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Am using Photoshop 22.5.6 on Mojave 10.14.6. Clone Stamp has been working fine until a few hours ago. It will not copy exact. Clone is much lighter. I have reset Clone Stamp and rebooted PS but no improvement. I am working on correct layer. Nothing I have tried fixes issue. Issue began happening right in middle of project. I am working on layer 4 of image. I have noticed that PS keeps reverting to base/background layer. If I look at History, then go back to Layers, Background Layer is now selected.
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A couple of things:
Make sure your Clone tool is painting at 100% opacity
Do you have any adjustment layers on any of the affected layers?
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HI Brad. Thanks for replying.
Am a longtime user. Yes on the 100% opacity. I tried everything that I know of. Worked directly on the image layer which is at 100% also. All layers above are off and the Sample on Current Layer is selected. I also tried merging all layers and worked on that one. Same thing happened. I also tried cloning in many different locations on the image. I am dead in the water without that Clone Stamp. Was in the middle of getting an image ready to publish.
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Is the blend mode of the clone stamp set to normal? Can you post a screen shot showing your settings?
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Everything looks right.
Is it only happening with this particular document? Does the same thng happen in any other?
Last chance suggestion: To the right of your "Current Layer" is the toggle switch to ignore adjustment layers. Yours is off. Does it make a difference to turn it on? (I know it shouldn't, since you've already turned off the adjustment layers and changed the focus to Current Layer)
Might have to try a full preference reset.
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Hi Brad,
From what I see, when "Current Layer" is selected, the toggle switch to ignore adjustment layers is grayed out. It only becomes an option if I select "Current & Below" or "All Layers."
I am working on a new image to see if I run into the issue again. Thank you for your help.