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Hi there.
I have images of white label rolls which need a white background for our eccomerce site. I'm having trouble finding a good tutuorial and I just cant get the select and mask tool to work.
I'm using light room for editting then photo shop for background removal
Any info or tutorials would be amazing
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Hi @Krystal Bush ,
It's not clear what your goal is, but if you are trying to eliminate the background, you can use the Pen tool to trace around the rolls of paper, then create a Layer Mask to hide the background. Don't save as a JPEG, which does not support transparency. Use .psd, .tiff, or .png.
Please clarify if this is not what you are asking.
~ Jane
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You don't need white – the white is the paper. Just produce some artwork in black of the lettering. How are the rolls printed?
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I suggest you familiarize yourself with Photoshop’s Pen tool and its use in making Masks. YouTube would be a good source for instruction. To make your job a bit easier, make a copy of the Blue channel and use Curves to increase the object-edge contrast. Use the modified copy of the Blue channel as a guide as you use the Pen tool.