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when i use code bellow
'app.activeDocument.activeLayer = layer
executeAction( sTT('placedLayerEditContents'), undefined, DialogModes.NO );'
error occured: The command edit content is not currently available.
what is wrong??
Thanks so much
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These work for me:
var idplacedLayerEditContents = stringIDToTypeID( "placedLayerEditContents" );
var desc3536 = new ActionDescriptor();
executeAction( idplacedLayerEditContents, desc3536, DialogModes.NO );
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thanks,but not for me ,still error. this is my code:
function _checkLayers(layers, expFile)
for(var i = 0 ; i < layers.length ; i++)
var layer = layers[i];
if ( layer.visible == false ) {
if(layer.typename == 'ArtLayer')
if ( layer.bounds[0] < layer.bounds[2] && layer.bounds[1] < layer.bounds[3] )
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = layer
_trySaveImage( expFile )
_checkLayers(layer.layers, expFile);
function _trySaveImage( expFile ) {
var layer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer
var fn = _getLayerName(layer)
var filename = _getUniquePngName(fn)//create unique png name
_writeData(layer, filename, expFile);//export layer data
if ( layer.kind != LayerKind.TEXT && !_isCommonPng(fn))
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = layer
var desc3536 = new ActionDescriptor();
executeAction( sTT('placedLayerEditContents'), desc3536, DialogModes.NO );
allnames.push( filename )
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Could you please post screenshots with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Layers, Options Bar, …) visible?
The Script seems to check against Type Layers but not whether the Layer is a Smart Object.
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@c.pfaffenbichler, i think in this case there will be a different error message. But i can't check it now
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My photoshop only supports chinese ...
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The active Layer seems to be a Shape Layer, not a Smart Object, so placedLayerEditContents would not be able to be performed on it.
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c.pfaffenbichler noticed it first
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Oh loll, now it seems I didn't notice something you said few minutes earlier 😉
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What about c.pfaffenbichler, didn't he noticed it as very first?
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Yes. I missed his message. Deleted my comment so as not to be misleading
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Now without original content in your post, reading our conversation misleads even more 😛
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in manual mode without using a script are smart objects edited normally?
I had a similar problem when using a script and accidentally changed the name of the layer with ASCII control character inside it.
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Could you give an example of such ASCII control characer in layer name making the error?
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OK. I'll try to find files with this layers.
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Found. The problem was not in renaming the smart object, but in the fact that after renaming the pixel layer with the script, it was converted into a smart object: = +"\r"
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('newPlacedLayer'), undefined, DialogModes.NO );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID('placedLayerEditContents'), undefined, DialogModes.NO ); //error
(there will be an error with other control characters).
if you rename an already created smart object, there will be no error
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I tried to reproduce it manually by pasting control character but it worked. A scripting bug?
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I tried renaming the layer by adding a carriage return code (manually typing alt + 013, and also pasting this symbol through the buffer) and after that read the layer name through a script. I did not see this char code, and did not see changing the number of characters in the name. Most likely, there is a control of characters during manual input and such an error is simply impossible to reproduce without the use of scripts.
Photoshop separately stores the name of the smart object assigned to it during creation and current name of layer (this can explain the absence of an error when renaming a ready-made smart object). The error occurs if there are characters in the original name are incompatible with the file system.
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I tried renaming the layer by adding a carriage return code (manually typing alt + 013, and also pasting this symbol through the buffer) and after that read the layer name through a script. I did not see this char code, and did not see changing the number of characters in the name. Most likely, there is a control of characters during manual input and such an error is simply impossible to reproduce without the use of scripts.
By @jazz-y
: )
upd. у топикстартера не смарт-объект
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Я не за компьютером. А перевод каретки или символ новой строки?
Точно, у него там шейп 🤦
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где? файл в упор не вижу. каретка таким макаром записывается как видимый символ, но ошибки не вызывает, но твой скрипт интересен. ломает смарт-рбект на прочь, даже для ручного редактирования. потом разберусь. сейчас некогда.
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Показалось (с телефона).
1 сентября? 🙂
Да, можно лочить смарт-объекты. Правда я это как-то обходил (запорол кучу слоев, потом разгребал как их отредактировать). Пару лет назад было, не помню что сделал в итоге.
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Да, можно лочить смарт-объекты. Правда я это как-то обходил (запорол кучу слоев, потом разгребал как их отредактировать). Пару лет назад было, не помню что сделал в итоге.
By @jazz-y
экспорт контент - реплейс на этот файл
не? : )
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А перевод каретки или символ новой строки?
By @jazz-y
Ни черта оказывается не работает через дублирование : (.
При наборе AltDown 13 AltUp вставляется "нота" - 0x266A почему-то, а не 0xD. Если в буфер засунуть реально этот символ (13 или 10 или другие), то фотошоповские контролы его просто не воспринимают.
Так что руками такую ситуацию не воспроизвести. Стандартные не файловые символы отфильтровываюися из имени слоя в момент создания имени файла при создании смарт-объекта.