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Community Beginner ,
Jan 05, 2022 Jan 05, 2022

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Hey Photoshop team,

Thank you for changing basically every fundamental I've known in this software for the past decade.

I'm extremely happy to lose time researching things like why the pen tool lines are invisible unless I create an IK handle. Love that I have to hit control now to toggle visibility of the transform controls even though the box is checked to show it. I love that control+H has no clear indication of what it hides, unhides, or why. I love having to scour forums every time I update to see who else is pulling their hair out and screaming at their monitor to find solutions.

Who exactly are you catering to with these incredibly obnoxious changes? Back in the day, did John Knoll and team intentionally make photoshop hard to use so only those dedicated enough would make it through? Because now that there are those of us who did make it through - learning how to operate a software that functions seemingly backwards sometimes - I'm personally pretty steamed you overhauled it to cater to the instant gratification generation.
Is it so kids on intragram can use adobe on their phones? Photo filter and done, no other tools needed? Because it certainly feels that way.

It seems like you just left everyone loyal to your software behind.

I'm thrilled that after more than 15 years of figuring out all the nuances of Photoshop, that you've overhauled it to a level that makes me want to give up on Adobe entirely.
And can I revert? Oh of course not. Yet again, Adobe thinks the latest is the greatest, and that's literally never been the case.

5.5 continues to be that last remaining example of care.

And to anyone trying to help. No.






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Community Expert ,
Jan 05, 2022 Jan 05, 2022

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For those of us who've used this a long time, like you, I think many of us feel some of your pain. Some of these changes are hard to learn or get used to. But, this is a user-to-user forum. If we can help with specific issues and maybe find some work-arounds, please let us know. 

Adobe Community Expert / Adobe Certified Instructor





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Guide ,
Jan 05, 2022 Jan 05, 2022

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Part of your message indicates compatibility issues. Try activating the deactivate native canvas option in preferences -> technology previews.


I have been working with Photoshop for over 20 years and have never had any problems adapting to new versions. Yes, there were bugs, bad decisions, but in general I like the direction in which the program is developing now. Thanks to new tools and functions, I can do the same work that I did 5 years ago much faster and better.


Of course, if you have ignored updates for several decades, then you may have some problems adapting to new features, but the same is true for any other software.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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It's not that I have problems adapting to new versions, it's that I'm sick of adapting to new versions.

Perhaps the needs of others are met, and it's just mine that consistently aren't - and good for you if you love it. I hate it.

I work(ed) faster in previous versions simply because I don't have to relearn the software to accomplish very menial tasks.

Honestly, sometimes I can get things done faster in gimp than photoshop simply because they didn't try fix something that wasn't broken.

For instance, changing things like holding shift to maintain shape properties while scaling, to work the opposite way after almost 20 years, is just flat-out annoying.

Of course I can adjust, it's just grating each time because after years of it being the same, it's basically muscle memory, and now it's backwards. And you keep making fundamental changes like that and it all seems wildly unnecessary.
You can probably change it in the options, I don't know, and you changing base features it is what forces me not to care. Again, it's just annoying. Maybe that sounds like a personal problem, maybe it is, but there's always been the fallback of previous versions if I hate the new. No more though.

I think I'm just going to retire from Adobe software. It's not worth it for me anymore.

It's also extra annoying to come on here to air grievances about the new software only to hear,

"Sounds like you're the problem."

I agree, but kick rocks anyway.
I'm out.





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Guide ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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Any company strives to simplify its software and make it more accessible to a larger number of users. If users in 90% of cases use proportional transformation, then why force them to press shift? I would not say that this is "breaking" the function, it is just adapting to the user experience and it's great that Adobe tries to analyze such things.

Yes, I, like you, have clamped this damn shift in the process of transformation for 20 years and now I just cannot work without it 🙂 Fortunately, everything is easy to return back:

2022-01-07_22-30-07.pngexpand image






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Community Expert ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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>> If users in 90% of cases use proportional transformation, then why force them to press shift? 


I just wish the other Adobe apps would follow suit. The biggest issue is remembering that programs resize with the shift key and what once don't (this affects the video software too). 

David Creamer: Community Expert (ACI and ACE 1995-2023)





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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Couldn't agree more - there's little consistency between programs. You can redo hot keys, but by default it's things like control+J to duplicate a layer in photoshop, being met with control+D to duplicate in aftereffects, that really what irritate me. Like, that can't have been majority preference, yet here we are.

And to your point, I honestly understand why they would change it to cater to how users want it - how it makes sense. However, when you've spent years learning it backwards because that's how it was designed, it's annoying to have it suddenly be the opposite. Yes it's more sensible now, but nobody who has spent 10-20 years in Adobe software can say its functionality has ever been all that sensible - so it feels like all that effort put into learning it the frustrating way was for nothing. Like, why couldn't it have been sensible the whole time? Why now all the changes? They spent years ignoring people, and now that they have infinitely more subscribers they're finally making it make sense - to the chagrin of some long-time users like me who spent years claiming victory over photoshop projects that felt way too hard for what you got.

For me personally, one can only be so consistently annoyed, and enough is enough.





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Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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Perhaps it's because Ps is only application where majority of users like new way of transform.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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I have to remember that the transform function in Vanishing Point still uses the "old way," even after I'm used to the "new way." (Which I like; spares me from holding down Shift all the time. I can image the chaos this will create once---if ever---it migrates to the other apps.)


Carry on, everyone.  xD





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Community Expert ,
Jan 05, 2022 Jan 05, 2022

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Everything is changing, everything. I am also frustrated many times but... Others are changing too... Take a look at web page for example. Can you compare to web page before 10 or 15 years? Ridiculous change. Add on web page and other things that are changing around us and other and other.... And then and Photoshop... I understand you but thats how things works and they must adopt and think more about feature not past generations as we all do.





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Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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Some Adobe customers hates two things: Change and the way things are. 

jazz-y has one solution to this specific 'issue'.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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Although, ask yourself why the forums exist in the first place.





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