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I am using Hiipoo sublimation ink and A-Sub 125 gram paper on an Epson ET-2803 printer (Converted for sublimation) and photoshop as my main design program. I'm using windows as my OS on a Lenovo desktop. My colors haven't been printing correctly out of photoshop so I tried installing the recommened ICC profile from the Hiipoo website . The problem is, once I install the profile it doesnt show up in my photoshop print settings. I think the file is in the correct place because I've installed two other ICC profiles from different sublimation ink companies and they are showing in my print settings, its just the hiipoo profile that I cant get to install...I've tried closing evertyhing down, restarting, reinstalling, all that but I still do not see the profile in photoshop.
Has anyone else expericence this with this ICC profile? Or does anyone know a work-around or fix? I am somewhat new to photoshop and still learning so I apologize if this is some kind of obvious error. Thank you in advance for any assistance provided and please let me know if you need any other information.
Where did you install the profile? It should be in C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color
Profiles have an external filename (which is what you see when you view the file in the folder above) and an internal filename (which is what you see in the profile list in the print dialogue) those names do not have to be the same. You may want to try removing the profile, start Photoshop and check the list, then close Photoshop. Then add the profile, start Photoshop and recheck the list. Is there an ad
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Where did you install the profile? It should be in C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color
Profiles have an external filename (which is what you see when you view the file in the folder above) and an internal filename (which is what you see in the profile list in the print dialogue) those names do not have to be the same. You may want to try removing the profile, start Photoshop and check the list, then close Photoshop. Then add the profile, start Photoshop and recheck the list. Is there an additional profile there now - regardless of name?
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Thats it, the file was showing as a different name! What a simple fix. It was showing at the ET-2803 instead of Hiipoo. Thank you Dave!
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Hey Dave! Your reply to Jenny Helpled me to find the differently named Hiipoo ICC profile too...thanks!
But I'm still not getting good matching colors.
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@mjmartinez215 How frustrating, why would anyone make an ICC profile with such a generic name!! Are you SURE that’s the Hilpoo profile you're looking at?
On a Mac the Colorsync utility can often come up with errors that are unimportant, I realise that’s frustrating - more so because it doesn’t "fix" them either.
But that's not very likely to be the issue, if you send me the Hilpoo profile (PM me first or contact me though this link) I'll check it for you in the excellent Colorthink Pro software.
Good colour management can be a great help to matching but in some cases the best it can do is to get the disappointment over upfront. Seasoned users know this and make images within the printer's capabilities. that could be your issue with reds and pinks - even light pink can be "out of gamut" (google it).
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net - adobe forum volunteer - co-author: 'getting colour right'
google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
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I'm jumping on this post since Dave was such a great help and I'm having somewhat of the same issue. I swiched from the 2803 to the 8550. I'm still using hiippo ink and a-sub paper though. I went to hiippo and got the ICC. I did everything I did the first time. Set the ICC as the default profile to use. I just went to print an image for the first time and it's pink and when it printed it was a light orange. UGH!!!!!!
In adobe I have it set to Adobe manages colors, I have ET-8550 selected which is teh correct profile so I'm not sure what is happenning. I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it and again the same thing. HELP
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In my experience the Hippoo 8550 profile gives awful results. It's a bummer. Looking for options.
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Without the correct printer driver settings, all bets are off.
It all starts with the correct driver settings.
An ICC profile by itself will only help if the selected printer driver settings match what was used to create the profile.
As printer drivers are usually supplied by the OEM they generally only list the manufacturer's paper and ink. 3rd party media and ink usually "piggyback" off an OEM paper and ink selection that may not be obvious.
Good luck!
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I know I am answering this like a year later but I had this issue as well and figured it out. look for an ICC profile named the model of your printer.... for ex. I have an epson 8550 so when i installed the ICC profile on ky computer, it named itself "et8550". not sure why it isn't labled as hippo but that's what it is.
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THANK YOU! I was going crazy trying to find it and it was right in front of my face.
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I know this is like 6 months later but how did you dl the icc profile. We tried and it won't. We tried to make a log in and nothing. All of hippos social media platforms go to the shopify homepage not their link. We emailed 2 weeks later no response. This customer service is terrible. Any help is appreciated!