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Hi everyone,
I have a background image of an indoor home setting with a facing beige wall that I would like to either repaint to a different color, or better yet paste a nice black tapestry with some texture in it. That would make the rest of the background image stand out.
My biggest hurdle at this point is to figure out how to select that wall without affecting other areas of the image. I have tried the Photoshop magic hand, but was unsuccessful as the wall doesn't have a perfectly uniform color.
See the attached screenshot to see what's at stake.
1 Correct answer
Polygonal Lasso did the trick. Thanks a lot!
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Problems with the beige color wall
- Tolerance and Contiguous boxes [when using Magic WAND not hand] -- try Tolerance set to 20; make sure the Contiguous box is checked.
You'll notice that the ceiling from the wall to the ceiling fixture base will also be selected. No bueno. - The wall is not plumb|vertical. Straighten the wall, then use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to selected the beige wall.
Once that problem is handled, you can insert a second image on a new layer and align it.
You can skip those steps and just Transform>Skew or Distort the file containing the tapesty.
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That's exactly what I tried, option #1, which didn't work for me.
Suggestion #2 will probabl work, but only if I enlarge the background to avoid top and bottom margins.
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I feel like I must be missing something here. Your attached image is so out of focus, and covered with the two labels, I can't see what you are trying to select. Have you got a better quality version without the labels?
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Sorry, the image comes from Adobe stock as-is with blurred kitchen and living room. It is only the left side of the image I need to tackle.
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What wall do you want to put the tapestry on?
I think the simplist tool to use is the Polygonal Lasso Tool. Make your selection, then if you want to, you can save it by choosing Select>Save Selection, and have it available if you need to redo the changes. With the selection active, Make sure you have a new layer active, and then you can either fill with a new color, or use the Hue/Saturaton Adjustment layer and use your saved selection to create a mask to only have the color where you want it.
If you want to put a tapestry, then I agree with the suggestion above to import it into a new layer, and then use Transform>Distort to change it to the correct perspective.
Here is an example of the bottom part of the counter, using the Polygonal Lasso tool, and then once I had a selection, I clicked on the Hue/Saturation Adustment layer and it automatically created the layer mask in the shape I created.
I hope this answers you question, if not let us know!
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Polygonal Lasso did the trick. Thanks a lot!
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So glad it worked!
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Is this what you have in mind? I merely added a top tapestry layer over the beige wall and resized it to fit (sort of).
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Sort of, but using real tapestry, not a wrinkled rug. <haha>
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The result of hanging textiles on a crooked wall. 🤣🤣🤣