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Working with very large formats issues(PSB)

Community Beginner ,
Nov 12, 2019 Nov 12, 2019

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computer 1 specscomputer 1 specsI am currently and recently working with PSB, VERY Large file. When I mean large, I mean VERY VERY large files.  The work is destined for print so I work in 300dpi.  The file resolution is :

126600x33150px wich means 422inchesx110.5inches this is the real final print size. 


So here are my concerns or bugs. 

A)So far as I know, no CAPS LOCK Button can disable rendering while you do some manipulations like in After Effects.  Sometimes we just know the right sequence and we know we don't want to wait for Photoshop to wait for calculations of unwanted calculations. 

B)When using large brushes, the app crashes espacially if brushes dynamics is unwantedly kept on.

C) Largest brush isn't often large enough for the work

D) Using only 75-76% of RAM (Altough I've seen an improvement in the recent updated because it was capped at 50%. Good job! now let's go to 90%-95%)

E)The function to cancel a save takes an eternity and often crash the app.  Same with cancelling a gradient. Or doing another go on a large brushes while the brushes hasn't finished "printing on the screen"

F)There is no fuction to "save as" in queue while a "save" is occuring.  Most of the time, you know when you need a different disk based version to show or to come back after approval. 

G)I am waiting for the functions to arrive and guessing when the next click can happen, please insert a spinning wheel in history when the app is taking time to process or something next to the zoom amount so we know that it's processing like a slow web page. 


Questions ?:

1) Could there be a verbose terminal panel, something very geek for very large prints geeks ?

2) I am limited in composition size from After effects but all I need is a freeze frame from RedGiant TRAPCODE plugins, Is there a way to install those in PS or to bypass comp size in AE so we don't need to upscale in PS ?

3)Could there be a function to paste from Illustrator a path but to be directly pasted as a selection (an option under shape layer).  The four given options and limitative and are not working as great as in After Effects. 

4)Cineware (C4D lite plugin) for PS have you taught about it ? again an upscale problem. 

5)When is arriving the function to transform in Z like in AE? "Skew" is so oldschool and hard to work with.  The "3D" panel seems like a new functions but haven't tried


Jonathan that feels good to express himself while waiting for a PNG save wich will probably crash, stuck at 94% for an hour now. 


Let me know what you feel about all those questions and remarks. 


Sorry if I've been sounding pissed off.  I shoudl have said all those as separate topics long time ago 😉


Can't send the image or printscreen over the internet cause I don't own the right over the subjects faces.









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Community Beginner ,
Nov 12, 2019 Nov 12, 2019

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while saving only one doc at a timewhile saving only one doc at a timepart of the layer listpart of the layer listSwap is empty when photoshop is closedSwap is empty when photoshop is closed



Ethernet 2 is 10gbps for the NAS

Ethernet 1 is the actual internet 1gbps


All SSDs except for the NAS wich is RAID 10





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Community Expert ,
Nov 13, 2019 Nov 13, 2019

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"The work is destined for print so I work in 300dpi."


That's where you misunderstand. 300ppi is for book and magazine print to be viewed from less than arm's length. At these sizes it will be seen from much farther away, so the resolution requirements drop dramatically. This would normally be printed at 10 to 25 ppi! That would give the same optical resolution when you stand far enough back to take it all in. It would look equally crisp and sharp, with as much detail.


It's not about absolute pixels per inch. It's about degrees of arc in your total field of vision. A general rule of thumb is that a good, high resolution file from a high-end camera (around 8000 pixels) will work for anything, magazine spread, posters, billboards, anything. As size goes up, ppi goes down. For very special purposes, you might need to stitch a couple of those files to get up to 15 000 or 25 000 pixels. That's already a huge file covering almost any imaginable situation, and anything beyond that is usually wasted.


All that said. With these huge file sizes, forget about RAM. It's irrelevant, a drop in the ocean. This will all happen on your scratch disk. You'd need at least a 1TB dedicated disk just for scratch, probably more. There can't be anything else on it, Photoshop will need the whole disk.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2019 Nov 13, 2019

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Thank you for your response, Will buy a second SWAP SSD disk of 2TB sooner or later.

I know it seems wicked, but this print goes into an corridor. Therefore it is going to be seen a one and a half arm length 😉 Should have used 200dpi ? Max AE comp size is a drop in this panoramical so does 8000px.  So for particular and 3D models, it has to be upscaled.  Have a lot of workaround in this project, just wish all was more integrated --> Think outside the box | #thinkoutsideorregularworkflow


For another landscape panoramical, I've been stitching 20X45mbpx pixels photos, the result is awesome but when to a lot of crashes.  Old project, very easy compared to this project.Old project, very easy compared to this project.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 27, 2019 Nov 27, 2019

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Follow up, bought and installed a 2TB crucial SSD alondside of the 500gb and configured PS to use them both. 





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