Something for the Weekend - Part 176 - On the bench.
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Thanks to everyone who took part in our last challenge set in the Scottish Highlands.
For this week's challenge we have a park bench. It could be a meeting place, an eating place, a quiet place, a lively place or even, sadly in this day and age, a sleeping place.
So which will it be?
The “rules”:
* Anything goes, as long as it meets the forum rules on decency, copyright etc
* Anyone, and everyone, is welcome to have a go, whether you are a complete beginner or a Photoshop expert. This is not just for our forum "regulars".
* There are no prizes apart from the chance to practice, show off, or bring a bit of humour and fun. Don't be shy, join in and have a go!
* The starter image is made available for you to use in this forum challenge only.
To download the image below, hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right. Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser).
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Have fun
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I do like that JEL. A very nice fit between the decayed building and the reflection. Being very picky - shouldn't the lettering on the waste bin be reversed?
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Thanks, Dave. I am inside the decayed “basement” building, looking out the window at the bench and waste bin.
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I love this, J! Is the window from your photo shoot of that old western town?
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Thank you, J! This is from a different old western town shoot. I'll admit I was in a low mood when I came up with the vision, lol. But there was something about the bench's two wooden bars for the back and the wood beams above the windows that seemed to go together for this one.
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Another take on Forest Gump
although I do like Deans version as well!
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Haha - I see the tardis has shrunk this week !
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Leslie I have just seen your comment, and I am genuinely sorry that satirizing Trump upsets you, but no other American President has been as spiteful and nasty to those that disagree with, or criticize him, so how can he possibly not be fair game?
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Seeing people who do not live here and get their "news" from the BBC and The Guardian and have no idea what the reality is just adds to the insanity to me. I cannot believe how many people, in this country as well, do not see what's happening. The truth is that the Swamp in D.C are terrified of him. That's why they demonize him. He isn't one of them. He's an outsider. He can't be bought. He can't be blackmailed (unlike some of the GOPe in congress who are in the pocket of the DNC and under their control). . Every time they think they've dug up something that will ruin him, it never works. He slept with an adult film star? Of course he did, he's Donald Trump. We already knew him. He wasn't holding public office at the time And every time they do this, we just say Yep, this guy is no politician. And THAT is what we wanted and what we got. Nothing they ever dig up about him will ever matter and it kills them.
He's a flashlight in a dark room exposing the cockroaches and watching them scuttle off to their corners. He exposed them for what they are and they're terrified. The other truth is that under Trump we had a roaring economy and were energy independent, the lowest unemployment in history among blacks and women. In history. Since they started keeping records. Think Putin would've attacked Ukraine if Trump had been in office? Hah.
Trump was not my guy in the primaries. I thought it was some kind of PR. stunt. But boy howdy did he ever change my mind. And anyone who thinks 81 million people voted for the total idiot who's in the White House now is not awake. Wake UP. Wake up and see what they're trying to do, not just here but all over the world. And now I'm going to unfollow this. Thank you for listening. There I feel better now. Ha.
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I won't get into the political debate as this thread, and forum, is not the place for that.
I do like a bit of satire in the images though and, through the years, we've shown that many public figures can be on the end of that satire.
I like the your portrayal of the two old timers on the bench Trevor.
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Not the place for that. That is what I ws saying.
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Haha - I think I've been launched Trevor 🙂 I'm not sure what I was sitting around in socks for though !
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Maybe for the same reason as Shoeless Joe Jackson, Dave? Blisters on your feet when you were up at bat? 🙂
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Kitty Litter 🙂
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Indeed, Bob, in the less known sense; so the one word on the box is enough in itself, litterally,
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Haha - very good - a nice twist Jacob!
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Thank you very much, Dave.
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Who's that knocking at the door?
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Hah! A great idea Euan. It's good that the Tardis is bigger on the inside than it appears from the outside, or the Doctor would be on his/her hands and knees. BTW the blue light would work well as an animated GIF.
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Now we know why the tardis in Bob's image had shrunk 🙂
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Well Since Dean and I were vibing on the same frquencies for my last post I thought I'd give it another go. I did keep the bench this time 😉 Amnesty for the Empire
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A very nice job bob. I love the lighting on the little girl and the stormtoopers. If I was being picky I'd have added some shadow to the seat slats. BTW, I thought the little girl might be Laura from the Logan movie, but I missremembered because they are not remotely similar!