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Hey everyone! I had to format my windows 11 and after installing Photoshop I came across this weird problem: The preview in the export (and also the exported image) has a different color than the file I'm working on, the preview is a bit less "vibrant". Both of them are in sRGB and doesn't matter what I do it keeps the same way.
It was not like that before reinstalling Windows.
Any suggestions?
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That's a bug in Export color management that has gone unfixed for a long time.
The exported file is correct - it's only a misleading preview in the Export dialog. As long as you have "embed color profile" checked you'll be fine.
If it bothers you (it bothers me; on principle) - you can use Save For Web instead. Save For Web works much better and more reliably than Export. The whole Export module seems to have been abandoned completely.
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You are completely right - The exported file is indeed in the correct color. It's just the export preview.
So sad that the export thing is so bad like that, it's very useful when I need to export multiple layers.
Thanks dude 🙂