text not appearing
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hi i have a certain image where the text is not appearing on the background. You can see the text in the side layer bar but nothing shows up. it works on a different image but not this particular one. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Could you post some screenshots showing the issue including a shot of your full workspace?
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Is the Text layer hidden by another layer higher up the stack?
What size is the image in pixels, and what size the text also in pixels?
Try making the text much bigger and see if it appears.
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ive changed the text size and font and still nothing appears
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Can you double check those sizes again please? The point I was making is that it is easy to get units mixed up when working with both linear and pixel dimensions. We can see that the document image size is quite small at 800 x 1033 pixels (I have just noticed that you had a screen shot further up the thread), but it's resolution is set to a crazy high 19200!
So if you have Type set to millimeters and added text at an equally crazy 400mm high, you still wouldn't see it.
This is your image:
If I change the units from pixels to inches, you'll see that the image would print out at 54 thousands of an inch. That's about the thickness of a hacksaw blade, (1/20 for Imperial loving Ludittes Americans)
Open Image size
Uncheck Resample
Set Resolution to 72
Create a new type layer 25mm high, and this is what you will see.
BTW When I used to belong to the local camera club, nothing confused our members more than PPI (resolution) when it came to submitting digital image competition entries. I've seen International Exhibitions where the rules stipulated that digital entries had to be no more than 1920 x 1200 pixels and 300ppi, even though that resolution value was completely meaningless (these images would never be printed).
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Good spotting! The rule of thumb is if you can something in another document, then something in the current document is causing the problem. If you can repeat it in other documents, first reset tool (context-click tool icon in the Options bar), then launch with default prefs (search how). Those steps will solve most problems.
The resolution not applying to screen images but to text intended to be used on screen images also confuses lots of people.
Shangara SINGH.
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When you say it works on other images, are those images also California vital records? I'm wondering if Adobe put some anti tamper code for documents like this. I know if you try and copy them a watermark will appear so that you can't pass it off as an original.
I'll have to try scanning some of my CA vital records to see what happens, but not tonight.
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If OP can do other edits, then disallowing text doesn't make sense.
Context-click on the tool icon in the Options bar and select Reset Tool. Does that help?
If not, try altering the document with the Clone Stamp tool. If you cannot, then Photoshop is stopping you from altering it.
Shangara SINGH.
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No, it doesn't make sense. Just a wild thought.
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Well, I was able to add text to a CA vital record, so that theory is a bust.
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The text frame has a plus in the lower right, meaning there is text in the frame that is not showing. Try resizing the text frame to see if you can make the text appear.
You might also delete (or hide) this Type layer and start again. Do any letters show up as you start to type? If so, which key have you just pressed when they disappear?
Seeing your Character panel (Window menu) would be helpful.
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The text not appearing problem is caused by the high resolution, as spotted by Trevor. Fonts are too big to appear in the text box. Change font size to 1pt to see it, or increase resolution without sampling (recommened).
Shangara SINGH.