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What's new in Photoshop for Adobe MAX 2023?

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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Welcome to Adobe MAX 2023!


It's Adobe MAX time again! The annual creativity conference is hybrid, so even if you couldn't make it live, there is still a lot you can see! Did you know you can Attend MAX Online for free? There are over 200 live and online sessions, plus hands-on workshops, networking opportunities, and more.


 Generative Fill and Generative Expand have been released for both Photoshop and Photoshop web, and with Photoshop on the iPad, you can view generative layer variations created using Photoshop on the desktop and Photoshop on the web.


With Generative AI, you can remove unwanted objects or people from your images, add new objects to your images, change backgrounds, add reflections, extend your images and fill in the blank area, restore damaged or missing parts of your image, and so much more! Check out our quick tips to see how to use it in both desktop and web. 


Check out the list of features below to see what else is new in Photoshop, Photoshop on the iPad, and Photoshop on the web.


What's New in Photoshop



Generative Fill and Generative Expand






Updated Remove tool






Contextual Task Bar Masking updates






Other enhancements and Fixed Issues





To update Photoshop, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating


Photoshop on the iPad



Adobe Camera Raw filter on pixel layers






Color picker and swatches on iPad






Open Lr photos in Ps on the iPad






View generative layer variations in the Properties panel





To update Photoshop on the iPad, check out how to update the apps manually


Photoshop on the web



Take your creativity to the next level






Generative AI capabilities






Learn basic editing concepts






Quick actions for quick edits






Work with anyone on the web





Related Links


Adobe MAX | The Creativity Conference

Learn more about what's in each Release: What's new

To learn more about Generative AI, check out the Photoshop Generative AI FAQs

Learn more about Photoshop: Quick Tips and Photoshop User Guide

If you want to learn about Photoshop on the web, check out Introduction to the workspace





iPadOS , macOS , Web , Windows






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Community Expert ,
Oct 12, 2023 Oct 12, 2023

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I've been having a wonderful time following MAX online, but I soon got out of sync with live presentations and had resort to viewing what became available 'On Demand'.  Call me greedy, but I have high expectations, and despite all of the features coming to the full release Photoshop pre-MAX, I was still hoping for another major Photoshop update during MAX.


We usually look to the Sneak Peeks, for the most salivating news about the most interesting features we can be looking forward to, but this year it was the opening keynote that blew me away, and all the more so as the incredible functions we were hearing about were already available in beta versions if not in full release apps.  I am so going to be getting into Illustrator now — 'Can you identify this font?' questions on the Photoshop forum are never going to be the same again.


I found such a thread at random   and copied this image of some text from the thread.  


I cleaned it up in photoshop leaving just the upper bold text, and pasted it into Illustrator beta.


Remembering that I never use Illustrator, and all I knew was from listening to the keynote, I selected the rectangle containing the text, and selected Type > Retype (which is greyed out in my screen shot because the panel is already open.

It took less than a second to identify the font!



That was impressive, but is nothing compared to what comes next.  Illustrator (beta) took a few moments to download the font, after which I could double click the object which had become LIVE TEXT, and EDIT it!!  What the actual heck?!


I'm obviously impressed by the above, but what really grabbed my attention was the Adobe Express demonstrations.  I have not tried this yet, but they dragged a layered Photoshop document into Adobe Express where they were able to attach different animation styles to individual Photoshop layers.  It was fast, looked easy to do, and the end result beautifully fluid animations with sound.  I predict a lot of SFTW uploads will involve the use of Adobe Express going forward.


Just before MAX I spent some time responding to an Adobe survey which asked a lot of questions about Adobe Express.  I had to say that I knew nothing about it, including that it used to be called Spark, (that I also didn't use).  Now, just a few days later, I am chomping at the bit to get into it! 


I'll leave you with this quote from Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen:

‘ While there’s apprehension about the impact of Ai, I firmly believe that Ai will never replace human ingenuity.’





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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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Thanks for the update on Adobe MAX 2023 and the new features in Photoshop! Looking forward to exploring Generative Fill and other enhancements 👍





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