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I'm posting this weekend's challenge a little early as I will be a bit busy on Friday.
There was a rhyme in the late Roger Hicks' 1986 "Medium Format Handbook", which he in turn attributed to Benson's advertising agency. It went:
"If your client screams and yells
Show a picture of what he sells.
If he still should prove refractory,
Print a picture of his factory.
Only in a desperate case,
Print a picture of his face."
So for this week we have a pack shot of "what he sells". But the client has left off the labels and logos so we don't really know what it is. That's where you come in.
Can you add the labels, logos and anything else needed to show us what he is selling?
Watch out for reflections
As always, anything goes as long as it meets the forum rules on decency, copyright etc.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to have a go - whether you are a complete beginner or a Photoshop expert.
There are no prizes apart from the chance to practice, show off, or bring a bit of humour and fun. Don't be shy, join in and have a go!
When posting back your edited images please use jpeg and downsize to 1200px on the long side.
To download the image below in jpeg format with ICC color profile (sRGB) and without the forum scaling artefacts , right click and then use Save Image As /Save Target As (or similar depending on your browser).
Have fun.
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I thought the entries would fly in for this one.
[EDIT] Whoops. I spotted a mistake when making the second post.
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Trevor.Dennis wrote
I thought the entries would fly in for this one.
It's early days.
Nice start Trevor thanks for getting the ball rolling. One thing though - shouldn't the spray-can have a dark reflection now ?
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davescm wrote
Trevor.Dennis wrote
I thought the entries would fly in for this one.
It's early days.
Nice start Trevor thanks for getting the ball rolling. One thing though - shouldn't the spray-can have a dark reflection now ?
I didn't even see the reflections Dave. It was a bit rushed and I was thinking it was about time something was uploaded. Hence I also missed the Skin Texture not being hidden behind the brush Softener bottle. It's going to have to stand for now, but I'll fix it when I can grab a minute.
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Right. Reflections fixed. The Patches tin was a bugger, so I gave up and resorted to just reflecting the text seeing as that was the only difference anyway.
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Nice one Trevor
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This will come under the heading 'The Bleeding Obvious' for most of you, but just in case, this is one of the ways I do this.
Make a rectilinear selection about the size and aspect ratio of your target, and fill with any colour
Build your fill on layers above, and make all those layers a Smart Object.
Open the SO in a new window (double click) and turn off the dummy background layer. This locks in the size and aspect ratio of the target area.
Save the edited SO and FT it to match the target by Ctrl dragging the corner handles.
You can copy and FT for other faces. The bounding box is always going to match the original rectangle.
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Modified slightly. Maybe I should add some labels...
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This is a little above my experience, so if you would look with a gentle eye
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In response to demand for these products on the forum.....
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The top/left pair of goods reminds me of an exquisite post in one of the long winding threads in The (Old (Photoshop)) Lounge (I only ever had short glimpses into a few of them with their often more than 6,000 posts).
Some 15 years ago or so I followed a link in an Illustrator thread referring to the Photoshop Unblur Filter, and found the post which showed a road fading into the far distance where there was a barely visible red dot to the left, and then, after the application of the Unblur Filter you could see the large octagonal STOP signal and a lorry that had reached the road junction, and most importantly a house on the opposite side with a jaguar crossing the rather flat roof seen over the lorry (you could see by the rosettes, and the sturdiness, that is was no leopard).
I bookmarked the link, but unfortunately never included it in my archive of threads, and suddenly it was gone with The Lounge; so that is how I remember it.
Has anyone else seen it?
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I love it
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Aaargh, reflections! Lets just pretend they are there but the devil is tricking your mind
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Here, pack it in here. JH
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starter assets + a free sign
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Dean - Australian travel products ?
Rista - We're always friendly here - I do like your logo !
Jacob - we're back to the polar regions again with that one.
HothWampa - were would the fun be without reflections
Joan - I see you have provided a complete new setting for our products.
Graham - Is that a "replica" scene done in Dimension?
Talking of relections there are a couple of common errors we often see in images reflected in a ground surface. First, the reflection should be vertically under the real image i.e not skewed. The second is that the reflection is not just a flipped real image. It has a different viewpoint, which often gets missed. When doing the hard way i.e. transforming in Photoshop , then the warps need to be adjusted Although doing it in Photoshop in this thread, my preferred way is just to put them on a 3D surface and let the rendering engine sort it out, which is what was done on the starter image
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Polar regions indeed, Dave.
It started with the memory of the comparable cool colour beverage in 62 (and having the cardbox that just needed some stretching (without wrecking it) to fit the bottle), and then it kind of snowballed.
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Dave, I changed everything and got crazy with abstract - blame my allergy meds. Fun! JH
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When you have to leave your puppy for the weekend.
P.S. These were photographed on a non-reflective surface.
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I have wondered whether anyone could become desperate enough to add one or two three letter products to the collection, maybe in a vegan (or other fake) version.
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Copied wrote
I have wondered whether anyone could become desperate enough to add one or two three letter products to the collection, maybe in a vegan (or other fake) version.
What does this mean, Jacob?
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Well, Jane, if I have to (almost) spell it/them out, in British English one of them is identical to a ((very) Northern) British English word for tiny, the other is (also) the surname of a famous cuddly bear with the first name Winnie. The US/international word for the first one starts with the same letter as the second one.
I had expected Trevor or Graham or Dean or someone to have already said what I said a few days ago, only more directly.
Well (again), you know: it is a dirty job.
I believe Barb had guessed it straight away.
It just occurred to me that maybe more likely they would be referred to by numbers over there.
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Nice one Barb - although I'm not sure I'll be ordering a tin of puppy drool anytime soon
Derek - very good - it made me laugh!
I'll post the next challenge tomorrow
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