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Your opinions needed for a macropad layout

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Nov 11, 2022 Nov 11, 2022

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Hello fellow Photoshop users,

I am part of the team behind developing ChonkerKeys. We are working on something new and we want to get your opinion. ChonkerKeys is a macropad where you can configure individual keys to send shortcut keys. The keys are also removable. We have a use case for video conferencing, but we are looking to make them more useful for other things.

I am currently working out layouts for Photoshop and also for general computing use. Here are some computer rendered layouts. Which ones do you think is most useful to you? Are we missing any shortcuts that you use most frequently? Any comments?

ps essentials layout1.jpgps actions labeled2.jpggeneral computing labeled.jpgWe are aware the keys are big, but it is easier for you to press the big buttons when placed further away from your keyboard, right?

These are not for sale yet - we just want your opinion. What do you think?

Actions and scripting , macOS , Windows




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Nov 11, 2022 Nov 11, 2022

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"Ideas" are meant for Adobe interanl feature requests, so I've moved this to a regular discussion, even more so since there is a bug/ limitation where users are not able to reply more than once. Having it as a regular Discussion may be more useful to actually garner feedback. That said, based on your 3D renders I would likely not have much use for any such device. The keys you mapped out are basically ones that most PS users have muscle memory for and generic keys like save operations or copy & paste make the least sense. They are easily accessible on the keyboard with the left hand and the Ctrl key. Same for standard adjustments and all that. If at all I'd be more interested in mapping keys/ functions that are buried in nested menus or panels like selecting channels and such. Likewise there could be some wisdom in the keys auto-mapping to the open documents so you don't have to jump through the window lists and can navigate quicker.






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Guide ,
Nov 11, 2022 Nov 11, 2022

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Photoshop has above 1000 commands available to launch from the keyboard. Users use this program in a variety of scenarios - from simple color corrections for social networks to professional photo processing for printing. Some even use it to make short animations. Do you think it's possible to find 12 keyboard shortcuts that are comfortable for all these people? 🙂 And not just hotkeys, but hotkeys for which you want to take your hand off the keyboard or mouse and press on an external keyboard?


I use two POS keyboards - 24 keys x 2 layers (for basic processing) and 12 keys x 2 layers + jog&dial (for processing in camera raw and working with tools). Not a single key is programmed for a standard action that I can easily do from a standard keyboard - these are either complex shortcuts that I'm just too lazy to press on a regular keyboard, or macros (sequences of clicks leading to a specific result), or running scripts that complement the functionality of Photoshop and implement the functions I need. I would never put simple commands on an additional keyboard that I can easily call from the standard keyboard.




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Nov 11, 2022 Nov 11, 2022

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Make it 100% customizable, so any key can trigger any shortcut or key combo (look at how Wacom handles tablet buttons.) Otherwise it will never sell.




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New Here ,
Nov 13, 2022 Nov 13, 2022

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Yes thanks for the comment, it's customizable, which you can rearrange and configure the key combo with the software. What would be you favourite key combo?




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Nov 14, 2022 Nov 14, 2022

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I'm not sure I would have use for this, either at work or home. I have limited desktop space and USB ports.




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