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HI, I am having a problem using the ‘Rectangular Marquee’ selection tool in Photoshop 2023.
I regularly use the tool in conjunction with ‘stroke’ when applying borders to my images. In general, my image will be zoomed in to 66% or 100% and will cover an area much larger than my screen can display. When I drag my selection area the image will start to scroll across the screen, as expected, but will freeze before I have reached the end of my selection. If I reduce the zoom so that the image does not take up as much area, say 50%, it will allow me to select the whole image. When I’m making the selection I normally have the grid lines visible and set to centimeters/milimeters. I want to be able to select using the marquee tool when I've zoomed in to 100%
At zoom of 50% or less it is difficult work with the grid as the lines are too close together.
Occasionally this task works without problems and sometimes if I use the Purge tool it can also help.
I have already tried: deleting Temp & Cache files, reinstalled Photoshop
(My PC: Windows 11, I7-12700 Processor, 32gb Ram, 3060TI GPU. Screen is a BenQ 270c - 27”)
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Does turning off »Use Graphics Processor« in the Performance Preferences (Photoshop > Preferences > Performance > Graphic Processor Settings) and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?
Does turning on »Deactivate Native Canvas« (Photoshop > Preferences > Technology Previews) and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?
What have you done for all-purpose trouble-shooting so far?
Restoring Preferences after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved might be a good starting point:
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The scroll freeze is most likely a GPU issue as c.p. indicates.
In the meantime you can change the grid spacing. Here it's set to 3 percent: