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Dear all,
A problem appeared recently with the latest version of Photoshop: when I create a new document, it appears systematically with a custom background (white) when I want a transparent one. With each new document, I have the same problem and I have to change in "transparent".
It's extremely painful, because I have to create several hundred new documents with a transparent background, and it adds one manipulation at each new document.
Do you have a solution? I have uninstalled and reinstalled, but nothing changes...
Thank you in advance
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Ok, il semblerait qu'on puisse temporairement avoir un fond transparent dans un nouveau document depuis le presse-papier en allant dans Photoshop>preferences>general et choisissant "utiliser l'interface héritée nouveau document"
Mais je vous conseille d'aller dans le site et d'y expliquer que la nouvelle interface ne permet pas cette option. (faites aussi une recherche, une discussion y existe peut-etre déjà.
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In Photoshop 21.1.2 - If you have Preferences set to [Auto Show the Home Screen] choose [Create New] on the Home Screen, OR From the File menu [New] {Ctrl+N}. You can define a custom Document that will open 'transparent' when you select the Custom Document 'Preset' (Give it a suitable name eg. Transparent 10x8inch. )
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Yes, thanks a lot, but unfortunately that doesn't solve my problem...
The size of my new file changes each time, and is adapted to the selected area I want to paste into it.
Here's an example:
- I first choose the drawing I want to paste in my new file (ctrl+c), then I create a new file which will be automatically at the same size : I change the background to transparent and then I paste my selection in my new file ;
- I start again with another drawing (new selection) and the new document is not with a transparent background whereas it is the background selected previously...
This is a new important problem that seems to have appeared with the last update...
All the best,
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Looking at your sceen shot you have the Background Contents set to Custom (Personalisé). It should be set to Transparent.
Could that be it?
On my computer it remembers my choice.
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"Looking at your sceen shot you have the Background Contents set to Custom (Personalisé). It should be set to Transparent. Could that be it?
On my computer it remembers my choice."
Yes, of course. I choose the transparent background for the first document of the series (I did not add a screenshot), but this choice does not persist on the other documents: this is my problem, I have to choose the transparent background for each new document, the choice of the transparent background does not persist.
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Bonjour, Guillaume, il faut s'assurer qu'aucun document n'est ouvert quand on change les options de nouveau document, pour qu'elles restent celles par défaut.
Mais ceci ne vaut que pour un nouveau document. si on colle un document avec un fond existant dans photoshop, celui-ci viendra avec son fond...
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En relisant, je vois que c'est ce que vous avez fait, j'experimente puis reviens.
D'où proviennent les images? du web, vous faites un CMD+C?
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I am a Photoshop 'beginner' but like discovering!
So not really sure what you are trying to achieve, but from your description it seems you want a selection from one image opened in a new document that has a transparent 'background' layer. Yes/No?
Perhaps a workaround achieves this-
1) Rectangular Marque Tool- select portion of Document-A to copy
2) [Ctrl+C] to copy the selected area to the Clipboard
3) [Ctrl+N] for a new 'CLIPBOARD' document
4) Set Background to 'Transparent' [Create]
5) [SHIFT+Ctrl+N] to create a new layer, (Now you see two transparent layers)
6) [Ctrl+V] to paste in the selected 'copy' from the clipboard.
and create an Action! (starting at Step#2) Then you only need one click of the mouse on the Action!
From the original Document-
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Thanks a lot for your message, but my problem is unforttunatey different.
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Are you sure?
The action as described by Wobert should work perfectly for your problem.
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Ok, il semblerait qu'on puisse temporairement avoir un fond transparent dans un nouveau document depuis le presse-papier en allant dans Photoshop>preferences>general et choisissant "utiliser l'interface héritée nouveau document"
Mais je vous conseille d'aller dans le site et d'y expliquer que la nouvelle interface ne permet pas cette option. (faites aussi une recherche, une discussion y existe peut-etre déjà.
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Bonjour, j'ai trouvé cette discussion sur le sujet:
ne pas hesiter de poster, voter, et expliquer ou est le problème dans votre flux de travail.
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Bonjour et merci beaucoup !
En effet, en cochant cette case "utiliser l'interface héritée", cela règle le problème : on retrouve en effet l'interface de l'ancienne version ("héritée") et tout fonctionne comme j'en avais l'habitude. J'avoue que je n'aurais pas trouvé seul !
Encore merci,
Bonne journée,