
var idusing = stringIDToTypeID("using");
var idname = stringIDToTypeID("name");
var idlayerSectionStart = stringIDToTypeID("layerSectionStart");
var idlayerSectionEnd = stringIDToTypeID("layerSectionEnd");
var desc1695 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref155 = new ActionReference();
desc1695.putReference(idnull, ref155);
var ref156 = new ActionReference();
ref156.putEnumerated(idlayer, idordinal, idtargetEnum);
desc1695.putReference(idfrom, ref156);
var desc1696 = new ActionDescriptor();
//desc1696.putEnumerated(idcolor, idcolor, idred);
desc1695.putObject(idusing, idlayerSection, desc1696);
desc1695.putInteger(idlayerSectionStart, 3839);
desc1695.putInteger(idlayerSectionEnd, 3840);
desc1695.putString(idname, """Group 1""");
//executeAction(idmake, desc1695, DialogModes.NO);
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID("select"), desc, DialogModes.NO);
Does this help?
// group layers beneath "shutterstock_xxx"-layer within group;
// 2023, use it at your own risk;
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var thisName = "shutterstock";
var theLayers = collectLayersNamesIndexAndIdentifier(thisName);
var theCheck = false;
for (var m = theLayers.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
if (theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionStart") {var groupName = theLayers[m][0]};
if (theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionEnd") {
if (theCheck ==
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Does this help?
// group layers beneath "shutterstock_xxx"-layer within group;
// 2023, use it at your own risk;
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var thisName = "shutterstock";
var theLayers = collectLayersNamesIndexAndIdentifier(thisName);
var theCheck = false;
for (var m = theLayers.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
if (theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionStart") {var groupName = theLayers[m][0]};
if (theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionEnd") {
if (theCheck == true) {
theCheck = false
if (theLayers[m][0].match(thisName) && theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionContent") {
if (theCheck == true) {
theCheck = true;
} else {
if (theCheck == true) {selectLayerByID(theLayers[m][2],true)};
////// collect layers with certain name //////
function collectLayersByName (aName) {
// the file;
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
// get number of layers;
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty(stringIDToTypeID('property'), stringIDToTypeID('numberOfLayers'));
ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
var applicationDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var theNumber = applicationDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("numberOfLayers"));
// process the layers;
var theLayers = new Array;
for (var m = 0; m <= theNumber; m++) {
try {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), m);
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerSet = typeIDToStringID(layerDesc.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("layerSection")));
var isBackground = layerDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID("background"));
// if group collect values;
if (layerSet != "layerSectionEnd" /*&& layerSet != "layerSectionStart" && isBackground != true*/) {
var theName = layerDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID('name'));
var theID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
var theIndex = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('itemIndex'));
if (theName == aName) {theLayers.push([theName, theIndex, theID])}
catch (e) {};
return theLayers
////// collect layers //////
function collectLayersNamesIndexAndIdentifier () {
// the file;
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
// get number of layers;
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty(stringIDToTypeID('property'), stringIDToTypeID('numberOfLayers'));
ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
var applicationDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var theNumber = applicationDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("numberOfLayers"));
// process the layers;
var theLayers = new Array;
for (var m = 0; m <= theNumber; m++) {
try {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), m);
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerSet = typeIDToStringID(layerDesc.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("layerSection")));
var isBackground = layerDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID("background"));
// if group collect values;
//if (layerSet != "layerSectionEnd" && layerSet != "layerSectionStart" /*&& isBackground != true*/) {
var theName = layerDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID('name'));
var theID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
var theIndex = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('itemIndex'));
theLayers.push([theName, theIndex, theID, layerSet])
catch (e) {};
return theLayers
////// based on code by mike hale, via paul riggott //////
function selectLayerByID(id,add){
add = undefined ? add = false:add
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIdentifier(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "), id);
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), ref );
if(add) desc.putEnumerated( stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifier" ), stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifierType" ), stringIDToTypeID( "addToSelection" ) );
desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "MkVs" ), false );
executeAction(charIDToTypeID("slct"), desc, DialogModes.NO );
////// group //////
function groupSelectedLayers (theName) {
var desc159 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref114 = new ActionReference();
var idlayer = stringIDToTypeID( "layer" );
var idordinal = stringIDToTypeID( "ordinal" );
var idtargetEnum = stringIDToTypeID( "targetEnum" );
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID( "null" );
var idname = stringIDToTypeID( "name" );
ref114.putEnumerated(idlayer, idordinal, idtargetEnum);
desc159.putReference(idnull, ref114 );
desc159.putString(idname, "aaa" );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID( "groupLayersEvent" ), desc159, DialogModes.NO );
var desc63 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref37 = new ActionReference();
ref37.putEnumerated( idlayer, idordinal, idtargetEnum );
desc63.putReference( idnull, ref37 );
var desc64 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc64.putString(idname, theName);
desc63.putObject(stringIDToTypeID( "to" ), idlayer, desc64);
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID( "set" ), desc63, DialogModes.NO)
////// deselect layers //////
function deselectLayers() {
var desc01 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref01 = new ActionReference();
ref01.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
desc01.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref01 );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('selectNoLayers'), desc01, DialogModes.NO );
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Many many thanks!
It works perfect!
One more thing, is there a way to move created groups from parent group? On your Screenshot example in the end it should be two group named 'aaa' with Shutterstock layers inside and one empty 'aaa' group from which that two groups been moved.
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Ah, I had missed that part ā¦ I canāt deny that my Forum-reading is often sloppy.
// group layers beneath "shutterstock_xxx"-layer within group and move atop group;
// 2023, use it at your own risk;
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var thisName = "shutterstock";
var theLayers = collectLayersNamesIndexAndIdentifier(thisName);
var theCheck = false;
for (var m = theLayers.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
if (theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionStart") {
var groupName = theLayers[m][0];
var theGroupId = theLayers[m][2]
if (theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionEnd") {
if (theCheck == true) {
moveLayer (theLayers[m][2], getLayerIndex(theGroupId)+1);
theCheck = false
if (theLayers[m][0].match(thisName) && theLayers[m][3] == "layerSectionContent") {
if (theCheck == true) {
moveLayer (theLayers[m][2], getLayerIndex(theGroupId)+1);
theCheck = true;
} else {
if (theCheck == true) {selectLayerByID(theLayers[m][2],true)};
////// collect layers with certain name //////
function collectLayersByName (aName) {
// the file;
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
// get number of layers;
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty(stringIDToTypeID('property'), stringIDToTypeID('numberOfLayers'));
ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
var applicationDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var theNumber = applicationDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("numberOfLayers"));
// process the layers;
var theLayers = new Array;
for (var m = 0; m <= theNumber; m++) {
try {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), m);
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerSet = typeIDToStringID(layerDesc.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("layerSection")));
var isBackground = layerDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID("background"));
// if group collect values;
if (layerSet != "layerSectionEnd" /*&& layerSet != "layerSectionStart" && isBackground != true*/) {
var theName = layerDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID('name'));
var theID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
var theIndex = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('itemIndex'));
if (theName == aName) {theLayers.push([theName, theIndex, theID])}
catch (e) {};
return theLayers
////// collect layers //////
function collectLayersNamesIndexAndIdentifier () {
// the file;
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
// get number of layers;
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty(stringIDToTypeID('property'), stringIDToTypeID('numberOfLayers'));
ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
var applicationDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var theNumber = applicationDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("numberOfLayers"));
// process the layers;
var theLayers = new Array;
for (var m = 0; m <= theNumber; m++) {
try {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), m);
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerSet = typeIDToStringID(layerDesc.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("layerSection")));
var isBackground = layerDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID("background"));
// if group collect values;
//if (layerSet != "layerSectionEnd" && layerSet != "layerSectionStart" /*&& isBackground != true*/) {
var theName = layerDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID('name'));
var theID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
var theIndex = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('itemIndex'));
theLayers.push([theName, theIndex, theID, layerSet])
catch (e) {};
return theLayers
////// based on code by mike hale, via paul riggott //////
function selectLayerByID(id,add){
add = undefined ? add = false:add
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIdentifier(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "), id);
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), ref );
if(add) desc.putEnumerated( stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifier" ), stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifierType" ), stringIDToTypeID( "addToSelection" ) );
desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "MkVs" ), false );
executeAction(charIDToTypeID("slct"), desc, DialogModes.NO );
////// group //////
function groupSelectedLayers (theName) {
var desc159 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref114 = new ActionReference();
var idlayer = stringIDToTypeID( "layer" );
var idordinal = stringIDToTypeID( "ordinal" );
var idtargetEnum = stringIDToTypeID( "targetEnum" );
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID( "null" );
var idname = stringIDToTypeID( "name" );
ref114.putEnumerated(idlayer, idordinal, idtargetEnum);
desc159.putReference(idnull, ref114 );
desc159.putString(idname, "aaa" );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID( "groupLayersEvent" ), desc159, DialogModes.NO );
var desc63 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref37 = new ActionReference();
ref37.putEnumerated( idlayer, idordinal, idtargetEnum );
desc63.putReference( idnull, ref37 );
var desc64 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc64.putString(idname, theName);
desc63.putObject(stringIDToTypeID( "to" ), idlayer, desc64);
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID( "set" ), desc63, DialogModes.NO)
////// deselect layers //////
function deselectLayers() {
var desc01 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref01 = new ActionReference();
ref01.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
desc01.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref01 );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('selectNoLayers'), desc01, DialogModes.NO );
////// move active layer to //////
function moveLayer (thisLayerId, theId) {
var idlayer = stringIDToTypeID( "layer" );
var desc58 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref19 = new ActionReference();
ref19.putEnumerated( idlayer, stringIDToTypeID( "ordinal" ), stringIDToTypeID( "targetEnum" ) );
desc58.putReference( stringIDToTypeID( "null" ), ref19 );
var ref20 = new ActionReference();
ref20.putIndex( idlayer, theId );
desc58.putReference( stringIDToTypeID( "to" ), ref20 );
desc58.putBoolean( stringIDToTypeID( "adjustment" ), false );
desc58.putInteger( stringIDToTypeID( "version" ), 5 );
var list11 = new ActionList();
desc58.putList( stringIDToTypeID( "layerID" ), list11 );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID( "move" ), desc58, DialogModes.NO );
////// by mike hale, via paul riggott //////
function getLayerIndex(theId){
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty(stringIDToTypeID('property'), stringIDToTypeID('itemIndex'));
ref.putIdentifier(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "), theId);
d = executeActionGet(ref);
return (d.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('itemIndex'))-1);
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Now, if above created Groups ( 2x'aaa') exist another Group ('bbb'), script will put this Groups inside, not atop š
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Works fine in my test, can you provide the file?
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I had made a mistake regarding Layer Indices that only becomes relevant when there is no Background Layer.
I updated the code, please try again.
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Thank you so much! It works perfect!