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Rectangle Tool Dimensions incorrect?

Explorer ,
Mar 27, 2019 Mar 27, 2019

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Whenever I select a layer in my PSD Layers palette with a shape I created using the rectangle tool, the dimension properties of the shape are listed incorrectly (see example below). It always seems to list the width as the entire width of the PSD document and seemingly picks a random number for the height.

Screen Shot 2019-03-27 at 3.16.04 PM.png

This email input box is clearly not 1600px wide nor 2585px in height. If I try to alter the size by typing new dimensions in the W/H boxes, it seems to have selected the desired shape, and some other random shape in my document and resize/move both shapes.

Only after I alter the dimensions am I able to determine which other shape it's chosen to 'pair' with the desired shape as they both change shape/position. Then only after I undo and hide the entire layer folder that second shape is in do the W/H properties of the desired shape appear correctly.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Am I overlooking something painfully simple? If so please make me feel like an idiot and let me know what I'm doing wrong–this is driving me nuts!






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Mar 31, 2019 Mar 31, 2019

Well I still can't figure out how it decides to choose another shape in addition to the desired shape when I select the desired shape's layer–however I have found a solution!

Select the layer in the Layer panel, select the Rectangle Tool (U), then CMD click on the shape on the canvas. BAM. The W/H properties are listed only for the desired shape, and I can manipulate them properly.

Way to go me! 😃

Thanks for chiming in you guys.


Community Expert ,
Mar 27, 2019 Mar 27, 2019

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1600 x 2585 pixels is much larger then the 200%  partial screen   capture you show. Scaled 200% would be a screen area 3200px wide and 5170 pixels high.  How large is you display The rectangle would surely be off screen on my display zoom way out see if the rectangle come into view. When you post a screen capture capture the full screen and have Photoshop important palettes in vies like the layers palette.  The rectangle you see on screen most likely in some other layer.  Not the one you are working on.






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Community Expert ,
Mar 27, 2019 Mar 27, 2019

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Can you show a full screen shot, with the layer panel? So we can see the other shape that is being affected.




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Explorer ,
Mar 28, 2019 Mar 28, 2019

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Hi Chuck. Attached is a before and two after screenshots. All taken with the Rectangle Tool (U) selected.

The before screenshot below shows the INPUT layer selected in the layer panel and the corresponding email input field shape on the canvas in the 'Stay Connected' area of the design. It is the only layer selected in the layers panel and the W/H properties are not correct.

Note the shape that makes up the background of the 'Projects' section, and the corresponding layer in the layers panel (BG - Projects) which is not selected.

Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 9.11.42 AM.png

The first after screenshot below shows the result after I change the Height property of the 'INPUT' layer shape to 50px and hit enter. Somehow the 'Projects' background has disappeared, the 'INPUT' shape has moved way up in the design (clearly not 50px high), and the W/H properties are still incorrect.

Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 9.12.06 AM.png

The second after screenshot shows what happens when I then select the 'BG - Projects' layer in the layers panel. As you can see the background shape, though invisible, still exists, and has been moved/resized.

Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 9.19.14 AM.png






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Explorer ,
Mar 28, 2019 Mar 28, 2019

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I should probably note that this issue isn't just occurring in this instance. It happens all the time regardless of the PSD I'm working on. The only time I doesn't seem to happen is if I open a new file and use the Rectangle Tool to draw a few shapes on the canvas (which I did to see if I could somehow replicate the issue in a new file for my previous post).




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Community Expert ,
Mar 28, 2019 Mar 28, 2019

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You have many layer above the E-mail Signup Layer can you Alt+Click on the E-mail Signup Layer's Visibility control so it will be the only visible layers an post a screen capture so we can see the shape layer contents. The shape tool option bar show it should be  canvas wide 1600px by 1023px which should fill your display for it look like your display is 1920x1080. With Photoshop Menu, Tool option bar, Image Frame or tab and rulers visible leave  a height around 900px.   In the screen capture also capture the vertical ruler so we get some idea of what part of you canvas area is being displayed.  Is you canvas as big as that shape layer or is the shape layer being clipped by the  document canvas size.   It lool like the shape layer is filled with white and has no stroke. From it width and height it may be larger than canvas size

You screen  capture seem  to be reduced  in size   you may have a 4K display then  resized to 1K then croped that 1K image.  Don't do that 





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Explorer ,
Mar 31, 2019 Mar 31, 2019

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Well I still can't figure out how it decides to choose another shape in addition to the desired shape when I select the desired shape's layer–however I have found a solution!

Select the layer in the Layer panel, select the Rectangle Tool (U), then CMD click on the shape on the canvas. BAM. The W/H properties are listed only for the desired shape, and I can manipulate them properly.

Way to go me! 😃

Thanks for chiming in you guys.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 15, 2019 Apr 15, 2019

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I also see this issue. You can see the mismatch in dimensions between the Properties panel and the Options panel at the top.

The workaround solution posted by Donkey Ink works for me - thanks! Surely this is a bug though?




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New Here ,
Jul 07, 2020 Jul 07, 2020

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I too have this issue, and it was driving me crazy! This is definitely a bug with the latest versions of Photoshop. Thank you for posting a workaround, hopefully Adobe can fix this. 




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