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Well done Mr Moderator-finally!!!!!

Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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Thank you for at last shutting down the thread

'Photoshop CC 2017 Unusable slow'

It's a pity you couldn't do it before all the damage was done though and what happens about all the decent people on that thread who were actually trying out the suggestions? It goes to show how a couple of abusive OP's can spoil things for everyone. But with $5.8 billion declared as this years profit what does Adobe care about them.




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Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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Please ignore this discussion. I have had a private discussion with Bob  and would like to put this whole sorry saga to bed now.

I'm taking an indefinite sabbatical from this forum now as I'm thoroughly disillusioned and my husband has asked me to stop doing it. I might change my mind as I love helping people, but with an 11 month old baby  I think there are better things to do than argue with trolls. To all the nice people I have encountered here may I wish you a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year -in spite of Donald Trump lol

Terri Stevens.




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Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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I hope you come back sooner rather than later.

And bring back the cowgirl . . .

With the impending kakistocracy, we need all the smart competent people we can find.

Even if its only on an Adobe forum . . .

Good Luck!




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Argh Bo thank you for being so sweet. Unfortunately I can't bring back the cowgirl as JJ thinks it's gross lol and he's quite possibly right lol. There have been one or two developments over night which in fairness to Tricia I can't say anything about at the moment, but I will say my announcement of retirement might have been premature.

enjoy Christmas babe




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Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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Hi Terri,

There's a thread in the Back Room (not sure if you have access), "Help Us Ban Bad Behavior". There was quite a rash of it seven years ago resulting in the departure of even some regulars. It was a way to report abusive behavior and the Moderators and Staff would either warn the offender or close the account down. That thread has not seen attention in a while. Maybe a good time to bring it back.

Adobe does have good ongoing moderation. It's why you no longer see the forums hosed down with Korean language online Casino spam. That also means new users from all forums automatically go into the queue to catch spam links, contact information, and even posting technical topics in the Lounge or the incorrect forum. Does keep things busy.

Personal abuse happens and the best way should be to report it and it will go into the queue. ACP status would carry weight as a valued contributor that should not need to deal with it at all.

But anyway being as you are drained from all of this, sounds like less keyboard time and more family time will be good for a change.





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Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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gener7 wrote:

Hi Terri,

There's a thread in the Back Room (not sure if you have access), "Help Us Ban Bad Behavior". There was quite a rash of it seven years ago resulting in the departure of even some regulars. It was a way to report abusive behavior and the Moderators and Staff would either warn the offender or close the account down. That thread has not seen attention in a while. Maybe a good time to bring it back.

Adobe does have good ongoing moderation. It's why you no longer see the forums hosed down with Korean language online Casino spam. That also means new users from all forums automatically go into the queue to catch spam links, contact information, and even posting technical topics in the Lounge or the incorrect forum. Does keep things busy.

Personal abuse happens and the best way should be to report it and it will go into the queue. ACP status would carry weight as a valued contributor that should not need to deal with it at all.

But anyway being as you are drained from all of this, sounds like less keyboard time and more family time will be good for a change.


Come to think of it, we haven't seen any serial spammers for ages.  It's nice to see that at least some of the Jive issues can be fixed.  I can remember frantically deleting one spam after another, while the spammer kept adding new posts.

I swap the odd email with Ramon, and I need to update him about Chris Cox, so I'll send him a Christmas Greeting, and hope he hasn't drifted off to the Mac users graveyard.  He was always pretty crook when he was posting here.




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Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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Whatever the situation, I hope Ramon is better off. He really has a lot going for him.

As long as I'm being optimistic...





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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Thank you Gene, hope you are well. I don't have access to the 'Back Room' currently but it sounds a good idea. I think the moderation here is generally good though.What happened yesterday was it was the Saturday before Christmas and a busy shopping day for most people-except me who says smugly I did it all at the end of October lol, but also at a time of day when there was a crossover between Southern Hemisphere evening time where Trevor is and early morning time where you and the American moderators are. I don't know if there are very many European moderators actually. Maybe there just wasn't much cover available due to those factors.

Being a moderator must involve walking a very thin line. You don't want to censor and yet at the same time cannot just let one person make out they are representing the views of thousands if they are talking nonsense. These things so easily get believed , didn't someone start a rumour recently that Hillary Clinton was running a child paedophile ring out of a Washington hotel? It got believed and someone turned up taking pot shots at people in the lobby-crazy but true.

My problem yesterday was I wasn't prepared to let two people through continuous negative posting put everyone else off trying new things and that caused claims of me being an Adobe Drone toadying up to the company which is very insulting and not true, so I responded which made matters worse. I've learned from that not to feed people's anger. I should have known better as I did a module in psychology when at university and it's amazing how predictable behaviour is online. You can also make psychology work for you to prime people into revealing more about a problem than they realise and that's useful in a positive way. Anyhow there is Christmas nearly, the best time of the year. Happy Christmas Gene to you and your family.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Have a great break over Christmas. I hope we do see you back - but either way, enjoy your family time and don't let the trolls get to you. Fortunately, there are more genuine people on the forum that are looking for help, and want to help themselves, than not.





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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Thank you Dave, you have a good Christmas too. I'm off skiing in January to Klosters in Switzerland which will be nice. I'm not quite the same standard as Lindsey Vonn , but some people think I look like her in my ski gear-which is actually quite flattering until they see me ski and realise how wrong they are. Looking on the bright side if I end up with two broken legs in hospital I'd have plenty of time to do this forum.




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Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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I wish I had seen it earlier, but was out. I locked the thread and it has been moved to a private forum temporarily, awating review by admins. I want them to see the thread in it's entirety before it is cleaned up. After that, I hope to return the thread to the Photoshop General Discussion.

Merry Christmas, and by all means take some time off. We hope you will not go, but you ultimately will know what is best.

Take care,





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Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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All content deleted by me (Trevor)




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Benjamin Root wrote:

I wish I had seen it earlier, but was out. I locked the thread and it has been moved to a private forum temporarily, awating review by admins. I want them to see the thread in it's entirety before it is cleaned up. After that, I hope to return the thread to the Photoshop General Discussion.

Merry Christmas, and by all means take some time off. We hope you will not go, but you ultimately will know what is best.

Take care,


Thanks Benjamin. Yesterday is just another day now and best forgotten about. I went to a Christmas party on Friday night and was shall we say a little fragile which may very well have made me more grumpy than usual. It would be good if some of that thread could be preserved as there are valuable tips there. I do agree with Trevor though that threads that long are unwieldy and hard to follow, but can't think of an alternate way to allow 300 contributors to have a say on a very controversial subject-now if Adobe produced bug free software that might solve the problem.

Have a very happy Christmas and a prosperous new year





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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Thank you, Terri.

I, too, hope that we can simply clean up and return the thread to it's original place. We may leave it read-only. Not sure yet.

Merry Christmas to all.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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By locking up this topic you locked up customers mouth poiting out CC 2017 issues. Good job!

What about Type tool issue? Have you fixed it and speed up interface that topic is closed? Don't think so.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Hi Jacek

If you have a specif issue, please start a new thread.  I, for one, never look at that those overlong threads — especially if they are already marked as having a Correct answer.  I guess they are OK if you just want to rant, and that's fine so long as it does not get out of hand like the locked thread apparently did.

There must have been a dozen different people with a dozen different problems in the locked thread.  Any thread that goes beyond ten or more posts becomes confusing.  New people join the thread without reading through it, and make suggestions already covered, or they miss vital clues from earlier posts, or worst of all, the original poster misses what might well be the answer to their problem, and the thread flounders on needlessly.

Big threads are counterproductive, and when they degenerate into swapping insults, you bet your ass they are going to be locked.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Jacek that thread descended into a succession of insults yesterday afternoon and you can't have that on a professional information board. This is not Facebook or Twitter where it's a free for all. There was a campaign by some people-not you incidentally-to just trash the software and when I attempted to correct the untruths and provide balance I was ganged up on by the Trolls and it got really nasty. I myself ended up become very irritated and got quite rude and so am not free of blame myself. I am not pleased with my own conduct as I as an ACP I am a trusted  spokesperson for Adobe and feel I let them down, but only after severe provocation.

There is a possibility the thread may be reinstated after review and the removal of offensive material -I can't promise that will happen as it is outside my gift, but there are many excellent contributions there read over 15,000 times by forum users and it would be a shame to throw the baby out with the bath water. You yourself have provided Adobe with a major lead on the slow text issue which could save weeks bringing forward a fix and you deserve to be thanked for that. On balance Benjamin was quite right to take down the thread as in the end it was serving no purpose.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Trevor.Dennis wrote:

I, for one, never look at that those overlong threads

Yes, I tend to ignore those as well - except one or two that are so full of gross misunderstandings that I feel someone should occasionally inject a small dose of sanity. Like the "100 %" - thread.

Not that I have any illusions. It never "helps", the madness just continues. It just feels like the right thing to do.

Terri, you don't have to go either/or with the forums. Look it up when you have a little spare time, pick one or two threads that look interesting, let the others drift. I only go all in when I have a lot of time on my hands, which doesn't happen very often between work and family obligations. But if I manage to get one or two good answers in during the day, I feel like I've made a decent contribution.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Terri—I'm sorry for how awful this was for you. Skiing in the alps and a holiday break with your family sounds like just what you need. And to perhaps bring a smile to your face, I'll share my most memorable (also most embarrassing) story with you from a holiday ski trip in the Alps. I was young and not very skilled. I crossed my tips, went down and slid a good distance down the hill on my back. There was a horse-drawn carriage in front of me, and when I finally stopped I was directly between the front and back legs of a very large draft horse. I'll never forget that unique view of the horse, who, to his credit, didn't move. I don't remember how I got out of there, but it did provide the incentive to learn to ski well enough to avoid peering at the underbellies of very large horses.

Merry Christmas and hope to see you again in the new year.





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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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I don't know how all this all got out of control? What was the moderator doing?  Was he sleeping?  In fact I have seen post number 5 (above) offensive because the video uses the word Bit** and it is posted by our so called Moderator.  there was no need for the comics to be posted when Terri raised a very important and serious matter but the Mr Dennis made a fool of her by posting totally unrelated message. This is clearly abuse of these facilities and power.  No wonder other users joined the abuse and everything went out of control. 

Let's hope Terri will have a rethink and come back here soon.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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I suspect most employees were off for the weekend. The rest of us are trained volunteers. I don't think it would be fair to expect us to sit here 24/7, neglecting our own lives and families.

As for the questionable post, I have removed the offensive image. I hadn't seen the words at the bottom reading this thread earlier, so thank you for mentioning it.




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Thank you, I'm afraid I don't know your first name so this might seem a little formal. First it is really nice to receive your support and I appreciate it very much, but let's not blame anybody. Trevor is very experienced here and possibly the longest serving moderator on the forum and we would not want to be without him- he contributes enormously and I don't think he consciously undermined my position.

I must admit if you ACPs do get to see the banned thread it might be embarrassing for me because I did finally out of exasperation say I was disappointed that fellow ACP/MVPs had left me on my own to get crucified fighting Adobe's corner as nobody else chipped in, except Pete and Adam from Adobe, and that made me look like some PR person from the company making excuses to hundreds of people paying for broken software. Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm not a company person, not even close-I even tell people sometimes to buy Affinity Photo as it's a British company with a product that in some areas  is better than Photoshop. Also after Brexit is triggered we are going to need all the 'dosh' we can get, Adobe won't miss a billion or two lol

Seriously though I'm very new to being an ACP here and do need to develop some diplomatic skills. Yesterday I told a troll to go and do something obscene to themselves that rhymes with 'brewing'. Although I am very English with a very strong Anglo Saxon heritage, that was probably going a bit too far   

I think this is a great community that serves a real purpose. Without hopefully over egging the pudding and getting sycophantic, I would say we are the place to come to solve Photoshop problems. I can't speak for the other Adobe forums as I don't input, but hopefully it's the same-if we can't solve something here it's unlikely someone in a magazine or miscellaneous website will do it either-in fact they probably come here to find stuff to put in their copy. This is the place to come if you need help 'expert help'  and we do it for free. I'm quite proud to be a part of that-it's like having the privilege of being on the faculty at Harvard .As an example,  I'm a big fan of Colin on Photoshop Café, recently he put out a video on how Refine Edge is still in Photoshop. We were 8 weeks ahead of him here on this forum and that the same as eight years in news terms

QUICKLY Replace Backgrounds in PHOTOSHOP + SECRET refine edge in CC 2017 - YouTube

Anyway I'm getting a bit carried away so just let me wish you a very happy Christmas even though the forecast says there will be no snow-to compensate I'll watch the Day After Tomorrow on telly lol

best wishes Terri  




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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BarbBinder wrote:

when I finally stopped I was directly between the front and back legs of a very large draft horse.

Lesson learned: always bring your camera for these situations...


(yes, I took that, but we were already on pretty friendly terms)




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Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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Dag you promised you would never publish the photoshoot I did with you lol




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