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Changing the image size in this example from 21 cm width to 180 cm will cause Photohsop to create an image with 185 cm in width because pixel dimesnions ar calculated wrongly!?
Changing image size from 21 cm to 180 cm shows a expected result with 21260 pixels.
BUT: The resulting image has a size of 185 cm with 21936 pixels width?
Adobe, what to do here?
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Kinf of funny fact: Resizing the image from 21 cm to 179.9 cm will end up in the right dimensions!
Does Photoshop not like the number 180?
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Hi @defaulto751l8rzzfpt ,
I noticed that the height also increased to 117cm.
What happens if you take it to 10cm again? Does it work?
This is perculiar behavior.
Try quitting Photoshop and coming back in, our reset your preferences.
Let us know how you go
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It is not related to prefs or closing / opening the programm.
179.99 will work.
And 180.00 will fail, too!
At least images shlould be resized correctly ...
The bug will always cause the same wrong result in size.
Going back to 10 cm will create 12.33 cm in width.
Maybe it deals with embedded Illustrator smart objects. This really sucks ...
Adobe ... unbelievable.
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I am not following the steps to reproduce here. If I start with a document that is 21cm x 13.24cm and change the 21cm to 180cm in the Image Size dialog, the file ends up being 180cm x 13.44 cm. What is the size of your original document? You may need to create a video or provide exact steps to reproduce.