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Hey, just cobbled together this script that I'm already finding useful in my own work, so I figured I'd share, and maybe see if anyone has suggestions for improvement.
What it does, is apply a selected action to each of the selected layers individually.
So for example, if you had 50 layers that you wanted to each rotate by 90 degrees in place, you'd record a rotate-by-90-degrees action, select all the layers you want to apply it to and run the script with the action selected.
#target photoshop
var scriptName = "NinjaScript IterateActionLayers";
var scriptVersion = "0002";
function cID (inVal) { return charIDToTypeID(inVal);}
function sID (inVal) { return stringIDToTypeID(inVal);}
var currentActionSets = getActionSets();
function main()
function optionsDialog()
var ButtonWidth = 100;
OpenOptionsDialog = new Window("dialog", scriptName + " v" + scriptVersion);
OpenOptionsDialog.orientation = 'column';
OpenOptionsDialog.alignChildren = 'left';
mainGroup = OpenOptionsDialog.add("group");
mainGroup.orientation = 'column';
mainGroup.alignChildren = 'left';
mainGroup.alignment = 'left';
var actionSetGroup = mainGroup.add("group");
actionSetGroup.orientation = 'row';
actionSetGroup.add("statictext",undefined, "ActionSet: ")
var DDActionSet = actionSetGroup.add("dropdownlist",undefined, "")
DDActionSet.preferredSize.width = 150;
for (var i = 0; i < currentActionSets.length; i++)
DDActionSet.add("item", currentActionSets);
DDActionSet.selection = 0;
var actionGroup = mainGroup.add("group");
actionGroup.orientation = 'row';
actionGroup.add("statictext",undefined, "Action: ")
DDActions = actionGroup.add("dropdownlist",undefined, "")
DDActions.preferredSize.width = 150;
function populateDDActions (inSet)
for (var i = 0; i < currentActionSets[inSet].actions.length; i++)
DDActions.add("item", currentActionSets[inSet].actions);
DDActions.selection = 0;
DDActionSet.onChange = function()
mainGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "");
ButtonGroup = mainGroup.add("group");
ButtonGroup.orientation = 'row';
ButtonGroup.alignChildren = 'center';
ButtonGroup.alignment = 'top';
buttonRun= ButtonGroup.add("button",undefined, "Run")
buttonRun.preferredSize.width = ButtonWidth;
buttonRun.onClick = function()
var SelectedLayers = getSelectedLayers();
for (var i = 0; i < SelectedLayers.length; i++)
activeDocument.activeLayer = SelectedLayers;
doAction(DDActions.selection.text, DDActionSet.selection.text);
buttonClose= ButtonGroup.add("button",undefined, "Exit")
buttonClose.preferredSize.width = ButtonWidth;
buttonClose.onClick = function() {OpenOptionsDialog.close()}
//Show window;
var result =;
function getActionSets()
var i = 1;
var sets = [];
while (true) {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex(cID("ASet"), i);
var desc;
var lvl = $.level;
$.level = 0;
try {
desc = executeActionGet(ref);
} catch (e) {
break; // all done
} finally {
$.level = lvl;
if (desc.hasKey(cID("Nm "))) {
var set = {};
set.index = i; = desc.getString(cID("Nm "));
set.toString = function() { return; };
set.count = desc.getInteger(cID("NmbC"));
set.actions = [];
for (var j = 1; j <= set.count; j++) {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex(cID('Actn'), j);
ref.putIndex(cID('ASet'), set.index);
var adesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var actName = adesc.getString(cID('Nm '));
return sets;
function getSelectedLayers()
var resultLayers=new Array();
var descGrp = new ActionDescriptor();
var refGrp = new ActionReference();
refGrp.putEnumerated(cID( "Lyr " ),cID( "Ordn" ),cID( "Trgt" ));
descGrp.putReference(cID( "null" ), refGrp );
executeAction( sID( "groupLayersEvent" ), descGrp, DialogModes.NO );
for (var ix=0;ix<app.activeDocument.activeLayer.layers.length;ix++){resultLayers.push(app.activeDocument.activeLayer.layers[ix])}
var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref2 = new ActionReference();
ref2.putEnumerated( cID( "HstS" ), cID( "Ordn" ), cID( "Prvs" ) );
desc5.putReference( cID( "null" ), ref2 );
executeAction( cID( "slct" ), desc5, DialogModes.NO );
} catch (err) { }
return resultLayers;
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So you don't want a GUI? You just want to select the layers and run the script and have a preset hard-coded action run?
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Correct. Although I would rather use an easier script that do the task faster, this the only one I found that works.
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function layerUpdate(){
if(documents.length > 0){
var originalDialogMode = app.displayDialogs;
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.ERROR;
var docRef = activeDocument;
for(var i = 0; i < docRef.artLayers.length; i++){
var LayerRef = docRef.artLayers[i];
docRef.activeLayer = LayerRef;
doAction(test, TEST);
app.displayDialogs = originalDialogMode;
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Hmmm, i would say no. The script just won't know what Action you want to apply.
The only way i see is to hard-code ActionSet and Action names in it, if you really need to.
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Ok, Stephen_A_Marsh posted several scripts in this thread that Runs actions on layers without Dialog for anyone interested: Apply Layer Mask to Numerous Layers (without grouping)