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I've tried to connect two different monitors on my iMac without any problem (HDMI and RGB) but as soon I start working in PS with the tools on the second monitor the iMac switches off. After restarting there is a huge list with remarks about this problem.
I work with OS Monteray 12.3 and PS 23.2.2 and did several things to find out why this is happening on my new mac and never occures on my late 2012 Mac.
Does anyune recognize this phenomenon?
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I'm afraid I've not seen that issue but it sounds nasty
Resetting Photoshop MAY help - if you get a fix please come back here and let us know
Perhaps try resetting Photoshop preferences?
Resetting restores Photoshop's internal preferences, which are saved when Photoshop closes. If they become corrupt then various issues can occur.
Here’s some info on how to do that:
Restore your preferences using the manual method:
You may want to backup your settings and your custom presets, brushes & actions before restoring Photoshop's preferences.
Here is general info about that:
Also take a look at the following article and check if that helps:
Preferences file location:
On Mac, preference preservation is affected by maxOS permissions, you’ll need to allow Photoshop ‘Full Disk Access’ in your Mac OS Preferences/Security and Privacy
It may even be time to reinstall Photoshop.
It’s recommended that you use the Adobe CC cleaner tool to remove all traces first.
Uninstall Photoshop BUT make sure to choose the option “Yes, remove app preference”.
Once that process finishes, start the installation process and look into the “Advanced Options”. Uncheck “Import previous settings and preferences” and choose to “Remove old versions”.
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net :: adobe forum volunteer
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