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I am trying Photoshop, and I have noticed a difference in the opening/saving the PDF inside Photoshop :
1) For a PDF of one page that has not been created by Acrobat Distiller (so with full datas inside) :
Photoshop opens the PDF directly in the main window, and when I save it inside Photoshop, it saves directly on the PDF.
2) For a PDF of one page that has been created by Acrobat Distiller (so that has losen most of datas inside) : Photoshop open it with this window, then it convert it to image :
So in that case, I cannot directly save inside the same PDF (because that PDF has been converted to image). Why ?
My goal, for all type of PDF, is to save directly on the PDF inside Photoshop (without a conversion to image inside Photoshop). How to do it ?
Frankly I am not sure you appreciate th enature of pdf.
Reediting embedded (and therefore probably compressed) images seems like a bad idea to begin with.
One can edit pdf-pixel-images by alt-double-clicking them with the »Edit Object«-Tool in Acrobat Pro.
The image is then opened in Photoshop (at least if it is set as the Image Edior in the Acrobat Preferences) and on saving updates in the pdf.
Please provide a sample pdf.
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What kind of pdfs are you talking about?
Is there vector-/type-content? Are there multiple images per page? etc.
Unless a pdf has been created in Photoshop with »Preserve Photoshop Editing Capabilities« editing it in Photoshop seems inadvisable and best avoided.
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For the test, it is a normal PDF of one page (no vector inside) with this type of content (music score) :
This PDF has been opened in Photoshop main window, and I have used on it the Level function inside Photoshop in order to remove the yellow background :
But I have noticed that :
1) If Acrobat don't uses acrobat distiller on this PDF, all the datas inside this PDF are left inside the PDF
In that case if I open it inside Photoshop, it opens directly inside the main window of Photoshop and I can work on it, and if I save in Photoshop, it saves directly on this PDF also.
2) If Acrobat uses Acrobat distiller on this PDF, it removes datas inside the PDF (it clean datas on it), and when I open it in Photoshop, it does not open the PDF in the main window : first I have this window :
Then it asked me to choose an image file in order to convert it to an image file.
My goal is to do not have this window : I would like to open this PDF directly inside the main window. How to do it ? Perhaps in the preferences, but where ?
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Frankly I am not sure you appreciate th enature of pdf.
Reediting embedded (and therefore probably compressed) images seems like a bad idea to begin with.
One can edit pdf-pixel-images by alt-double-clicking them with the »Edit Object«-Tool in Acrobat Pro.
The image is then opened in Photoshop (at least if it is set as the Image Edior in the Acrobat Preferences) and on saving updates in the pdf.
Please provide a sample pdf.
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Thanks to you, I have set Acrobat preferences like this (see blue arrow ) :
Before that, in these preferences, at the blue arrow there was no app displayed. And now, I have selected "Photoshop" for the editing of pages/objects.
Result 1 : when I select a whole page in a PDF (right click + edit with Photoshop), it opens Photoshop main window only. So, this window in Photoshop does not display anymore (that was my goal) :
Result 2 : in Acrobat Pro, if I select a whole page + right click/edit with Photoshop : it display normally the selected page inside Photoshop main window. Then I crop/modify the levels in photoshop and save in Photoshop. So all the modifications made in Photoshop are made in the PDF. Perfect !
Problem : In Acrobat, when I have a page made of several images :
First I select one image on the page in Acrobat + right click/edit with Photoshop :
So it opens automatically Photoshop main window, but here is the result in Photsohop. Why ? :
I put here in attachment the corresponding PDF page.
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Photoshop should not be used as the editor for vector objects!
The pdf is »badly formed«, it contains 4 images of irregular resolutions. (edit: Stuff like this can happen, I am not trying to reproach anyone, but for further editing this is not an ideal basis.)
How was it created?
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Here is my workflow in Acrobat :
1) in a PDF file, outside the edit mode (in normal mode), I have selected a part of a score, so I have a blue rectangle on my selection. Then I do Ctrl+C to copy.
2) Then, in a blank/empty PDF, I go in Edit mode, and click Ctrl+V to paste. So my selection (from the other PDF file) is pasted here.
3) Then in the blank/empty PDF Edit mode, I resize the pasted image (left, right, up, down).
4) If next time, I need to modify the size of this image, I can do it.
So you can see the PDF file I put here like a "collage".
Do you think it is a good workflow ?
What I do in Photoshop for each image selected in Acrobat :
1) Crop to select only the score and not what is around the score.
2) Levels (to remove yellow background for example)
3) eraser to remove by example here a musical note or a symbol on the image
4) image straightening
But in the example I give you (distorted image in photoshop), I did not succeeded to resize it like in the PDF score : my goal would be to have the same image dimension in the PDF and in the Photoshop main window.
I have seen that for PDF you edit them in Illustrator. Is it possible to do all what I do in Photoshop inside Illustrator ?
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Where did the pdfs you use originate?
How do you intend to use the resulting pdfs?
Are the resulting pdfs multipage or singlepage?
»Do you think it is a good workflow ?«
Your workflow seems suboptimal to me.
»Is it possible to do all what I do in Photoshop inside Illustrator ?«
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1) "Where did the pdfs you use originate? "
This PDF was coming from a multipage PDF downloaded from the internet (copyright free).
2) "How do you intend to use the resulting pdfs? "
This is for a private use, in order to print it and play it on a keyboard.
3) "Are the resulting pdfs multipage or singlepage? "
The resulting PDF will be a multipage PDF.
In fact, from the multipage PDF downloaded from internet, with Acrobat I have divided it in order to have single pages PDFs, so I have taken each PDF page (from the multipage) in order to edit them in Photoshop. Then I recombine all the single PDF in one multipage PDF by using Acrobat.
Now, I have tried to do another PDF like a "collage" coming from the original PDF (similar content), but in Photoshop, if I try to open it, I have again this window :
As this is a single page PDF, it should open directly in the Photoshop main window, but it does not.
I put here this PDF file in attachment. How to open it directly inside photoshop main window ?
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I suppose I come from a different dirction at the task (prepress), but I would recommend
• not converting pdf pages
• importing the images instead
• converting the images to smart objects and assemble them in a new document
• do the necessary editing (touch-up in the SO, adjustments as Adjustment Layers)
• save as pdf with »Preserve Photoshop Editing Capabilities« or save a copy as pdf and keep the layered psd
• assemble the individual pdfs into a new multipage pdf in Acrobat