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Hi guys
I've upgraded to Win7 64-bit and seem to have lost track of where PhotoshopCS6 places the ScriptingListenerJS.log file.
On my old WinXP, this file was automatically placed on the desktop, but in Win7, it's no longer there.
So far, these are the steps I've taken to get the file back on my Win7 desktop:
1. copied the folder named 'Scripting Utilities' into the 'Plug-Ins' folder (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\)
2. created a new folder named 'Automate' within this same 'Plug-Ins' folder
3. placed the file named 'ScriptListener.8li' into the 'ScriptingUtilities' folder.
Now my scripts run fine, but when I try to create a new script, I used to just double-click the file named 'ScriptingListenerJS.log' on the desktop and it would open up the script in a notepad window.
Problem is, as stated above, the ScriptingListenerJS.log file is no longer on the desktop.
Would anyone know how to get that back?
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The ScriptListener.8LI file should go straight in the Plug-Ins folder.
If you have both 64 and 32 bit versions installed, try both plugin folders.
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Hi, thanks-
but how do I edit the script? In my previous setup, I was able to carry out a few processes in Photoshop (for example, select brush tool, then change layers, then choose a color from the swatches). Then, out in my desktop, I would open up the file named 'ScriptingListenerJS.log' and it would open up the script into a notepad file. It was a javascript of the functions I had just performed in Photoshop (select brush, change layers, select a color). So with the script still open in notepad, I would save it as 'my_script.jsx' and every time I ran this .jsx file from now on, it would carry out the above actions automatically in Photoshop. Sorry if I wasn't making sense.
I have found the 'ScriptListener.8li' in the Plug-ins\ScriptingUtilities folder, but don't know what to do with it - I can't edit it in notepad and save it as a .jsx script file.
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Photoshop saves the scriptlistener logs to the desktop on both WindowsXP and Windows7. If you are not seeing the log on the desktop after your upgrade it is because the plugin is not installed. To install you copy 'ScriptListener.8li' from the utilities folder to the plugin folder. If you want the plugin to record in both the 32 and 64 bit versions you need to copy it to each folder. That is to say if it is in the 32bit plugin folder only nothing gets recorded in the 64bit version.
You don't edit the plugin itself. You edit the log. The log is named 'ScriptingListenerJS.log' for the javascript version.
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Thanks Michael. This worked.
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You can sort of add controls to stop and start recording by changing the attributes of the scriptlistener log files. I don't use VBS so I just make the ScriptingListenerVB.log file read only, hidden and system. To keep it out of site mind and empty, I control the javascript log with a BAT file. I have created a shortcut for it when user it opens a small dos window for controlling the log.
@Echo Off
rem Display Log File Size
Dir "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ScriptingListenerJS.log" /T:W /4 | find "%ScriptingListenerJS.log"
rem Display Log Attributes R read only Locked no R log is Unlocked
Attrib "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ScriptingListenerJS.log"
Rem If timeout is use the above display lines will refresh over time else you need to use enter or number
CHOICE /C 123456 /N /T 300 /D 6 /M "Enter:1 to Lock, 2 to Unlock, 3 to Edit, 4 to Clear, 5 To Exit :"
if %ERRORLEVEL%==6 goto timeout
if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 goto one
if %ERRORLEVEL%==2 goto two
if %ERRORLEVEL%==3 goto three
if %ERRORLEVEL%==4 goto four
if %ERRORLEVEL%==5 goto five
goto loop
goto loop
Attrib +R "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ScriptingListenerJS.log"
goto loop
Attrib -R "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ScriptingListenerJS.log"
goto loop
Rem inline command use CMD independate command use start
CMD /C notepad "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ScriptingListenerJS.log"
rem Start notepad "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ScriptingListenerJS.log"
goto loop
Rem If the script log file is unlocked not read only this echo will clear it
Echo. > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ScriptingListenerJS.log"
goto loop
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I have Windows 10 64 bit and Photoshop CS6. I cannot find the ScriptingListener.plugin for CS6 at Photoshop CC add-ons (plug-ins and extensions) . Do you have any ideas where it might be available from an authorized source?
Many Thanks!!!
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Downloadable plug-ins and content in Photoshop
I have these installed in CS6 through CC 2017 however the one I have install id CS2 is different
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Thank you so much! Just the links I needed.
Sincerely, Suzan Ward