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When imported the PDF gets very light, lines are unreadable, canniot use the magic tool. Only hatch items in autocad are vsiible. Tried changing the layers in autocad and it it does not make any difference. The PDF file itself apears alright. Only after inporting it looks like almost there is nothing to see.
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Please let us know which program you are having problems with. Someone will be along to move this post to the appropriate product forum, where you are more likely to get an answer to your question.
The Using the Community forum is for help in using the Adobe Support Community forums, not for help with specific programs. Product questions should be posted in the associated product community.
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Hello, thanks for a response. It is an issue woth photoshop. The PDF file was imported as usual to do the colour layouts for the presenattion and this is what is giving me, the file was also rasterized... It never has happened before and I have no idea what to do.
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I can't help you with that, as I'm not a real Photoshop user, but I can move this to the Photoshop forum where there are all sorts of experts who can help you.
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Thank you, taht woyuld be very useful!
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Where did you get the option to open as 32 bits/channel? If I open PDFs into Photoshop, the only options are 8 and 16 bits.
32 is for HDR images and overkill for this. Convert to 16 or 8 (Image > Mode). When you do that, you will get a dialog for tone mapping. As you adjust there, make sure to view at 100%.
Photoshop will always rasterize. It's a raster editor, not a vector editor. If this is vector data that you need to treat as vector, use Illustrator.
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Hello ,
Thanks for your answer above. I am still facing same problem taht the lines of PDF is getting almost unvisible, although the file is coverted to 8bit.
And this is happening with a full PDF file sized or reduced. The actual pdf looks like this, ovbviiusly when inserting I use the grayscale.
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That red is actually pretty light. Don't open as grayscale. Open as RGB, and then use the green or blue channel. They will both show that red color as pretty dark, so just see which one looks best.
Click the channel in the Channels panel, select all and copy.
Now you have several choices of what to do with this green/blue channel information. You can go back to full RGB view and paste it on top, or you can save it out in a new document. I'd recommend the first for now. RGB is much more reliably handled in all other applications. Grayscale is pretty unpredictable.
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Thank you but it seems like a not a normal way to upload the pdf. The lines on the red pdf ar very well visible, whereas when uploading it almost dissapears, onlythe hatched area stays.
There must be another explanation why this turns thsi way.
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Playing with channels did not help and also it doesn`t matter if it is uploaded in CMYK , RGB grayscale or other, really does not seem more visible.
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Here's what I get from your original (red) PNG, and zoomed in to 600%. Looks pretty clean to me, there's nothing to improve here - short of redrawing the lines thicker:
Where does PDF come into the picture here? Any reason you can't use the PNG you enclosed?