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Is there a script available that can save multiple pictures upon completion of editing to a different output folder of my choice other than the source folder all at the same time? Example I open 11 different photos from source folder x, I edit said 11 pictures and now want to save all 11 pictures to output folder xy all at the same time. What I want to prevent is having to click save as select new folder for each and every picture I have open.
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What version of Photoshop are you using? Newer versions have a preference for 'Save as to original folder'. With that preference off you will not have to keep choosing the new folder.
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I'm using Photoshop CS5. What I want is to be able to close all open pictures and save them all at once to a folder of my choosing. I don't want to save to the original source folder as I want the original to be untouched. Does this make sense.
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Does this help?
/* save open documents to location */
/* 2013, use it at your own risk */
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
/* create dialog */
var dlg = new Window('dialog', "select files", [500,300,830,565]);
/*create list of open files, thanks to paul r */
dlg.fileList = dlg.add('listbox', [15,15,315,220], 'field', {multiselect: true});
/* populate the list with the open files’ names */
for (var o = 0; o < app.documents.length; o++) {
dlg.fileList.add ("item", app.documents
.name); dlg.fileList.items
.selected = true };
/* buttons for ok, and cancel */
dlg.buildBtn = dlg.add('button', [13,230,160,255], 'OK', {name:'ok'});
dlg.cancelBtn = dlg.add('button', [170,230,317,255], 'Cancel', {name:'cancel'});;
/* show the window */
var myReturn = ();
if (myReturn == true) {
/* get the selcted ones */
var theSelected = new Array;
for (var p = 0; p < dlg.fileList.items.length; p++) {
if (dlg.fileList.items
.selected == true) {
theSelected = theSelected.concat(app.documents
/* folder selection */
var theFolder = Folder.selectDialog("select a folder");
if (theFolder) {
var thePath = theFolder.fullName;
psdOpts = new PhotoshopSaveOptions();
psdOpts.embedColorProfile = true;
psdOpts.alphaChannels = true;
psdOpts.layers = true;
psdOpts.spotColors = true;
/* save the psds */
for (var m = 0; m < theSelected.length; m++) {
app.activeDocument = theSelected
; var theDoc = app.activeDocument;
try {var basename =*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1]}
catch (e) {var basename =};
if (File(thePath+'/'+basename+".psd").exists == false) {
theDoc.saveAs((new File(thePath+'/'+basename+".psd")),psdOpts,false);
else {alert ("a file named "+basename+".psd"+" already exists in that folder")}
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Thank you very much for your response, but I have to be honest with you and say wow that blew my mind and I have no idea what it does or how to incorporate it as I am still learning things. But thank you very much
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In case it's important I'm running PS on a Mac
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If you want to give it a try paste the text into a new file in ExtendScript Toolkit (part of Photoshop’s installation, Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities/ExtendScript Toolkit … and save it as a jsx-file into Photoshop’s Presets/Scripts-folder.
After restarting Photoshop the Script should be available under File > Scripts and can be assigned a Keyboard Shortcut directly, recorded into an Action, be used in a Configurator-Panel or started from ExtendScript Toolkit directly.
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Thank you very much. I tried this and I think it may suit my purpose. I can not seem to get it to appear under scripts I restarted P'S still nothing. I saved to Adobe Scripts file. When run the script it will not allow me to search for for a destination that i want to create new folder. Also is there a way to make it appear under extensions with a GUY for easy access. Appreciate your help.
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The proper location for the jsx file is the Presets/Scripts folder right beside the app.