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Catalog conversion fails from PSE2018 to PSE2022

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Jun 29, 2022 Jun 29, 2022

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I tried to convert my PSE2018 Catalog to PSE2022 on a Win10 PC. It contains over 23k items and the conversion fails at aprox. 57% with an error. It says I shall repair the catalog. If I do 2018 says there is no error, but I can force the repair which ends succesfully. But it does not help for the conversion. I found the hint to copy the catalog folder and delete the thumb cache file. Also not successful. This is the output of the logfile:

copying entire catalog directory...

copying entire catalog directory done

renaming the db file...

renaming the db file done

converting to current schema...

converting to current schema done

opening amoc catalog...

opening amoc catalog done

converting flash galleries...

converting flash galleries done

changing volume type for other creations...

changing volume type for other creations done

flattening 3gpp files, removing j2k files...

flattening 3gpp files, removing j2k files done

converting network paths to relative paths...

converting network paths to relative paths done

cleaning sync file path indexes...

cleaning sync file path indexes done

Deleteing People Tag Icons BLOBs

Deleteing People Tag Icons BLOBs Done

Clearing of Face Data

The database file is corrupt.
conversion log: Conversion Failed


Some help out there?

Organizer , Problem or error , Windows






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Community Expert ,
Jun 29, 2022 Jun 29, 2022

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Hi @Philipp250577008fzm 

The log file suggests that the issue is with:

"Clearing of Face Data

The database file is corrupt."


So, my guess is that the corruption is in the sqlite database 'FaceAnalysis.cache' in the 'FaceAnalysis' subfolder in your catalog folder.

I can''t check it myself since I never use face recognition, but I can imagine that the 'repair' step you have attempted deals with the main sqlite database 'catalog.pse16db' which is not corrupt. There are other sqlite databases in your main catalog: the thumbnail cache and the FaceAnalysis cache.

I have no inside info about how the 'repair' command works internally, but it's possible to use an sqlite utitility to ask the database engine to attempt the repair (just a guess).

What you can do without risk to troubleshoot the issue and confirm the face analysis corruption would be to get back to the original PSE2018 catalog and to create a copy of the catalog. Open that catalog and in the preferences, Media Analysis... Reset Face Analysis. You'll lose face analysis for the catalog copy, but the conversion might work like in the other post you mentionned about deleting the thumbnail cache.

I have doubts about the ability of the 'repair' function to solve corruption issues with accessory sqlite databases in the catalog.






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New Here ,
Jul 01, 2022 Jul 01, 2022

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Hi @MichelBParis 


thxs for the hint. Uncheck and reset did not work. I deleted the FaceAnalysis Subfolder and the conversion worked. Have to look now what is missing.





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