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Thank you to all who took part in our previous locomotive challenge. There were some great ideas and images.
This weekend we have a miner's safety lamp. There have been many variations since its invention by Humphrey Davy in 1815, but all work on the same principle and it has saved many lives.
What can you do with it?
The “rules”:
To download the starter image, hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right. Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser). It is a png with transparency so you should not need to spend time creating a mask for it.
When posting back your image — please use the blue reply button in this first post and use the 'Insert Photos' icon at the top of the reply box. If posting a comment on someone else’s entry, then please use the grey reply button next to their image post.
Have fun!
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We have a water tower just a road or two behind our house: Ireland
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Sure, here's one just a mile from where I was brought up in Dundee Scotland.
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Our very own water tower! Yay!
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I think you'll find that is a UFO landing tower. You can clearly see that there is a ship on the tower in this image, although it is in stealth mode right now using tech assimulated by the Borg from the Romulan cloaking device (who in turn borrowed it from the Time Lords — which is why the Enterprise appears to be attacked by a Police Box in series 11 episode 33). Fortunately, there is an uncloak filter in Beta 26.3 M.2697
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If that lamp has gone out, I don't think the canary will be with us for long 😞
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Wikipedia says that Irish miners used to take stuffed canaries into the mines with them, so they could save a few cents on canary food.
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Trevor, are you sure the Irish miner story is anything but an English joke? This brings me many years back to my hearing the Englishwoman telling shortest book jokes for everyone to enjoy, until the last one about the Irish, and the Irishman present (whom she chose to tease) replying: "and the longest book in the world is the English book of sarcasm."
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Trevor, are you sure the Irish miner story is anything but an English joke?
By @Jacob Bugge
I think you'll find it was a Kiwi joke. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. 😉
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Ah, Trevor, that sounds right. In any case I wondered about the currency, being convinced that (Euro) cents came long after mining in Ireland.
Apart from that, I believe the shortest book jokes were new to all of us in the room, so long ago.
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Ah, Trevor, that sounds right. In any case I wondered about the currency, being convinced that (Euro) cents came long after mining in Ireland.
By @Jacob Bugge
Jacob, to the best of my knowledge, there are no Irish manual workers left in Ireland. Lots of them became cops in America, and the rest are watching Polish men dig holes in the road. (Firefly is no better at faces then?)
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Yo dem faces bro
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Dave, your gone out surprise gave me a good laugh. Until then I just (boringly) thought of it as an unlit lamp kept ready with the bird, to be lit when leaving the well lit parts for the dangerous dark depths.
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Your mine has an Unreal Engine look to it Jacob. The box is missing the rest of the text that reads, 'Of any work being done here.' I love that Dave gave the glass some transparency so we can see the mug behind it. That was a nice touch Dave.
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Hi Trevor, I made the mine in Blender for SFTW47. This week's lamp was also Blender, I rendered it against transparency so that the glass would show what is behind it.
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Trevor, as David said; the heading holds a link to that SFTW.
Actually, the NO part was an addition already used in one of my elaborations in 47.
And I should have expected you to remember that one: you were first responder with a smashing (in more than one sense) elaboration including Jane and Dave pursued by a pair of non gentlemen.
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You are really digging this lamp idea.
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This should light up the sky.
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A perfect fit Greg - nice job with the perspective 🙂
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And just to keep in with this week's theme, Dave, the photo was taken near the Coal Drops Yard (close by Platform 9-3/4).
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Mask mania!
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Here i thought this was a micro brewery looking to light up the path for others.
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"Watch Your Step"
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Very atmospheric James - and a great job lighting the lamp and showing the light on the steps.