PS CS4 opening error message: OWL Orphanage
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"OWL Orphanage: Photoshop.exe - entry point not found."
This is followed by a bunch of numbers or addresses. After I shut the message, the program opens normally, and as farr as I've explored it, functions OK. Haven't had time to really explore things.
Any idea what is producing this message?
Am running Win XP SP3.
J. Lipmanson
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The other lines of the error message read:
"The Procedure Point Entry@DecodeTile@JP2KIMAGE@@QAEJJJJJJ@Z could not be located in the DLL JP2Klib.DLL"
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My problem also turned out to be connected to image file formats or filters or plugins I passed along from Photoshop CS3. When I got rid of them all, the problem went away. Now I have to reintroduce the ones I still care about and see who the troublemaker is...
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Thanks for the reply. I shall report the bug.
A bit more information. I did some checking and found that:
1. I do have the JP2Klib.DLL in the CS4 folder where it should be. I also have a copy in Lightroom 2.0 (I'm about to update LR to 2.1) and in Acrobat and a few other places.
2. I've had to manually re-Associate my NEFs and TIFs to PS CS4 even though I had done so in the install process. It evidently didn't take.
3. I've tried every way I can think of to open PS CS4. I've done it through LR External Editing, directly calling the program from the desktop, and by double clicking on an image file, including NEFs/Bridge. All result in the same error message.
4. I have to correct part of my first post: the first time I opened PS4 immediately after install it did not produce the error message. That was a quick test just to make sure it was installed. I changed some minor settings and closed out the program -- e.g., change the position of the tools palette (2-colums), loaded some of my old Actions.
Could one of these actions be producing the error message? I'll unload them and see. If that fixes it will report back.
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A normal install should not get any messages like that.
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Is the solution, then, to re-install? Does the PS4 installer also Repair?
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Also, make sure you have checked your system for disk problems and malware.
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Remember to turn off any an antivirus software during the install.
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I tried a repair install and that did not eliminate the problem. I did turn off my virus program. Rec'd no error messages.
I downloaded the Adobe Support Advisor and that tells me, after reading the insall log. that one of my fonts was locked. The instructions after that were not good and am not sure where, how, or if to proceed.
If I uninstall PS CS4 and then reinstall, do I have to inactivate the serial number as shown in the Help file? Will reinstalling help if I do nothing about the locked font problem?
Also, somewhere else in the forum I saw an Install hotline mentioned. Where do I find this number? I've been all over the support site and find no mention of a hotline. Other than this forum, Adobe support (free for installs)is very difficult, if at all possible, to find.
Appreciate your help.
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Has anybody got an answer yet?
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The only response I rec'd was to report it at the Report Bugs section of this forum. I can't even find a bug report link. I've been very busy for the past 4 days but will try to find time to call Install tech support tomorrow. I have a number but don't know if it's the so-called Install Hotline-- whose number seems to be a well-guarded secret.
Does anyone from Adobe monitor this forum?
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If you think action is required the correct formal route is a bug report. It is well hidden!
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Thanks for the link. I have posted the problem, with supporting details.
Hope that someone takes notice and either offer a solution or fix the bug, if it is one.
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I posted the bug to the bugfix section. We'll see what's what on this. You should do the same. If two people report it, notice may be taken.

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Other than this error message I see no significant problems (a few small bugs, but nothing serious so far)
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I keep a log of all installations and update. When I checked I saw that I had the same experience as you. I let the installer open PS the first time before I closed out the installer. No error message. I then opened it again a few minutes later via it's Icon, which I keep on my QuickLaunch bar. No error message.
When I booted up the next morning and loaded PS, the error message started.
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I know with the suites, you get extra features (and some of those are supported by services that run when you start the computer).
When you started up Photoshop, did you specify any scratch disk settings?
try re-creating the Photoshop preference files, which will put the settings back to default. If you're on Vista, see Step 3 in the following doc for instructions:
if on XP, see Step 5 in this doc:
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goto c:\program files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3 and drag the entire Plug-ins folder out and onto the desktop.
Does the error happen now? You will likely get a different error about a Java Script plug-in, but what your trying to find out is if the OWL message stops.
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Ender and Fred:
Didn't get to try Fred's suggestion as Ender's gave me another idea that fixed the problem -- although it's actually a work-around, and this is a bug.
Ender you said to move the CS3 plugins folder. I didn't know if that was a typo or not, so I tried it with both the CS3 and CS4 plugins. Neither did anything, but I got no additional error messages, just the usual OWL error.
I decided to try Fred's suggestion of eliminating the Preferences so opened them up to record my current settings. On a hunch I unchecked my Additional Plug-ins folder, which is on my second drive, D. I do this because I got tired of losing or copying or installing all my own plugins when I went to a new version. In CS3 I use the same additional plugins setting and there is no problem.
When I unchecked the Additional Plugins folder, the message disappeared. Don't know if the problem is that the additional folder is on another drive or if it's because some of my plugins are incompatible with CS4. This is a bug.
Fred - To answer your questions, I do not have any of the suites. I have standalone PS/Bridge and Lightroom. I also have the full Adobe Acrobat. When I first loaded PS-CS4 from the installer I immediately set my preferences, and yes, I did set the scratch disk. I also set the additional plugins folder. The second time I loaded PS was after a reboot, and the error message appeared for the first time.
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I removed the only add-on plugin I've installed (PhotoKit Sharpener) and the problem remained. I removed the preferences file and let Photoshop regenerate a new one. That works for exactly one loading of Photoshop. Every time I open Photoshop after that, I get the error again.
Any ideas?
Mike Wickham
Windows XP Pro SP3, Creative Suite 4 Design Premium
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the new version solved the problem