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[Feature Request] Layer-specific symmetry

New Here ,
Sep 09, 2024 Sep 09, 2024

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The symmetry tool has been one of my most regularly used tools since its introduction since as a concept artist I'm often designing symmetrical things.


However, when I work I tend to have multiple drawings spread out on my canvas, and I'll bounce between them as I work, which means having to recreate the axis of symmetry whenever I do this.

I know I could just center everything on the same axis, but that would mean having to constantly hide/unhide whatever I'm not working on, and I'd also miss out on being able to view all the work at once.


So I'd love the ability to assign a unique axis of symmetry to an individual layer (or group!) that functions identically to the current tool, and then be able to (with a keyboard shortcut) toggle between the global symmetry I've defined and the layer-specific ones. And ideally, I'd be able to redraw any axis without affecting other existing ones, whether global or layer-specific.


Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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