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I'm trying to save a copy of the current image from an automation plugin. The Listener plugin generates code for this nicely. There is one problem with - it doesn't work! I found the first bug quickly - there was a backslash in the path (and you would need to put \\ in C, otherwise it takes it as an escape character)! I corrected that, but it still fails. The Play call fails and returns with error code -43 (file not found).
Note that I'm on Windows XP and administrator on my machine, so it's also not a file access rights problem.
Then I thought, let's just create a file with that name there and see what happens. Well, the Play call deletes the file, then fails with same code!
I also tried specifying just the diretory, doesn't work either.
What works is changing the last parameter to pluginDialogDisplay. But I wouldn't like a dialog to pop up, so that's not an option. (neither one of pluginDialogSilent and pluginDialogDontDisplay works)
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
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Well, the soothing news is that in general it _does_ work , so there must be something wrong with your code. In general, its easier to answer this sort of questions if you also copy&paste the snippet of the the relevant code.
A couple of thoughts:
1) make sure you are using the most simple case to test you code (e.g. a hardcoded path to a .psd file in C:\temp, no spaces, no special characters, straight slashes, not on the network location, full-control permissions on the folder etc)
2) Depending on the destination format you may have to populate the descriptor with a few parameters, in addition to the destination, if you want the save to work without the dialog (that would otherwise do it for you). Listener should record them for you; make sure you are specifying there in the descriptor and remember that they are format-specific (ie. recording save parameters from format A and trying to use them to save a file into a format B may not work) .
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Thanks! I was already starting to give up on this path, but now I played a little more with it and managed to solve it. The problem was that I changed the "\" to a "/", which normally also works, and it's what I usually use. Unfortunatelly it seems like Photoshop doesn't eat it.
To Abode: please fix the Listener sample not to generate a single \ in a C string! Might spare someone some headache.
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Yeah, its the straight slashes that I've mentioned above - apparently the Photoshop SDK expects the delimiters to be the same as these natively used on the platform (backslash on PC, regular slash on Mac)