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Yes, I know this is "Legacy" option, however, Save for Web gives more and precise control over images and auto adjusts the dpi saving me a step. It's a big part of our worklfow and Export As. I'd use Export As if it had GIF animation, webp output, etc.
The last few versions of Photoshop on PC at least when you go to Save for Web works for a while in a Photoshop session, but then when you try it again, nothing happens, nothing appears on the screen. I then have to shut down all my files and open work and restart Photoshop which is a major time killer.
What's the fix for making Save for Web work every time I select it? (No my images are not in 32 bit mode.)
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I'm also on a PC, but I haven't noticed this happening with Save for Web (Legacy).
Have you tried resetting your Photoshop preferences?
Also, are you saving to your local hard drive or across a network or to removable media? If you are, see if saving locally and the moving your file helps.
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Long ago tried resetting preferences. And I save on my local machine.
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Oh, and here's information about how to reset preferences in case you need that:
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...and auto adjusts the dpi saving me a step
Just curious, what exactly do you mean by this?
(and it's PPI, but that's another discussion)
I then have to shut down all my files and open work and restart Photoshop which is a major time killer.
By @SC-Agency
Not a fix, but a workaround for your problem... I have a script for saving/opening a "session" of documents:
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If you use Export As it maintains the resolution of the file, if you use Save For Web it dumbs it down to 72 dpi.
Not sure I see how that script would help, but thanks for chiming in.
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Not sure I see how that script would help, but thanks for chiming in.
By @SC-Agency
The script saves a list of open documents in the work session. After restarting, you can then run the script to automatically reopen the files from the previous session. It was simply mentioned to help save some time and effort when you are forced to restart due to the Save for Web issue.