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Hey, I know you can select all the content on a layer by ctrl+clicking the layer thumbnail in the layers pallet but is there a way to do that with a group? I have a huge group with a bunch of stuff in it, i want to do an adjustment mask that only effects that group and ctrl+shift clicking each layer to add it to the selection is not fast.
I can't seem to find any answer to this and it seems like a thing that would exist.
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I can think of two possibilities.
You can then save the selection as a mask for future use
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Hi. You can apply Adjustment layers and Layer masks to Layer groups. Just select the group and apply the Adjustment and/or Mask as if were a layer. That Adjustment and/or Mask will affect all layers contained in that group.
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You can clip Adjustment layer to layer group without any need for masking to limit adjustment to group only.
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I would automate using a simple 4 step action to save the selection as an alpha channel, otherwise only 3 steps:
A script could go further, such as naming the alpha channel after the original group name.
That being said, one of the earlier suggestions would be preferable.
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Hello, please vote on this feature request:
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+1 vote...
In the meantime:
Load Group Transparency to Selection.jsx
Stephen Marsh, 7th September 2021
Quick way to select all layer contents in a group?
function loadGroupTransparency() {
// check for group with layers as active layer
if ((app.activeDocument.activeLayer.typename === "LayerSet" && app.activeDocument.activeLayer.layers.length > 0)) {
// Get layer name
var groupName =;
// Create temp merged layer
// Rename layer = groupName + "_temp";
// Load layer transparency
// Save selection to alpha
// selectionToAlpha();
// Remove temp merged layer
/****************** Functions ******************/
function mergedLayer() {
var idmergeLayersNew = stringIDToTypeID("mergeLayersNew");
var desc291 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idduplicate = stringIDToTypeID("duplicate");
desc291.putBoolean(idduplicate, true);
executeAction(idmergeLayersNew, desc291, DialogModes.NO);
function loadLayerTrans() {
var idset = stringIDToTypeID("set");
var desc323 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID("null");
var ref75 = new ActionReference();
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
var idselection = stringIDToTypeID("selection");
ref75.putProperty(idchannel, idselection);
desc323.putReference(idnull, ref75);
var idto = stringIDToTypeID("to");
var ref76 = new ActionReference();
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
var idtransparencyEnum = stringIDToTypeID("transparencyEnum");
ref76.putEnumerated(idchannel, idchannel, idtransparencyEnum);
desc323.putReference(idto, ref76);
executeAction(idset, desc323, DialogModes.NO);
function selectionToAlpha() {
// Save selection to alpha
var idmake = stringIDToTypeID("make");
var desc348 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnew = stringIDToTypeID("new");
var desc349 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idname = stringIDToTypeID("name");
// Group name
desc349.putString(idname, groupName + " Transparency");
var idcolorIndicates = stringIDToTypeID("colorIndicates");
var idmaskIndicator = stringIDToTypeID("maskIndicator");
// "selectedAreas"
var idmaskedAreas = stringIDToTypeID("maskedAreas");
// idselectedAreas
desc349.putEnumerated(idcolorIndicates, idmaskIndicator, idmaskedAreas);
var idcolor = stringIDToTypeID("color");
var desc350 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idred = stringIDToTypeID("red");
desc350.putDouble(idred, 255.000000);
var idgrain = stringIDToTypeID("grain");
desc350.putDouble(idgrain, 0.000000);
var idblue = stringIDToTypeID("blue");
desc350.putDouble(idblue, 0.000000);
var idRGBColor = stringIDToTypeID("RGBColor");
desc349.putObject(idcolor, idRGBColor, desc350);
var idopacity = stringIDToTypeID("opacity");
desc349.putInteger(idopacity, 50);
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
desc348.putObject(idnew, idchannel, desc349);
var idusing = stringIDToTypeID("using");
var ref88 = new ActionReference();
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
var idselection = stringIDToTypeID("selection"); //
ref88.putProperty(idchannel, idselection);
desc348.putReference(idusing, ref88);
executeAction(idmake, desc348, DialogModes.NO);
} else {
alert("This action only works on a selected Layer Group");
// Single history step
app.activeDocument.suspendHistory("Load Group Transparency to Selection", "loadGroupTransparency()");
EDIT: Here is one for selected layers.
Load Selected Layers Transparency to Selection.jsx
Stephen Marsh, 8th September 2021
NOTE: Previously selected layers are deselected, it would be nice to retain the selected layers...
function loadSelLayersTransparency() {
// Create temp merged layer
// Rename layer = "_temp";
// Load layer transparency
// Remove temp merged layer
/****************** Functions ******************/
function mergedLayer() {
var idmergeLayersNew = stringIDToTypeID("mergeLayersNew");
var desc291 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idduplicate = stringIDToTypeID("duplicate");
desc291.putBoolean(idduplicate, true);
executeAction(idmergeLayersNew, desc291, DialogModes.NO);
function loadLayerTrans() {
var idset = stringIDToTypeID("set");
var desc323 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID("null");
var ref75 = new ActionReference();
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
var idselection = stringIDToTypeID("selection");
ref75.putProperty(idchannel, idselection);
desc323.putReference(idnull, ref75);
var idto = stringIDToTypeID("to");
var ref76 = new ActionReference();
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
var idchannel = stringIDToTypeID("channel");
var idtransparencyEnum = stringIDToTypeID("transparencyEnum");
ref76.putEnumerated(idchannel, idchannel, idtransparencyEnum);
desc323.putReference(idto, ref76);
executeAction(idset, desc323, DialogModes.NO);
// Single history step
app.activeDocument.suspendHistory("Load Selected Layers Transparency to Selection", "loadSelLayersTransparency()");
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Thanks adobe (removed)
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Select Move, click in the gear icon and make sure you have all the options selected. Including the first one. That's what worked for me.