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This may sound basic, but I've not found an answer as of now…
Does anyone know what is the shortcut for the smoothing value of the brushes tool? Or is there is a way to set the shortcut for it?
I know that when the brush tool is selected:
1. to set OPACITY - Type 10 and the opacity goes to 10%
2. to set FLOW - Hold the Shift key and type 10 and flow goes to 10%
3. to set SMOOTHING - ??????
The only work around I can think of is setting an action for each value and associate each action to a shortcut, but that seems an overkill and actions shortcuts are quite precious for the work flow I use. Also setting a shortcut with CTRL+ALT+CMD+F6 is a bit of an over kill just to change the smoothing value.
Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. !
Alt number key
Alt 1 = 10% smoothing
Alt 0 = 100% smoothing
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Alt number key
Alt 1 = 10% smoothing
Alt 0 = 100% smoothing
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Just to add to Trevor's reply, due to the current Alt key bug in CC2018 on Windows you may need to press Alt Alt+Num key (i.e. press the ALT key twice , the second time holding it and pressing the number key)
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Thanks for the answer!
I could've sworn I tried that… then again I must have not. You guys saved me lots time - Cheers!!!
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You may well have tried, I had tried this when it was released and couldn't find the shortcut due to it being hidden by the need to hit Alt twice (which is a bug)
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The Alt key bug has definitely been inconsistent for me Dave, and not always in ways that I can repeat. Or probably more accurately, I have not managed to remember exactly what I did to lead that in-consistence.