trying to create a transparent - to - black mask
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I am struggling to create a mask layer that is transparent on one side, then from the center to the other edge goes from transparent to black. Is there a page that walks through how to do this? BTW I am running Photoshop 12. I am tryng to duplicate the effect a soft edge mask would make when dropped onto a 35mm slide, like this one...
soft edge mask - Wess 35mm
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A mask is a gray scale channel whites grays and blacks there is no transparency in a mask. A mask, masks a layers pixels. White has no effect on pixels it mask they stay as is. Pixels masked by grays have their opacity is lowered some percentage, and pixels masked by Black have their opacity set to 0 they become transparent. Masks do not changes a layer pixels colors just the opacity may be changed. A layer may not contain any black a layer mask can not turn pixels black.
It sounds like you may be running Photoshop Elements version 12. Photoshop version 12 is CS5. There is a Photoshop Element forum however, masking in Elements and Photoshop will be the same.
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I think he means something like this
no background
yellow background
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YES! I am trying to create the top image, with black instead of blue, gradiating to transparent.
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Note the layer is black fill layer the layer mask a gradient white to black
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Perhaps I am asking the wrong question. We are using the word "mask" in two different ways. You are using is correctly in photoshop parlance. I am using it as the name for the final product. I am trying to re-create the slides in this photo, using photoshop. I need to create a .psd file that can be saved as a .png file that is black on one end and gradiating to transparent on the other, replicating what you see here. I need to be able to place the gradient accurately, at a certain point across the width of the image, and at a certain width from black to transparent.
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The layer I posted is that. A Black Fill layer masked with a gradient White to Black. Which causer the Layer to be Black to fully transparent no color changing is done. On clear Film it prints Black to transparent black to clear transparent. On White Photo Paper it prints like a Gradient Black to White Photo Paper. The Only Ink laid down is Black. A layer mask does not change the color of a Layer Pixels. But the white Paper blending in does. The black partly transparent will have white blended in and be a shade of gray. Part of the Black Gradient on the film my look gray to to also because or the light passing though the partly transparent area all the black Ink is not 100% opaque.
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In the Gradient Editor, set your 1st Color Stop to Black while leaving the default Stop Opacity set to 100%. Set the second Color Stop to any color, but change the Stop Opacity to 0%. While the Opacity Stop is selected in the Gradient Editor, you can slide the Opacity Midpoint left or right as desired (it defaults to 50%).
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You can also create that layer an other way. Add an emty layer and fill the layer with a gradient Black to transparent or Foreground Color to transparent. IE. a new document that is transparent fill the canvas with your Black to Transparent gradient. No layer mask is required.