Hi Adobe,
Upon a latest tech help to fix Creative Cloud from a persistent login issue (which still has me login every..single...time I use Adobe products) , Adobe did a fine job of erasing my 2018 version of Photoshop. Now I'm stuck using the latest one, which isn't really that different, but there's one thing that is super annoying.
Upon Save For Web, the Filename extension is highlighted for easy type/replace naming. The really extremely annoying thing is that it highlights the whole dang file including extension. So when I rename the file it removes the extension. (!??!)
It's Save for Web -- I ALREADY KNOW IT'S A PNG.
What's worse is if I forget to re-type the stupid extension before hitting enter upon rename, I have to go back into Finder (OS X), locate the file and then add the dang extension. It then asks if I want to rename the extensinon, I select yes and then return to Photoshop.
I work in ad priduction. Do you know how many times I have to save for web images in my day?
Easily over a hundred, I could scream.
Please, please, PLEAAASE fix Save For Web to NOT highlight the extension upon rename/export.
Thank you.