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Problema con la reproducción de la línea de tiempo en Photoshop

New Here ,
Jul 30, 2023 Jul 30, 2023

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¡Buenas noches! Necesito ayuda por favor.


Antes cuando instalé Photoshop no había tenido ningún problema. Lo instalé con el fin de diseñar pixel art. El asunto es que desde ayer estoy teniendo un problema muy molesto ya que ni siquiera encuentro solución en la web. Resulta que cuando enlazo grupos o capas a los cuadros de la línea de tiempo y lo organizo para así crear la animación, cuando toco el botón de reproducir no pasa nada. La línea de tiempo se queda paralizada en el primer cuadro o en el que seleccione. Lo extraño es que todo funcionaba bien, pero de repente pasó esto. Ya intenté restablecer los ajustes, el espacio de trabajo e incluso reinstalar el programa. Ya no sé qué más hacer. :'(







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Community Expert ,
Jul 30, 2023 Jul 30, 2023

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Good night! I need help please.


Before when I installed Photoshop I had not had any problems. I installed it in order to design pixel art. The thing is that since yesterday I am having a very annoying problem since I can not even find a solution on the web. It turns out that when I link groups or layers to the frames in the timeline and organize it to create the animation, when I tap the play button nothing happens. The timeline freezes in the first frame or the one you select. The strange thing is that everything worked fine, but suddenly this happened. I already tried to reset the settings, the workspace and even reinstall the program. I don't know what else to do anymore. :'(

By Crispher0147


Hi Crispher.  It's not easy to work antthing out from your screen shots, although we appreciate you supplying them.  You only have two frames, and we can only see that layer Capa 1 is assigned to Frame 1, but the layer is not selected in the layers panel, so we can't see its settings.  It looks like it's opacity is very low though.


Capa 0 looks like a solid color, and as things stand, the animation will simply switch between those two layers.

You could try exporting the animation to see if it plays.  Other than that, I can't offer much advice.


Do you have any other animated GIF files you can test?  If not, try saving this bird animation to a local drive, and opening it in Photoshop.








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New Here ,
Jul 31, 2023 Jul 31, 2023

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Yeah. I gave as an example those two layers in which the character's layer is linked to frame one and the solid color layer is linked to frame two. I selected those two layers just to show the example. Normally it should, when triggering the timeline playback, toggle between the two layers linked to the different frames but nothing happens, tapping the play button plays nothing. The funny thing is that I opened the file on my work computer and it does play. Here I attach a video of my work computer.





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