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Refine Edge Problem

Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2013 Feb 24, 2013

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After doing some google searches, I've decided to bring the question a new. 

I am using Adobe CS5 on Windows Vista (32-bit). 

My refine edge tool has stopped working properly.  Rather than refining my edge selection, it sort of blends my selection into transparency, making the final product look extremely sloppy (the point to be made here is that the tool does not funciton as it does on tutorials and examples).   

I have already tried:

1.) Setting up a new user account on my computer

2.) Resetting tool presets

3.) installing updates

The problem remains.  Any wisdom on this issue?




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Jul 03, 2014 Jul 03, 2014

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Send us a screen shot/s of your settings.




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New Here ,
Nov 18, 2014 Nov 18, 2014

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I have the exact same problem with Photoshop CC. I KNOW there must be something wrong with the settings, because I did refine edge on a picture this morning and it worked perfectly. But then, I tried it on a different picture and it did not work anymore. So I went back to trying it on the old picture and it did NOT work on this anymore either. So, its not a problem of using it right. Something must have happend to the settings.

My question: I´m still using the test Version and have 25 days left. If I uninstall PS and reinstall, will I be able to continue the trial or not?




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 18, 2014 Nov 18, 2014

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Same here. CS6 retail for Windows. Refine edge turns the selection into a low opacity grey mess. Guess it's back to channels. To be honest, I always thought the refine radius tool was the most over hyped feature when it hit CS5.




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New Here ,
Jun 10, 2015 Jun 10, 2015

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‌I have had the same problem , and i read all this conversations , Finally has anybody reached a solution




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Community Expert ,
Jun 11, 2015 Jun 11, 2015

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I'm jumping in here late. I never mess with the radius - never ever ever and it works every single time for me. Once I touch that radius slider the whole thing goes to hell. I teach my students to never touch the radius slider - ever. I have other instructors that use it well. I just doesn't work for me. The written tutorials are confusing IMO.

I also think the refine edge gotten better with age, - although lately it's been working a little differently for me on an image I've been teaching with for a few years, and not for the better. Try just using the brush with no radius, a smallish brush.

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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Explorer ,
Aug 03, 2015 Aug 03, 2015

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I am having the exact issue.  Did you ever find a solution? I was using this just fine with great results and then suddenly it stopped working.  I get those same grey results.  HELP!




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 06, 2015 Aug 06, 2015

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Guys please help!!! does someone know what is going on and how to fix this? I've tried everything!!! it is like a residue mess of transparency...It happens a lot in the white preview. Please somebody help !!!!




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 07, 2015 Aug 07, 2015

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To put it bluntly it just doesn't work properly. I've heard rumours that it doesn't happen in Photoshop CC, and if you're a CS6 user you're stuck with it etc. However I can't be sure. Try to just brush over the section you wan't it to work on, ie don't run your brush too far into the inside of the subject. It's a pain I know. I composite images for movie posters and end up using other methods instead. I only use the refine edge for things like stray hair, facial hair etc. For everything else I use the brush in quick mask mode or channels. Also try using contrast and sharpening to help the selection which you can later remove. Don't count on Adobe fixing this. They still haven't managed to figure out how to get Adobe CC working smooth on the 5k iMacs.




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Explorer ,
Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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I have the same thing happening - did you ever find a solution?




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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Hi, not really...I've been following the advice from bugsy 46

"To put it bluntly it just doesn't work properly. I've heard rumours that it doesn't happen in Photoshop CC, and if you're a CS6 user you're stuck with it etc. However I can't be sure. Try to just brush over the section you wan't it to work on, ie don't run your brush too far into the inside of the subject. It's a pain I know. I composite images for movie posters and end up using other methods instead. I only use the refine edge for things like stray hair, facial hair etc. For everything else I use the brush in quick mask mode or channels. Also try using contrast and sharpening to help the selection which you can later remove. Don't count on Adobe fixing this. They still haven't managed to figure out how to get Adobe CC working smooth on the 5k iMacs."

Tell me if you find something else!!




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Explorer ,
Aug 25, 2015 Aug 25, 2015

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I don't know why, but it worked for me for a while, then suddenly it stopped and I get these exact same issues as you.  It's frustrating.  I fiddle with the various sliders but can never get the results I had when I first started using it.  It's as if something changed!  Thanks for your reply!




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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2015 Oct 15, 2015

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This is so incredibly disappointing.  This feature is so critical to my workflow it's driving me insane.  I watch the videos on Youtube and it's like 1 - 2 - 3 done!  I do it...and I get the exact same garbage that everyone is complaining about.  What the heck?  We pay for premium functionality and we get this?  UGH!  I'm going to keep playing but this is just no acceptable.  It's really hurting the quality of the photographs that I am producing for my clients.  Shame on you Adobe.




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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2015 Oct 15, 2015

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I am also have the exact same issues.  It worked initially great, but something changed suddenly and I can no longer get the precision I need. What gives?




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 16, 2015 Oct 16, 2015

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yeah! please let me know if you find a solution!!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2015 Nov 13, 2015

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The best solution is to not expect it to do a fantastic job! I find that if there isn't huge amounts of contrast, it just doesn't work plain and simple. Plan this into your shoot, also take into consideration the color of the background that the subject will be placed onto! There are many many workarounds!




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Nov 25, 2015 Nov 25, 2015

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There is a solution!

And although it may not be what you were hoping for, in my opinion, it is much much better even than when refine edge works!  (Yes, I has the same problem).

Topaz ReMask is an amazing program. It does a fantastic job in a fraction of the time, and has more advanced features.

Of course you want to get the most from something you've already paid for, but if you need great selection software and refine edge is not doing it for you, then paying for a plug in that's so much better has got to be worth it.

I'm not affiliated with Topaz in any way, just a satisfied customer. ..

Their noise control is streets ahead of photoshop/lightroom too...

Good luck  




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New Here ,
Feb 08, 2016 Feb 08, 2016

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I had some Refine Edge issues recently. I'd stay try resetting your Photoshop's defaults. Here's how to do it:

Close Photoshop if it is open.

Press your Windows Key on the keyboard + R. So Windows + R.

In the Run dialog box, type in %appdata% (With the percent symbols)

A file explorer window will pop up. Open the Adobe folder.

Drag that entire Photoshop folder onto your desktop.

Instead of copying the folder to the desktop, your computer will know that you want to reset the defaults.

That's it! Now, open Photoshop and refine away!

Hope this helps, friends! 




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Contributor ,
Apr 02, 2016 Apr 02, 2016

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Has there been any news on this?

I'm on the latest version of Photoshop CC and refine edge does not work at all.

All it does it produces a smear. I have tried it with different settings, with the same useless result.

Wasn't this the argument for a subscription that there could be more updates? Why is this not getting fixed?




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New Here ,
Nov 12, 2016 Nov 12, 2016

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I am having the same problem and would like to know if anyone has found a solution.  I have reset my preferences, but it has not resolved my issue.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2016 Nov 14, 2016

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Refine Edge has been replaced with Select and Mask. Select and Mask had a rocky start and didn't work correctly. It's been fixed in CC 2017. Can't help with older versions...

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 01, 2016 Dec 01, 2016

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melissapiccone schrieb:

Refine Edge has been replaced with Select and Mask. Select and Mask had a rocky start and didn't work correctly. It's been fixed in CC 2017. Can't help with older versions...

that´s an insult to our intelligence. it is NOT fixed.

it still behaves exactly as crappy as described in this thread and dozend others.

don´t insult our intelligence when it´s obvious that it still does not work.

i know in trumps america facts don´t count.. but some people actually still have a working brain.

BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge - Photoshop CC - YouTube




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Community Expert ,
Dec 01, 2016 Dec 01, 2016

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Little hostility issues? What exactly does this have to do with politics? Oh yeah, nothing.

In version CC 2017, if you go to the drop down menu and hold shift while clicking on Select and Mask, it will bring up Refine Edge. Why don't do something productive with all of that anger, like a comparison of 2 images, one done in refine edge and one done in Select and Mask. Then post them here so we have some real life examples to pass onto the PS team.

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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Community Expert ,
Dec 04, 2016 Dec 04, 2016

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I have done a couple of comparisons myself. I hated Select and Mask and made my opinion known to the PS team - loudly. I am happy to report that I am now on board - after using both tools side by side, I get it and Select and Mask (now that it seems to be working correctly) is superior, in my opinion. It takes a lot to turn me around, but I convinced myself.

In this example I was able to do a better job with Select and Mask because I had access to my selection tools. I did another example where the results were almost identical - I used an image I teach with - I had previously done a comparison with that same image when Select and Mask was first release and it was horrible. It's the same, now.

Tanja2014  (and anyone else still having issues) - if you are getting different results, post them. If you post actual screenshots like what I've created here, I will send them to people who can actually address the issue and do something about it. Or, you know, you can keep ranting on with your misplaced anger... ;P.


Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




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Explorer ,
Dec 04, 2016 Dec 04, 2016

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As Melissa wrote above, the SELECT MASK is the way to go.  Just search YouTube for "Photoshop Select-Mask" and you'll get a great tutorial.  Melissa, I was hoping you'd have a link too but that's how I learned how to use it!




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New Here ,
Sep 01, 2017 Sep 01, 2017

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I have photoshop CC at home and at the studio. Refine edge works fine at the studio but does not work on my home computer at all. Now what?




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