I want my replaced PSD file recover, or I will redo my work.
I didn't save and replace the PSD.
I open 2 PSD in Photoshop.
I switch the 2 PSD, but Photoshop just delay for seconds.then I find the 2 PSD are same layers and same pictures, then I restart my PC, but the problem still there.the size attribute of replaced PSD is not same when I check it throw Bridge and in Photoshop.(bridge shows it is 1100*1100 px,Photoshop shows 1600*1600px), Adobe Photoshop : 22.4.2 20210602.r.242 a4f6042 x64,

then I open the replaced PSD in Photoshop 2015, it shows me alert message.
Windows 10 64 10.0.19041.804
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
CPU intel i7-6700K @ 4.00GHZ
Here is the link to download the replaced PSD file"replaced PSD file 0003-L08.zip"
download link:[link to zipped file removed]
you may need a PeaZip software to unzip it.