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Refresh ICC Profile List during Runtime

Community Beginner ,
Apr 27, 2018 Apr 27, 2018

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I have a script which tries to assign an icc profile to an image. (Image -> Assign Profile -> Profile).


The nastiness is that the used *.icc profile is generated from the script itself. After creation the icc is dropped in the icc folder of OS:

Win: C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color

Mac: Library/ColorSync/Profiles


Photoshop initializes the icc profiles in these folders during startup.

Since the profile was dropped in icc folder after startup, PS does not know about the new profile which should be assigned to the image. As result the profile won't be assigned.


At least there is a workaround to force PS reinitializing the icc profile folder without restart:

If you open the UI dialog "Image -> Assign Profile -> Profile", the profile folder will be initialized again.

Unfortunately, you really have to display the "Assign Profile"-UI and the user has to confirm/close this dialog manually.

If you suppress the UI (DialogModes.OFF) this workaround is not working.


You guessed it:

I'm searching for a way to assign a during runtime of PS added ICC profile, without this nasty workaround which needs an interaction with "Assign Profile"-UI.

Or do you just know further ways to force PS reinitializing the icc profile folders, without restart and without visible UI?


Regards Jens

Actions and scripting , macOS , SDK , Windows






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