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Hi everyone, everything fine?
Continuing with the script that removes characters, I'm trying to add a function that displays a "before and after" comparison at the end of the task, but I can't fix a nasty error. The before doesn't work.
I count on your help. Thanks.
Current script:
var folder = Folder.selectDialog("Selecione a pasta de destino")
var files = folder.getFiles();
var file, extension;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
file = files[i];
fName = decodeURI(
extension =,;
file.rename("Pg#"+ fName.replace(/[^\d]+/g,"")+extension);
var out = new File(Folder.desktop + "/fileNames.txt");"w");
for(var a in files){out.writeln( fName + " = "+decodeURI(files[a].name));}
var ftxt = File (Folder.desktop + "/fileNames.txt" );"r"); var stringFromTextFile =;
var Result = stringFromTextFile.split();
alert (Result, "Result" )
Why not there (as continuation): Removing characters from filenames
if ((fldr = Folder.selectDialog()) &&
(lngth = (fls = fldr.getFiles()).length)) {
(out = File(Folder.desktop + '/nms.txt')).open('w')
while(fls.length) nme = decodeURI((fle = fls.shift()).name),
fle.rename('Pg#' + nme.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '') +
.slice(-4)), out.writeln(nme + ' = ' + decodeURI(
with(out) close(), open('r'), r = read(), close(), alert(r)
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Why not there (as continuation): Removing characters from filenames
if ((fldr = Folder.selectDialog()) &&
(lngth = (fls = fldr.getFiles()).length)) {
(out = File(Folder.desktop + '/nms.txt')).open('w')
while(fls.length) nme = decodeURI((fle = fls.shift()).name),
fle.rename('Pg#' + nme.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '') +
.slice(-4)), out.writeln(nme + ' = ' + decodeURI(
with(out) close(), open('r'), r = read(), close(), alert(r)
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@Kukurykus , sorry for the delay, you are genius, it worked very well. thanks for the script.
"Why not there (as continuation): Removing characters from filenames"
I understand that a lot of master users don't appreciate pushing a topic that has already been resolved.
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Yes, but it's your topic and current thread is much related to original request.
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This script is very useful, it impressed me a lot.
@Shulipa Bernade @Kukurykus,I also tested it here and saw that the script modifies the name of the subfolders if they exist inside the main folder, is this on purpose?
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It was wrote to work only with files.
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@Kukurykusthanks for your instant reply.
I've been looking for this script for years.
a script that batch renames the name of any file, but without changing the numerical order of the files and the name of the subfolders if they exist:
Change to: prefix + 3 digits before dot( prefix+000.jpg)
"ALBUM_000_000_001 .jpg" = myPrefix_001.extension
"XXXXXX_000_000_002.jpg" = myPrefix_002.extension
" xxxxx(1).jpg" = myPrefix_001.extension
Could you write a script like this? Please share. Thanks.
The before and after function also extends the script
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@Kukurykusthanks for your instant reply.
I've been looking for this script for years.
a script that batch renames the name of any file, but without changing the numerical order of the files and the name of the subfolders if they exist:
Change to: prefix + 3 digits before dot( prefix+000.jpg)
"ALBUM_000_000_001 .jpg" = myPrefix_001.extension
"XXXXXX_000_000_002.jpg" = myPrefix_002.extension
" xxxxx(1).jpg" = myPrefix_001.extensionCould you write a script like this? Please share. Thanks.
The before and after function also extends the script
By @mauricior6328708
@Kukurykus this would be a more complete version of the script you wrote.
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/*'given file name convention'*/
function(value) {return 'myPrefix_' +
('00' + value.split(/\D/).join('')).slice(-3)})
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Great, wonderful script! @Kukurykus thank you for fulfilling my request.
It's almost 100% perfect,
1: It adds the extension twice
2: Still renames the subfolder.
How do we fix these two mistakes? Thanks
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It works exactly as it should, try my snippet with these names: 'ALBUM_000_000_001.jpg', 'XXXXXX_000_000_002.jpg', 'xxxxx(1).jpg', 'Folder Name', so few examples you shared.
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if ((fldr = Folder.selectDialog()) &&
(lngth = (fls = fldr.getFiles()).length)) {
(out = File(Folder.desktop + '/nms.txt')).open('w')
while(fls.length) nme = decodeURI((fle = fls.shift()).name),
fle.rename(nme.replace(/.*(\(\d+\)|\d+)(?=\.)/,function(v){return 'myPrefix_' + ('00' + v.split(/\D/).join('')).slice(-3)}) +
.slice(-4)), out.writeln(nme + ' = ' + decodeURI(
with(out) close(), open('r'), r = read(), close(), alert(r)
I tested all types of name and the result is the same
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Test it without script, but use only code I wrote for you.
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I'm leaving work, I'll test it when I get home
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if ((fldr = Folder.selectDialog()) &&
(lngth = (fls = fldr.getFiles()).length)) {
re = /.*(\(\d+\)|\d+)(?=\.)/; while(fls.length)
(fle = fls.shift()).rename(decodeURI(
.replace(re, function(v) {return 'myPrefix_'
+ ('00' + v.split(/\D/).join('')).slice(-3)}))
Including part I wrote 2 hours ago
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It went wrong!
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I changed now incorrect order of assigned fle variable. Next time read execution result.
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@Kukurykus throws an error on line 4
Your last code seems to be incomplete, you eliminated the function that shows the alert with the names of the files "before and after", this function is fundamental.
if ((fldr = Folder.selectDialog()) &&
(lngth = (fls = fldr.getFiles()).length)) {
(out = File(Folder.desktop + '/nms.txt')).open('w')
while(fls.length) nme = decodeURI((fle = fls.shift()).name),
fle.rename(nme.replace(/.*(\(\d+\)|\d+)(?=\.)/,function(v){return 'myPrefix_' + ('00' + v.split(/\D/).join('')).slice(-3)}) +
.slice(-4)), out.writeln(nme + ' = ' + decodeURI(
with(out) close(), open('r'), r = read(), close(), alert(r)
This script works almost perfectly, if you can only fix the part that duplicates the extension and not rename the subfolder. Only that.
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I corrected it 3 seconds ago. Combine yourself an eliminated alert part from previous version.
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@Kukurykus I tried all morning to add the alert function in the current script. however without success. Where was I wrong? Could you show me how to fix it or send me the complete code with the appropriate corrections? Thanks
if ((fldr = Folder.selectDialog()) &&
(lngth = (fls = fldr.getFiles()).length)) {
(out = File(Folder.desktop + '/nms.txt')).open('w')
re = /.*(\(\d+\)|\d+)(?=\.)/; while(fls.length) nme = decodeURI((fle = fls.shift()).name),
(fle = fls.shift()),nme.rename(decodeURI(
.replace(re, function(v) {return 'myPrefix_'
+ ('00' + v.split(/\D/).join('')).slice(-3)}))
out.writeln(nme + ' = ' + decodeURI(
with(out) close(), open('r'), r = read(), close(), alert(r)
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if ((fldr = Folder.selectDialog()) &&
(lngth = (fls = fldr.getFiles()).length)) {
str = ''; re = /.*(\(\d+\)|\d+)(?=\.)/; while(fls.length)
(fle = fls.shift()).rename((nme = decodeURI(
.replace(re, function(v) {return 'myPrefix_'
+ ('00' + v.split(/\D/).join('')).slice(-3)})),
str += decodeURI( + ' & '
+ nme + '\n'; alert(str)
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Perfect! Now it worked very well.
@Kukurykus thanks for being so kind and thoughtful and gifting me with this wonderful script.
@Shulipa Bernad thanks for the topic
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@mauricior6328708 really I confess that I had not tested with subfolders, it would be perfect not to change the name of the subfolders. Thanks for that important detail
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For only jpg files use fldr.getFiles('*.jpg')