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There were some great entries to our Fulling Mill challenge, thanks to everyone who took the time to create and post them.
This week we start with an object, and an apology to writer Neil Munro for using his puffer steamboat's title this week. Those familiar with petrol (gasoline) engines will recognise the object as a spark plug. Those with electric or diesel engines will have to use your imagination. So we have our starting object, what can you turn it into?
The “rules”:
To download the starter image, hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right. Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser). It is in png format with a transparent background so the cutting out is already done for you.
When posting back your image — please use the blue reply button in this first post and use the 'Insert Photos' icon at the top of the reply box. If posting a comment on someone else’s entry, then please use the grey reply button next to their image post.
Have fun!
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Haha - a great interpretation of this week's challenge title, Jacob. 🙂
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Thank you very much, Dave.
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Direct high tension
Sets sparks flying between them,
Dolly and Danny,
Those two look like trouble, but
They have no time to make it
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It may be a little difficult to adjust the gap on this one:
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So that's where they grow them! 🙂
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Notice a small rennovation to the Fulling Mill?
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Impressive flue liners, Dean, and no risk of fire there.
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Oh, that's clever Dean, incorporating this week's and last week's images.
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Thanks @Jacob Bugge and @davescm . Maybe a new challenge, link the current SFTW with the last. It did work well this time. A closer look.
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I'm guessing this is a render Dave? It's beyond impressive if it is. I especially like the satin texture of the nickel plating.
We used to have three engine fitters who worked next to the lab I work in, and one of them was stuck with the name Five Star after insisting that his Triumph TR7 would only run with five star fuel. (This dates it to pre-1978). It was about this time that engine ignition systems changed from 20KV coils to 40KV coils — you _really_ didn't want to get a shock from the new systems! Unfortunately, young Five Star did exactly that one day, and it wouldn't let him go, and I am ashamed to say that people were too busy rolling with laughter to switch the engine off.
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I love the sparks Trevor, and the story of five star. Let's face it though, if we've worked on engines for long enough, we've all done it! 🙂
Thanks, the spark plug is a render. I modelled it in Blender 3D, textured it in Adobe Substance Painter, then took it back to Blender for rendering before finishing and exporting the image for SFTW in Photoshop.
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Doing this in Illustrator would have been the faster method, but I played by the rules
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I like it. Illustrator is allowed and welcome here, Monika. As long as at least part of the starter image is used then the application you use to create your entry is entirely up to you.
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Thank you, Dave.
Of course this is a reference to Ludwig Hohlwein, who first advanced German poster art and then later used his craft for the wrong cause.
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There are rules?
This has a vintage poster feel to it Monika. I can see it painted on a metal sign in a 1920s garage where you had to turn a handle to pump your gas/petrol.
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Thank you Jane.
That is a nice image. I am imagining the next image though, when the cat grabs the top of the plug and reacts like Trevor's collegue 'Five Star' ! 🙂
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This started as 50% Frankenstein head I found with Google, and 50% my Dave head graphic, but there does not appear to much left of the Dave head 😞
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Just in for a quick recharge, I'll be good as new shortly! 🙂
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Now that's an original use of the spark plug. It works well.
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